Conference on Conservation Physiology of Marine Fishes Held

Conference on Conservation Physiology of Marine Fishes finished yesterday in Pula. Conference brought together 49 participants from 14 European countries who discussed topics on marine fish preservation.
The conference was organized by Center for Marine Research and financed by the COST Action FA1004 with the intention of creating a network of scientists and institutions that brings together eco-physiologists, ecologists, marine biologists and experts in modeling and prediction of changes (pollution, climate change) to monitor biodiversity, vulnerability and sensitivity of marine fish.
Marine fish are an important resource in Europe and Croatia. Human pressures seriously threaten biological diversity and abundance of marine fish. Therefore there is an urgent need to improve the knowledge about the adaptability of the fish to the environment and back mechanisms affecting their distribution and abundance.
The three-day conference program included plenary sessions, workshops and poster presentation with the intention of achieving short-term and long-term goals of action: issuing review publications, holding educational workshops, scientific exchange and joint application and funding research projects.
There are currently 17 European countries involved in workgroups.
COST is an intergovernmental framework for European Cooperation in Science and Technology, allowing the coordination of nationally-funded research on a European level. COST program is specifically oriented to those areas of research where joint action can bring benefit to participating countries.