New grant to boost top-level research in the field of physics

Today the agreement for grants funded from the European Structural and Investment Funds was signed at the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia awarding the Ruđer Boskovic Institute (RBI) nearly 400 thousand euro for the top-level research projects in the field of physics.
Funds were awarded to two projects, namely the project "Synergy to Excellence in Research and Development of Detectors, Sensors and Electronics" and the project "Synergy to Success: RBI-T-WINNING and ESIF Joint in Strengthening the excellence of the Division of Theoretical Physics of the Ruđer Bošković Institute (RBI-TWINN-SIN in the amount of around 200 thousand euro each.
The project "Synergy to excellence in the research and development of detectors, sensors and electronics" is being implemented in synergy with ERA Chair project PaRaDeSEC funded by the HORIZON 2020 program, with the aim of further improving the existing R&D infrastructure and boosting the quality of research at the RBI for development and testing of detectors, sensors and related electronics through the adaptation of the existing laboratory space and the acquisition of the necessary equipment as well as materials.
Over the course of 18 months, the project will enable adaptation of the existing laboratory space to allow controlled conditions of cleanliness, temperature and humidity, and improve the stability of electrical circuits, as well as reduce the level of electronic noise. In addition, the necessary equipment and the necessary materials to raise the level of such research will be obtained in order to make the best use of the knowledge and research capabilities of foreign experts employed on the PaRaDeSEC project. Furthermore, the project will enable greater transfer of experts` knowledge and experience to RBI employees, and initiate new directions of research that currently cannot be performed at the RBI.
Since the equipment and modern laboratory space financed by the O-ZIP project will be available only after the PaRaDeSEC project has been completed, this project has a particularly important effect in the fulfilment of the objectives set by the Centre for Detectors, Sensors and Electronics (CDSE). Establishing of the CDSE will contribute significantly to the O-ZIP project particular through its synergy with other complementary projects and work on development and testing of the equipment at the RBI. All this will significantly enhance the impact and reputation of the RBI and Croatia in the international scientific community, as well as the participation of the RBI in various internationally funded projects.
The aim of the project "Synergy to Success: RBI-T-WINNING and ESIF Associated in Strengthening the Excellence of the Institute of Theoretical Physics of the Ruđer Bošković Institute (RBI-TWINN-SIN)" is primarily to strengthen the research potential of the RBI Division of Theoretical Physics through the improvement of equipment and infrastructure, as well as enable further implementation of the RBI-T-WINNING project-driven research. All this will complete the efforts of positioning the Division of Theoretical Physics as a prominent centre in this scientific field.
"This grant confirms our commitment to excellent science and reaffirms the leading position of the Ruđer Bošković Institute on national scientific level, as well as its role in the international research area. Furthermore it’s another confirmation of the RBI inevitable role in technology transfer and economic cooperation in Croatia. Realization of these projects will further boost the quality of our work and enable new directions of our research," said Dr David Matthew Smith, Director of the Ruđer Bošković Institute, upon signing of the agreement.
Both projects are fully funded under a limited procedure of the Call for Proposals titled "Development and Strengthening of Synergies with Horizontal Activities of the HORIZON 2020: Twinning and ERA Chairs program ". Involuntary Grants for Invitation are secured under the European Structural and Investment Funds, the Operational Program "Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014 - 2020" (OPKK).
The Ministry of Regional Development and European Union funds was the Managing Authority responsible for the management and implementation of the OPC, the first level intermediate agency was the Ministry of Science and Education, while the Central Finance and Contracting Agency for European Union Programs and Projects (SAFU ) was in charge as the second level mediation body.