Functional Photoreactive Chromophores for Applications in Organic Synthesis and Biology (FunPhotoAppSynBio)
The project implementation is organized on three working packages concerned with three classes of chromophores:
1) New BODIPY derivatives as potential photodrugs, photoswitches and photocages for applications in organic synthesis and biology
2) New carbazole derivatives as precursors of aza-quinone methides, potential photodrugs and precursors in complex organic synthesis
3) New biphenylamine photocages excitable by two-photon absorption with applications in organic synthesis and biology
Fotokemija: Reakcijski mehanizmi i primjene u organskoj sintezi i biologiji
Fotokemija je važno multidisciplinarno znanstveno područje zbog brojnih razvijenih primjena u suvremenim tehnologijama. Predloženi projekt usmjeren je na proučavanje nekoliko temeljnih fotokemijskih reakcija, kao i na pronalaženje primjene tih reakcija u organskoj sintezi i biologiji.
Self-assembly of bulky diamondoid molecules on metal surfaces
Application of Diamondoid Ammonium Salts in Supramolecular Architectures
Diamondoid Amines – New Ligands in Supramolecular Systems
Ligands which bind receptors giving stable supramolecular systems are of utmost importance in biotechnology and technological applications. Cucurbituril systems (CB[n], n = 5, 6, 7, 8, 10) have recently been studied as efficient supramolecular receptors for molecular recognition in water. The water environment is a challenge when designing suitable ligands, seeing as they are usually small, hydrophobic organic molecules. The best binding interactions with CB[n] can be accomplished by ligands that combine cationic and hydrophobic subunits in their structure, like for example diamondoid compounds.
Synthesis and photochemistry of aniline derivatives for development of new photocages
Photocages (photochemically cleavable protective groups) have wide spectrum of applications in chemistry, biology and medicine, and therefore, they have been intensively investigated recently. The main goal of this project is the design and synthesis of new photocleveable protective groups. Within the project implementation new aniline photocages with improved properties will be prepared and the photochemical reaction mechanisms of deprotection investigated. A series of carboxylic acid and alcohol derivatives protected with new aniline photocages will be prepared. These compounds are anticipated to react in the photochemical reaction of heterolysis, leading to deprotection.
Supramolecular control of photoeliminations
Dynamics of supramolecular systems facilitates control of the photochemical reactivity and opens opportunities for reactions which cannot be conducted by conventional synthetic methods, in the thermal reactions in isotropic solution. The main strategy of the proposed project is to apply different supramolecular systems to control photochemical reactivity.