Dr. Anja Barešić
Ruđer Bošković Institute
Bijenička 54
HR-10000 Zagreb
2012. Doctoral degree, “Structural analysis of single amino acid polymorphisms”, University College London, United Kingdom, supervisor: Prof. Andrew C. R. Martin
2005. Undergraduate degree, Division of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia
2021-2025: "Exploring Interactions Between Regulatory Variants in Human Disease Context, IntRegVar" (UIP-2020-02-1623)
2022-2023: "Genomic context analysis of clinically-relevant disease-associated variants in zinc finger proteins (mis-ZFs)" (Croatian-German bilateral with dr. Davor Lessel's group)
2023-2025: "Artificial intelligence for smart healthcare and medicine, AI4Health.Cro" (DIGITAL-2021-EDIH-01-101083735)
Publications - journal articles
Pregledni rad (znanstveni)
Meštrović, Tomislav ; Matijašić, Mario ; Perić, Mihaela ; Čipčić Paljetak, Hana ; Barešić, Anja ; Verbanac, Donatella | The role of gut, vaginal, and urinary microbiome in urinary tract infections: from bench to bedside // Diagnostics, 11 (2021), 1; 7, 12. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics11010007
doidoi.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Matijašić, Mario ; Meštrović, Tomislav ; Čipčić Paljetak, Hana ; Perić, Mihaela ; Barešić, Anja ; Verbanac, Donatella | Gut Microbiota beyond Bacteria—Mycobiome, Virome, Archaeome, and Eukaryotic Parasites in IBD // International journal of molecular sciences, 21 (2020), 8; 2668, 21. doi: 10.3390/ijms21082668
doiwww.mdpi.com -
Harmston, Nathan ; Barešić, Anja ; Lenhard, Boris | The mystery of extreme non-coding conservation // Philosophical transactions of the royal society of london series b-biological sciences, 368 (2013), 1632; 20130021, 12. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2013.0021
doiroyalsocietypublishing.org -
Leskovar, Dunja ; Meštrović, Tomislav ; Barešić, Anja ; Kraljević, Ivana ; Panek, Marina ; Čipčić Paljetak, Hana ; Perić, Mihaela ; Matijašić, Mario ; Rogić, Dunja ; Barišić, Ana et al. | The Role of Vitamin D in Inflammatory Bowel Disease – Assessing Therapeutic and Preventive Potential of Supplementation and Food Fortification // Food technology and biotechnology, 56 (2018), 4; 456-463. doi: 10.17113/ftb.
Izvorni znanstveni rad
Mandić, Katarina; Milutin Gašperov, Nina; Božinović, Ksenija; Dediol, Emil; Krasić, Jure; Sinčić, Nino; Grce, Magdalena; Sabol, Ivan; Barešić, Anja | Integrative analysis in head and neck cancer reveals distinct role of miRNome and methylome as tumour epigenetic drivers // Scientific reports, 14 (2024), 9062, 12. doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-59312-z
doifulir.irb.hrwww.ebi.ac.ukwww.ebi.ac.ukwww.ebi.ac.uk -
Raos, Dora; Oršolić, Davor; Mašić, Silvija; Tomić, Miroslav; Krasić, Jure; Tomašković, Igor; Nikolac Gabaj, Nora; Gelo, Nina; Kaštelan, Željko; Kuliš, Tomislav et al. | cfDNA methylation in liquid biopsies as potential testicular seminoma biomarker // Epigenomics, 14 (2022), 23; 1493-1507. doi: 10.2217/epi-2022-0331
doipubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.govwww.futuremedicine.com -
Čipčić Paljetak, Hana ; Barešić, Anja ; Panek, Marina ; Perić, Mihaela ; Matijašić, Mario ; Lojkić, Ivana ; Barišić, Ana ; Vranešić Bender, Darija ; Ljubas Kelečić, Dina ; Brinar, Marko et al. | Gut microbiota in mucosa and feces of newly diagnosed, treatment-naïve adult inflammatory bowel disease and irritable bowel syndrome patients // Gut microbes, 14 (2022), 1; e2083419, 21. doi: 10.1080/19490976.2022.2083419
doiwww.tandfonline.comdoi.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Harmston, Nathan ; Ing-Simmons, Elizabeth ; Perry, Malcolm ; Barešić, Anja ; Lenhard, Boris | GenomicInteractions: An R/Bioconductor package for manipulating and investigating chromatin interaction data // Bmc genomics, 16 (2015), 963, 9. doi: 10.1186/s12864-015-2140-x
doibmcgenomics.biomedcentral.combmcgenomics.biomedcentral.com -
Izarzugaza, Jose MG ; Hopcroft, Lisa EM ; Baresic, Anja ; Orengo, Christine A ; Martin, Andrew CR ; Valencia, Alfonso | Characterization of pathogenic germline mutations in human Protein Kinases // BMC bioinformatics, 12 (2011), S4; S1, 10. doi: 10.1186/1471-2105-12-S4-S1
doibmcbioinformatics.biomedcentral.combmcbioinformatics.biomedcentral.com -
Barešić, Anja ; Hopcroft, Lisa E.M. ; Rogers, Hubert H. ; Hurst, Jacob M. ; Martin, Andrew C.R. | Compensated Pathogenic Deviations: Analysis of Structural Effects // Journal of molecular biology, 396 (2010), 1; 19-30. doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2009.11.002
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Northey, Thomas C ; Barešić, Anja ; Martin, Andrew C R | IntPred: a structure-based predictor of protein–protein interaction sites // Bioinformatics, 34 (2017), 2; 223-229. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btx585
doiacademic.oup.comacademic.oup.com -
Lessel, Davor ; Gehbauer, Christina ; Bramswig, Nuria C ; Schluth-Bolard, Caroline ; Venkataramanappa, Sathish ; van Gassen, Koen L I ; Hempel, Maja ; Haack, Tobias B ; Baresic, Anja ; Genetti, Casie A et al. | BCL11B mutations in patients affected by a neurodevelopmental disorder with reduced type 2 innate lymphoid cells // Brain, 141 (2018), 8; 2299-2311. doi: 10.1093/brain/awy173
doiacademic.oup.comacademic.oup.com -
Barešić, Anja ; Nash, Alexander Jolyon ; Dahoun, Tarik ; Howes, Oliver ; Lenhard, Boris | Understanding the genetics of neuropsychiatric disorders: the potential role of genomic regulatory blocks // Molecular psychiatry, 25 (2020), 1; 6-18. doi: 10.1038/s41380-019-0518-x
doiwww.nature.com -
Panek, Marina ; Čipčić Paljetak, Hana ; Barešić, Anja ; Perić, Mihaela ; Matijašić, Mario ; Lojkić, Ivana ; Vranešić Bender, Darija ; Krznarić, Željko ; Verbanac, Donatella | Methodology challenges in studying human gut microbiota – effects of collection, storage, DNA extraction and next generation sequencing technologies // Scientific reports, 8 (2018), 5143, 13. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-23296-4
doiwww.nature.com Leskovar, Dunja ; Kraljević, Ivana ; Panek, Marina ; Kunović, Ana ; Meštrović, Tomislav ; Perić, Mihalea ; Čipčić Paljetak, Hana ; Matijašić, Mario ; Barešić, Anja ; Vranešić Bender, Darija et al. | Vitamin D u bolesnika sa sindromom iritabilnoga crijeva – status i modulatorni čimbenici // Medix (Zagreb), 14 (2018), 132; 201-219
Izarzugaza, Jose MG ; Baresic, Anja ; McMillan, Lisa EM ; Yeats, Corin ; Clegg, Andrew B ; Orengo, Christine A ; Martin, Andrew CR ; Valencia, Alfonso | An integrated approach to the interpretation of Single Amino Acid Polymorphisms within the framework of CATH and Gene3D // BMC bioinformatics, 10 (2009), S8; S5, 8. doi: 10.1186/1471-2105-10-s8-s5
Publications - conference proceedings
Izvorni znanstveni rad
Gajović, Srećko ; Furić Čunko, Vesna ; Mitrečić, Dinko ; Barešić, Anja ; Murselović, Tamara ; Kostović-Knežević, Ljiljana | Analysis of Stam2 function in mouse brain: expression pattern and brain morphology studies. // Proceedings of 8th Multinational Congress on Microscopy. | 2007. str. 425-426
Barešić, Anja ; Furić Čunko, Vesna ; Mitrečić, Dinko ; Mavrić, Sandra ; Belovari, Tatjana ; Kostović-Knežević, Ljiljana ; Gajović, Srećko | Microscopy in the brain phenotype analysis of mice with gene trap modification of Stam2 gene. // Proceedings of 3rd Serbian Congress for Microscopy. | 2007. str. 169-170
Sažetak izlaganja sa skupa
Stepanić, Višnja ; Barešić, Anja; Kulikovskikh, Ilona; Šmuc, Tomislav | Invitation to enhance capacities for technology transfer, company building and innovations in the field of ICT in the Danube region // Book of abstracts: 10th Regional Biophysics Conference & 15th International Summer School of Biophysics / Dolanski Babić, Sanja; Dutour Sikirić, Maja; Stepanić, Višnja et al. (ur.). | Split: Hrvatsko Biofizičko Društvo, 2024. str. 58-58
Čipčić Paljetak, Hana ; Perić, Mihaela ; Barešić, Anja ; Matijašić, Mario | Minute for IBD - priča koja traje. | 2022
(MINUTEforIBD) Peric, Mihaela ; Panek, Marina ; Čipčić Paljetak, Hana ; Barešić, Anja ; Matijašić, Mario ; Verbanac, Donatella. | Studying human gut microbiota methodology challenges // Congress of the Croatian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. | 2019. str. 57-57
(MINUTEforIBD) Peric, Mihaela ; Čipčić Paljetak, Hana ; Barešić, Anja ; Matijašić, Mario | Minute4IBD, pregled rezultata. | 2021
Perić, Mihaela ; Čipčić Paljetak, Hana ; Barešić, Anja ; Matijašić, Mario ; Panek, Marina ; Meštrović, Tomislav ; Vranešić Bender, Darija ; Barišić, Ana ; Čuković-Čavka, Silvija ; Brinar, Marko et al. | Mucosa-associated Microbiota in the Gastrointestinal Tract of Adult, Newly Diagnosed, Treatment-naïve Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Patients // Exploring Human Host-Microbiome Interactions in Health and Disease : Abstract book. | Cambridge, 2019, P31, 1
Panek, Marina ; Perić, Mihaela ; Barešić, Anja ; Čipčić Paljetak, Hana ; Matijašić, Mario ; Vranešić Bender, Darija ; Kunović, Ana ; Krznarić, Željko ; Verbanac, Donatella | Methodology challenges in studying human gut microbiota. | 2016. str. 1-1
Krznarić, Željko ; Panek, Marina ; Perić, Mihaela ; Čipčić Paljetak, Hana ; Matijašić, Mario ; Barešić, Anja ; Vranešić Bender, Darija ; Kunović, Ana ; Čuković Čavka, Silvija ; Brinar, Marko et al. | Faecal microbiota composition in adult, newly diagnosed, treatment-naïve IBD patients. | 2018. str. 1-1
Krznarić Željko ; Perić Mihaela ; Čipčić Paljetak Hana ; Matijašić Mario ; Panek Marina ; Barešić Anja ; Vranešić Bender Darija ; Kunović Ana ; Čuković Čavka Silvija ; Brinar Marko et al. | Assessment of microbiota, inflammatory markers, nutritional and endocrinological status in IBD patients - Minute for IBD. | 2017. str. 1-1
Čipčić Paljetak Hana ; Barešić Anja ; Perić Mihaela ; Panek Marina ; Matijašić Mario ; Vranešić Bender Darija ; Kunović Ana ; Krznarić Željko ; Verbanac Donatella | Methodology challenges in studying human gut microbiota – comparison of illumina and Ion Torrent NGS platforms. | 2016. str. 1-1
Panek Marina ; Perić Mihaela ; Barešić Anja ; Čipčić Paljetak Hana ; Matijašić Mario ; Kunović Ana ; Vranešić-Bender Darija ; Urek Marija ; Krznarić Željko ; Verbanac Donatella | Translational research in Croatia – combining clinical knowledge and advanced technologies for studying IBD. | 2016. str. 1-1
Panek, Marina ; Verbanac Donatella ; Perić Mihaela ; Barešić Anja ; Čipčić Paljetak Hana ; Matijašić Mario ; Ljubas Kelečić Dina ; Brinar Marko ; Urek Marija ; Turk Nikša et al. | Project “Minute for IBD” in Croatia – translational approach to microbiota composition assessment. | 2016
Perić, Mihaela ; Panek, Marina ; Barešić, Anja ; Čipčić Paljetak, Hana ; Matijašić, Mario ; Ljubas Kelečić, Dina ; Brinar, Marko ; Urek, Marija ; Turk, Nikša ; Verbanac, Donatella et al. | Evaluation of human faecal microbiota content by 16S rRNA analysis using different collection, storage and DNA extraction methods – OMNIgene.GUT case study // Journal of International Society of Microbiota. | Pariz, 2015. str. 107-107
Gajović, Srećko ; Ćurlin, Marija ; Furić Čunko, Vesna ; Mitrečić, Dinko ; Mavrić, Sandra ; Barešić, Anja ; Murselović, Tamara ; Kostović-Knežević, Ljiljana | Endosomes and nervous system: Expression and function of mouse Stam2 gene. // Global College for Neuroprotection and Neuroregeneration. | Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 2007
Gajović, Srećko ; Mitrečić, Dinko ; Furić Čunko, Vesna ; Ćurlin, Marija ; Barešić, Anja ; Murselović, Tamara ; Mavrić, Sandra ; Kostović-Knežević, Ljiljana | Getting insight in gene function in the mouse brain – a Stam2 perspecitive. // 2nd Croatian Congress of Neuroscience. | Zagreb, 2007
Pregledni rad (znanstveni)
Keber, Miha; Grubišić, Ivan; Barešić, Anja; Jović, Alan | A Review on Neuro-symbolic AI Improvements to Natural Language Processing // Proceedings of 47th ICT and Electronics Convention (MIPRO) / Skala, Karolj; Mornar, Vedran (ur.). | Rijeka: Croatian Society for Information, Communication and Electronic Technology - MIPRO, 2024. str. 77-83
Publications - Conference unpublished
Neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa
Panek, Marina ; Meštrović, Tomislav ; Barešić, Anja ; Perić, Mihaela ; Čipčić Pateljak, Hana ; Matijašić, Mario ; Vranešić Bender, Darija ; Kunović, Ana ; Čuković Čavka, Silvija ; Brinar Marko et al. | Mucosa-Associated Microbiota in Adult, Newly Diagnosed, Treatment-Naïve Crohn's Disease (CD) Patients and Controls with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) // ASM Microbe 2018 | Atlanta (GA), Sjedinjene Američke Države ; Gruzija, 07.06.2018-11.06.2018
Publications - Graded papers
Doktorski rad
Baresic, Anja | Structural analysis of single amino acid polymorphisms / Martin, Andrew CR ; Jones, David T (mentor). | London, 2012
Other Publications
Audio/video zapis
Homolak, Jan; Barešić, Anja; Jukić, Josip; Košec, Andro; Žižak, Mirza; Petrak, Jelka; Škorić, Lea; Lisac, Mirjana | Prednosti i nedostaci korištenja umjetne inteligencije (AI) u medicini : Noć knjige u Središnjoj medicinskoj knjižnici, 2023