Novel perovskite solar cells with enhanced performance based on hybrid halide perovskite/transition-metal disulfides nanocomposites (Sol-HP-TMD-NanoComp)
Principal investigator
Halide perovskites (HP) materials attract much attention due to their high photoluminescence quantum yield and versatile chemical processability nature. These characteristics enable to use them in various applications: perovskite solar cells (PSC), light-emitting diodes, photodetectors, photocatalysis, etc. However, light, thermal effects, moisture and chemical reactions with oxygen lead to degradation of HP and such PSC.
Herein, we aim to overcome the instability of HPs by developing the novel hybrid HP/transition-metal disulfides (MS2) nanocomposites for PSC. MS2 (M = W or Mo) nanotubes (NTs) are capable of absorbing a wide range of visible light and are very stable. Combining MS 2 NTs and HPs can increase the stability of so produced composite. As MS 2 NTs support polaritonic modes at room temperature, they are optically active in Vis and NIR-IR regions and so can be exploited for light absorption and emission across this spectral range.
The composites of HP/MS2 NTs might offer an additional benefit of charge transfer. For this purpose, they will be exposed to focused ion beams to induce Ga atoms implantation aiming to improve their conductivity and decrease the band gap. The so designed HPs/MS 2 nanocomposite to be developed in the proposed project, will produce a very stable system for solar energy harvesting as active layer in photovoltaic devices. In such a way we will be able to manufacture PSCs that are highly efficient, stable, and low-cost photovoltaic devices.
Project team:
- dr. sc. Andreja Gajović (IRB)
- dr. sc. Krunoslav Juraić (IRB)
- dr. sc. Tihana Čižmar (IRB)
- dr. sc. Vedran Kojić (IRB)
- dr. sc. Alexander Laikhtman (HIT, Izrael)
- dr. sc. Alla Zak (HIT, Izrael)