NDPK 2016 Held

The 10th International Congress of the NDP Kinase/Nm23/awd Gene Family, organized by the Ruđer Bošković Institute, was held in October 9-13, 2016 in Dubrovnik.
The organizing committee Dr. Maja Herak Bosnar (chair), Dr. Helena Ćetković, Dr Neda Slade, MSc Nikolina Hanžić, with the help of Ana Vidoš gathered top experts in the field of research on the subject.gathered top experts in the field of research on the subject.
The field has expanded in the eighties and so today it is known that the NDPK/Nm23 gene/protein family consists of ten members in humans. That gene family has been considered to be responsible for several biochemical activities in crucial cellular events, consequently leading to their major role in human diseases like cardiovascular diseases and cancer.
The main aim of this conference was to discuss the main breakthroughs in the past three years.Thus the conference covered all the major topics in the field: evolution, development and model systems, cellular energetics and metabolism, tumor biology and treatment and biochemical aspects. The invited lectures were given by leading scientists followed by fruitful discussions.
Traditionally a scientist from a host country or institution welcomes the delegates, at this occasion Dr. Igor Weber delivered the plenary lecture entitled: Polarity of the actin cytoskeleton in ameboid cell migration. It was a comprehensive overview of the research of his group and also some basic information on the Ruđer Bošković Institute, including the news on the recently acquired equipment for bioimaging.
Dr. Mathieu Boissan from the Research Center San-Antoine, University P. and M. Curie-INSERM UMR_S938 gave a plenary talk on NDPK/NM23 superfamily: state of the art, combining his novel research with the overall review of the field. Dr Boissan is a scientist of the younger generation with outstanding breakthroughs in the field in the past several years (Science 2014 Jun;344(6191):1510-5).
On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Conferences, the Organizing and Scientific Committees presented Special Recognition to Dr. Marie-Lise Lacombe, a doyen in the field of Nm23/NDPK research for her lifelong dedication to the work in the filed. Dr. Lacombe has been collaborating with the Croatian Nm23/NDPK research group for a long time and visited the Ruđer Bošković Institute two times in the last several years.
These conferences have been envisaged to be interactive meetings, especially important for young researchers, giving them the oportunity to discuss their own work with the most experienced scientists in the field. Previously these conferences were organized at different locations on three different continents (France, USA, Japan, Scotland, Germany, Italy).
The organizers of the Dubrovnik conference are very proud to have organized and hosted the 10th anniversary conference, which is a sort of recognition to the small Nm23/NDPK group of scientists in Croatia for their achievements in the NDPK field.
In addition to the comprehensive scientific program and vivid discussions the participants enjoyed in the natural, historical and cultural riches of the Dubrovnik area as well as in the pleasant Mediterranean cuisine.