Joint Excellence in Science and Humanities fellowship

Dr. Mark Žic is awared with "Joint Excellence in Science and Humanities fellowship"granted by the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
Dr. Mark Žic is awared with "Joint Excellence in Science and Humanities fellowship"granted by the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
Dr. sc. Mark Žic will conduct his project:" Fine tuning of both damping factor and finite difference step-size in regularization of inverse problems of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy" in the scope of "Joint Excellence in Science and Humanities fellowship" in the group of Prof. dr. Sergei Pereverzyeva na Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics (RICAM), Linzu, Austria
This project, interdisciplinatry in its nature, is based on the publication by Žic, M. An alternative approach to solve complex nonlinear least-squares problems. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 2016, 760, 85-96.“ In the scope of this research a computer program EisPy has been developed. Main objective of this project is to impove a current numerical methods used for the analysis of impedance spectra. Additionally, based on the methods already developed by prof. dr. sc. Sergei Pereverzyeva a new method for the solution of inverse problem „Distribution of Relaxation Times (DRT)“ will be developed.