NETWAP - NETwork of small "in situ" WAste Prevention and management intiatives

Principal investigator
Program: Program prekogranične suradnje INTERREG V-A Italija – Hrvatska 2014.-2020.
Nositelj projekta: Grad Zadar
The overall objective of NETWAP project is to face potential environmental damages and to improve the quality of the maritime environment in selected territories of the cooperation area, through the enforcement of local communities' awareness, knowhow and decision autonomy toward a sustainable waste management methodology based on innovative technologies and procedures.
NETWAP main results are both the development, testing and validation of a cross-border methodology addressing waste management in small communities under touristic pressure and the reduction of environmental impact of organic waste and plastic to water and soil pollution in the targeted Italian and Croatian Adriatic Region.
The methodology will improve the capacity of the authorities and the citizenship to implement correct waste management procedures and to activate an effective mechanism for seasonal increase of waste. Pilot waste model will be installed on the island of Ist and instruments for collecting the micro plastic will be installed in the Adriatic sea.