60 Years of Electronics and Computer Science at RBI

As part of the celebrations marking the 60th anniversary of RBI, the Center for Informatics and Computer Science and the Department of Electronics at RBI will hold a meeting on May 31, 2010 in the auditorium of Wing III commemorating 60 Years of Electronics and Computer Science Research at RBI. Among the numerous renowned scientists from Croatia and abroad attending the event, Professor Veljko Radeka, recipient of the Harold Wheeler Award and director of the Instrumentation Division at the Brookhaven National Lab (USA) will also be a participant.
The meeting will focus on the development of electronics and computer science at RBI over the last 60 years and many of the scientists in attendance began their careers in the area of electronics and computer science at RBI.
More information on this event can be found on the official web page http://cenvis.irb.hr