Novel perovskite solar cells with enhanced performance based on hybrid halide perovskite/transition-metal disulfides nanocomposites (Sol-HP-TMD-NanoComp)
Halide perovskites (HP) materials attract much attention due to their high photoluminescence quantum yield and versatile chemical processability nature.
Device for Non-Contact Detection of Defects in Solar Cells, NPOO.C3.2.R3-I1.05.0252
A device for the non-contact detection and characterisation of defects in silicon-based solar cells and modules is being developed using photoluminescence, electroluminescence and infrared thermography.
05. Functionalized TiO2 nanostructures for application in photo-catalysis and sensors
Croatia Slovenia bilateral
04. Titanium dioxide nanotube array based perovskite solar cells
Croatia Austria bilateral
03. TiO2, ZnO and BaTiO3 nanostructures and nanolayers for gas- and humidity-sensing devices with improved functionalities
Croatia Austria bilateral
02. Improvement of solar cells and modules through research and development
IRI project
Preparation and characterization of modified TiO2 nanostructured thin films for photovoltaic application
Croatia-Serbia Bilateral (2016-2018)
Micro-Raman spectroscopy study of bio-ceramic surface composition changes
croatian-french program „Cogito“ Partnership Hubert Curien
Foreign partner: University of Valenciennes and Hainaut Cambrési, Laboratoire des Matériaux Céramiques et Procédés Associés (LMCPA)
In situ growth optimization of 2D chalcogenides based on transition metals
Croatia- Germany collaboration
Foreign partner: Fritz Haber Institute - Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Department for inorganic chemistry