LRE Became National Laboratory for Radioactivity Measurements

Pursuant to the Decision by the State Office for Metrology on accepting the etalon of the Laboratory for Radioecology, Division for Marine and Environmental Research of the Ruđer Bošković Institute for the purposes of national etalon activities, the Laboratory for Radioecology was awarded the status of the National Laboratory for Radioactivity Measurements. In the Republic of Croatia National Laboratories are nominated by the State Office for Metrology in accordance with National Metrology Plan for different fields and pursuant to national policy on scientific metrology.
Laboratories, owners of the national etalons, present a crucial part of the National Metrology System. They have a key role in the realisation, development and maintenance of national measurement standards, as well as measurement quality assurance and traceability. Development, maintenance and use of national measurement standards are of special interest for the Republic of Croatia.