DLARD Successfully Upgraded to ISO 9001:2008
RBI Division of Laser and Atomic Research and Development (DLARD) has successfully recertified its Quality Management System (QMS) for ISO 9001:2008 certification, the latest global benchmark in the standards of excellence.
DLARD was originally certified to the ISO 9001:2000 by an independent accreditation agency TÜV Bayern - Süd in 2006. After completion of its three year validity period, DLARD underwent a stringent recertification audit. The comprehensive recertification audit examined all quality systems, procedures, as well as documentation, and determined that DLARD was compliant with all ISO requirements, with no non-conformities found.
The Recertification Audit Report pointed out numerous fields of good implementation practice of ISO 9001 with particular regard to the improvements in all business processes, personnel, environment, etc. The audit resulted in DLARD being re-certified for an additional three years.