Laboratory for physical chemistry of traces
The members of laboratory are involved in fundamental and applied electrochemical research and in determinations of traces of matter in the environment by complementary physical and chemical methods.
Head Of Laboratory

The members of laboratory are involved in fundamental and applied electrochemical research and in determinations of traces of matter in the environment by complementary physical and chemical methods. The equilibrium conditions, kinetics and mechanisms of biogeochemical interactions of heavy metals with macro- and micro-constituents and organic matter in the model and natural aquatic systems are investigated. Analytical techniques for the metal speciation measurements are improved and the reactivity of heavy metals is studied. Electrochemical reactions that start at the contact of an electrode, a liquid electrolyte and insoluble micro-particles of electro-active solids are examined by voltammetric, amperometric, potentiometric and chronocoulometric methods, with the purpose to explain the mechanisms of electrode reactions of micro-crystals of various organic compounds.