Dr. Marko Košiček
Bijenicka 54
10000 Zagreb
2008 - 2013 Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb (PhD studies, biochemistry)
2003 - 2007 Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb (undergraduate studies)
SCOEPE - science connecting people (ESF, October 2020 - October 2023)
The “SCOPE” project is funded by the European Social Fund within the tender “Thematic Network for Socio-Economic Development and Promotion of Social Dialogue in the Context of Improving Working Conditions”, the STEM area as a driver of society, Operational Program Effective Human Resources 2014-2020. The aim of the project is to create a network of all relevant stakeholders in order to create a stimulating environment for the development and improvement of STEM area in terms of capacity building and cooperation of civil society organizations and joint action of all stakeholders in policy making in STEM area. We will conduct scientific research that will serve to develop guidelines for policy development. Finally, an analysis of the social impact of the proposed interventions and structured dialogues with decision makers will be conducted in order to implement the obtained solutions in public policies.
Mobile ZEZ Center (ESF, June 2021 - June 2023)
Project Mobile ZEZ center is focused toward capacity building and cooperation of civil society organizations connected with Science Picnic, one of the biggest science popularization activity in Croatia. Project include educational activities for educators, creation of different experimental setups and mobile experiments which will be presented at various science popularization activities in Croatia.
Awards and Achievements
2015 National Science Award for popularization and promotion of science (with Saša Ceci)
2009 Fellowship for Doctoral Students, The National Foundation for Science of the Republic of Croatia
2008 Winner of FameLab International competition (Cheltenham, UK)
2007 Award for the best student (Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb)
Publications - Conference journals
Sažetak izlaganja sa skupa
Štefulj, Jasminka ; Malnar, Martina ; Schweinzer, Cornelia ; Košiček, Marko ; Živković, Jelena ; Panzenboeck, Ute ; Hećimović Katušić, Silva | The impacts of LXR ligand TO901317 on amyloid-β levels and cholesterol metabolism in Niemann-Pick type C (NPC) model cells // Alzheimer's & Dementia, 2011. str. e72-e72. doi: 10.1016/j.jalz.2011.09.157
doiwww.alzheimersanddementia.comdoi.org -
Kosicek, Marko ; Hecimovic, Silva ; Kirsch, Stephan ; Bene, Raphael ; Trkanjec, Zlatko ; Titlic, Marina ; Bindila, Laura ; Peter-Katalinic, Jasna | Sphingomyelin is elevated in cerebrospinal fluid of Alzheimer's disease patients // Alzheimer's & Dementia, 2011. str. 140-140
www.alzheimersanddementia.com Lisica, Ana ; Krolo, Ana ; Malnar, Martina ; Košiček, Marko ; Hećimović, Silva | Loss of NPC1 leads to decreased expression of APP at the cell surface and alters APP distribution within endosome compartments // Alzheimer's & Dementia, 2009. str. 301-301
Košiček, Marko ; Hećimović, Silva | Cholesterol accumulation in NPC fibroblasts leads to lipid raft comartmentalization of APP and C99 // Alzheimer's & Dementia, 2009. str. 225-225
Malnar, Martina ; Petek Tarnik, Iva ; Košiček, Marko ; Pavelin, Sanda ; Titlić, Marina ; Trkanjec, Zlatko ; Demarin, Vida ; Hećimović, Silva | Cerebrospinal fluid biomarker analysis in Alzheimer's disease : a pilot study in Croatia // Paediatria Croatica. Supplement, 2009. str. 69-69
Hećimović, Silva ; Malnar, Martina ; Košiček, Marko ; Čulić, Vida ; Lozić, Bernarda ; Barišić, Ingeborg | The fragile X syndrome : a Croatian perspective // Paediatria Croatica. Supplement, 2009. str. 56-56
Košiček, Marko ; Goate, Alison ; Katušić Hećimović, Silva | The role of lipid rafts on app processing and Amyloid-β formation // Neurologia Croatica. Supplement, 2008. str. 70-70
Hećimović, Silva ; Malnar, Martina ; Košiček, Marko ; Petek Tarnik, Iva ; Trkanjec, Zlatko ; Titlić, Marina ; Demarin, Vida ; Goate, Alison | Amyloid-β : from molecular biology to clinical practice // Neurologia Croatica. Supplement, 2008. str. 16-17
Malnar, Martina ; Košiček, Marko ; Goate, Alison ; Hećimović, Silva | The cholesterol-effect on amyloid-β formation upon NCP1 dysfunction involves altered APP localization // Neurologia Croatica. Supplement, 2008. str. 71-71
Košiček, Marko ; Goate, Alison ; Hećimović, Silva | Increased Formation Of Amyloid-beta Peptide In CHO NPC1-null Cells Does Not Involve Lipid Rafts // Alzheimer's & Dementia, 2008. str. T350-T350
Malnar, Martina ; Košiček, Marko ; Goate, Alison ; Hećimović, Silva | Increased Abeta Formation In CHO NPC1-null Cells Is Not Directly Related To Cholesterol Levels // Alzheimer's & Dementia, 2008. str. T349-T349
Publications - Conference unpublished
Neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa
Katušić Hećimović, Silva ; Malnar, Martina ; Košiček, Marko | Niemann-Pick type C disease – a model to study the role of cholesterol in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease // The 19th European Study Group on Lysosomal Diseases (ESGLD | Graz, Austrija, 26.09.2013-29.09.2013
Malnar, Martina ; Košiček, Marko ; Mitterreiter, Stefan ; Lichtenthaler, Stefan F. ; Hećimović, Silva. | Cholesterol accumulation in Niemann-Pick type C cells favors APP processing by β-secretase and causes altered endocytic trafficking of BACE1 // Kloster Seeon meeting on BACE proteases in health and disease | Seeon-Seebruck, Njemačka, 06.10.2013-08.10.2013
www.dzne.de Malnar, Martina ; Košiček, Marko ; Tahirović, Sabina ; Katušić Hećimović Silva | Cholesterol levels modulate trafficking of APP and BACE1 in Niemann-Pick type C cells // Gordon Research Conference: Lysosomal Diseases | Barga, Italija, 14.04.2013-18.04.2013
Malnar, Martina ; Košiček, Marko ; Tahirović, Sabina ; Katušić Hećimović, Silva | Cholesterol levels modulate trafficking of APP and BACE1 in Niemann-Pick type C cells // Gordon Research Seminar: Lysosomal diseases | Barga, Italija, 13.04.2013-14.04.2013
Košiček, Marko ; Goate, Alison ; Hećimović, Silva | The role of lipid rafts on app processing and amyloid-beta formation // Summer Course on Mass Spectrometry in Biotechnology and Medicine (3 ; 2009) | Dubrovnik, Hrvatska, 05.07.2009-11.07.2009
Publications - Graded papers
Diplomski rad (sveučilišni)
Kosić, Marko | Tip 1-2- višecijevnog izmjenjivača topline u sustavu hlađenja rotacijskih peći / Labor, Miroslav (mentor). | Split, Kemijsko-tehnološki fakultet u Splitu, 2021
Njavro, Jasenka | Utjecaj nakupljanja kolesterola u stanicama CHO NPC1-/- na smještaj proteina BACE1 u organelima endocitoznog puta / Silva Katušić Hećimović (mentor); Marko Košiček ; Martina Malnar (neposredni voditelj) . | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2011
Kular, Dolores | Utjecaj nakupljanja kolesterola na metabolizam proteina APLP1 i APLP2 u stanicama CHO NPC1-null / Silva Katušić Hećimović (mentor); Marko Košiček (neposredni voditelj) . | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2011
Košiček, Marko | Utjecaj lipidnih splavi i kolesterola na metabolizam proteina APP / Weygand-Đurašević, Ivana (mentor); Hećimović, Silva (neposredni voditelj) . | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2007
Doktorski rad
Košiček, Marko | The role of lipids in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease - from molecular mechanisms to disease biomarkers / Katušić Hećimović, Silva (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2013