Dr. Boro Dropulic Lecture at RBI

Dr. Boro Dropulić will hold a lecture entitled The Translation of Scientific Ideas into Business Opportunities at RBI on 2.7.2010 at 14:00 in the lecture hall in Wing III. This lecture is sponsored by the American Embassy in Zagreb in collaboration with RBI.
Dr. Dropulić's lecture will be part of the 11th meeting of the Business-Science club and will include a short presentation by RBI Director Dr. Danica Ramljak on the Current Status and Future Prospectives of Technology Transfer at the Ruđer Bošković Institute.
Dr. Dropulić is one of the leading experts on lentiviral vector technology and a founder of the biotech company, Lentigen, which is focused on the development and production of therapeutic lentiviral vectors as the most efficient way of introducing genes into cells. Dr. Dropulić was also a founder and chief scientific officer at VIrxSYS where he successfully led a multidisciplinary team which conducted the first clinical trials in humans using lentiviral vectors. Prior to starting up VIRxSYS Dr. Dropulić was an adjunct professor at the Johns Hopkins medical school where he first developed an HIV based vector with the aim of inhibiting virus replication in HIV/AIDS patients. He received his PhD from the University of Western Australia and an MBA from Johns Hopkins university.
Dr. Dropulić's lecture is one in a series of lectures organized by RBI in collaboration with various embassies in Croatia. As of this fall we will announce a new cycle of lectures to be given by accredited ambassadors in the Republic of Croatia entitled The Ruđer Bošković Institute Embassy Series.