Hosting Foreign Researchers in Croatia

Foreign researchers have been showing an increasing interest to work in Croatia reported Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports (MZOS). This Ministry has recently started an initiative which allows foreign researchers to work at Universities, as well as public and private institutes and companies in Croatia, without the obligation to hold a work permit, pursuant to the Code of Procedures for the Approval of Temporary Stay. ''Since October last year 11 foreign researchers have been employed by the University of Zagreb, the Ruđer Bošković Institute and the University of Rijeka," said Mr. Hrvoje Meštrić, PhD, Director of the Directorate for Science at the MZOS.
For the purpose of attracting more foreign researchers and making Croatia a part of the European Research Area, the Ministry has also founded the Croatian Research Mobility Centre (EURAXESS) , a contact-point assisting the process of hosting foreign researchers on research projects implemented at Croatian Universities and institutes. The goal of this initiative is to increase the number of researchers in Croatia, particularly in the private sector, thus creating a sound basis for enhancing competitiveness and fostering economic growth, as well as to encourage further cooperation of Croatian researchers with their international colleagues.
As a result of the Ministry’s initiative researchers from Holland, Portugal, China, India, Russia, Finland, Australia, Germany, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo are currently working on science projects in Croatia.