Cambridge Structural Database Workshop at RBI
The Governing Board of the National Foundation for Science, Higher Education and Technological Development of the Republic of Croatia (NZZ) at its last session in 2009 positively evaluated project Cambridge Structural Database Workshop in Zagreb by the RBI scientist Alexander Višnjevac, PhD. Based on this evaluation the RBI will host the Workshop on March 3rd and 4th 2010. The workshop will gather postgraduate and doctoral students from five countries of the Southeast European region (Croatia, Slovenia, B&H, Serbia and Macedonia).
The aim of this workshop is to get the students acquainted with the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD), by far the largest and most important database of the crystal structures in the world, as well to exemplify more advanced use of the tools and software for the database search.
By using the benefits of modern computational methods, computer technology and molecular graphics workshop participants will be able to learn how to get information about the molecular structure (molecular geometry) and interactions within and between molecules. They will also learn how to apply this information in their research and teaching.