Laboratory for Molecular Physics and Synthesis of New Materials
The laboratory has traditionally focused on studying on optical, structural and vibrational properties of nanostructural materials and molecules by vibrational spectroscopies (Raman and infrared). The laboratory capital instrument JobinYvon Horiba T64000 Raman spectrometer is used to analyze the laser light scattered on a very small amount of sample. Based on the observed energy transfer one can draw conclusions about the states of the system and particle interactions in the crystal, glass, liquid, etc.. In recent years, research focus shifted to the nanostructures. (project dr. sc. M. Ivanda).

Research and development of new functional materials and nanostructures in Molecular Physics Laboratory has been undertaken in the framework of several research topics:
- silicon nanostructures for advanced applications
- new ceramics and multiferroics
- molecular systems and vibrational analysis
- laser interactions and selforganizational processes
- new methods for Raman spectroscopy
- tittania nanostructures
The research topics:
The research is focused on nanostructural silicon thin films for advanced applications. The
Low Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition (LPCVD) and Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD)
were implemented and developed at Ivanda’s group. The different type of silicon based
thin films are preparing like silicon reach oxide, silicon reach nitride, amorphous silicon,
polycrystalline silicon, doping with boron, phosphorus, erbium and europium; porous silcon
by electrochemical etching. The structural, optical, electrical and transport properties are
investigating with a goal of development of doped silicon nanostructured films (dots,
wires, porous structure) for thermoelectric elements (Peltier cooler and heater, low
temperature sensor); silicon nanocrystals thin films doped with rare earths for photonics
(spherical microresonators, optical amplifiers, lasers); and porous silicon for gas and/or
chemical sensing. Beside, different aspects of Raman scattering as a powerful analytic tool
has been developed: low frequency Raman scattering for determination of size distribution
of nanoparticles, portable Raman spectrometer as well as new techniques for SERS