Adriatic coastal areas science-based solutions for climate adaptation (AdriaClimPlus)

Participants of the AdriaClimPlus kick-off meeting held in Lecce, Italy (23-24 April 2024)
Principal investigator
Climate change and disaster risk prevention are amongst the highest priorities for the IT-HR Programme area because of the serious threats (e.g. sea-level rise, coastal erosion and extreme meteorological phenomena) hampering its rich but fragile cultural and natural heritage. Ad-apt will build upon previous national and international activities and will advance the monitoring capacity of the coastal meteo-ocean physical, chemical, biological and ecosystem coastal ocean structure; consolidate the climate downscaling modelling tools from the basin scale to the coasts encompassing all relevant processes; further develop the sharing of consolidated protocols and best practices/management systems among key decision makers and practitioners through a well-structured work plan and an integrated approach, in which every partner from both sides of the Adriatic Sea will bring significant expertise, knowledge and network. The main objective of the Ad-apt proposal is to develop a shared framework for advancing knowledge and proposing optimal solutions for climate change adaptation in the Adriatic basin and its coastal areas. Ad-apt activities will be carried out at an Adriatic basin scale and focusing on 7 pilot areas, 2 in Croatia and 5 in Italy, to deliver results and outputs that will better support stakeholders' adaptation planning needs in the Programme area, at basin and regional scales. Ad-apt integrated and scaled approach will advance scientific knowledge of coastal climate change, will develop digital tools to propose and test adaptation strategies and new actions for the stakeholders to make decisions on climate change adaptation, and will improve awareness about climate change effects on the coastal zone environment and local economic activities. Information events, summer schools, and training courses, among others, will allow engaging with society and stakeholders and disseminating the results of Ad-apt to a wider audience at the basin scale, promoting cross-fertilization and mutual dialogue.