First Conference of the Croatian Society for Cancer Research (HDIR-1)

The first conference of the Croatian Society for Cancer Research, From basic Science to the Clinic, will be held at the Ruđer Bošković Institute (auditorium in Wing I) tomorrow beginning at 9am. The aim of the conference, which will gather over 160 scientists from Croatia and abroad, is to strengthen the collaboration among all areas of cancer research and particularly with clinical work, as well as to strengthen international collaborations.
The Croatian Society for Cancer Research was founded in 2009. It was formed by Croatian members of the European Association for Cancer Research (EACR) and is now one of ten national member organizations within the EACR. EACR is the largest European, non-profit professional organization covering both clinical and basic science cancer research. The EACR has over 10,000 members from thirty countries. The mission of the EACR is to develop fundamental research with a clearer focus on prevention, treatment and care. Members of the EACR are active scientists, students, emeriti and other dignitaries from areas affiliated with cancer research.