Representatives from the Kent State University visited RBI

On Monday, March 16th, the representatives from the Kent State University (Ohio, USA) Dr. Timothy S. Moerland, Dean, College of Arts & Sciences, and Dr. Mary Anne Saunders, Executive Director, Office of International Affairs, visited the Rudjer Boskovic Institute. The distinguished guests met with Dr. Jaroslav Horvat, Dr. Kata Majerski, Dr. Igor Weber and Dr. Mladen Žinić. The purpose of this meeting was to exchange information and experiences as well as to discuss the possible cooperation between the two institutions.
After a warm welcome, the RBI representatives introduced the guests with the RBI organization and structure as well as with Institute`s status and function in development, prosperity and well being of Croatia, its future plans and activities. In his brief presentation of the Kent State University, Dr. Timothy S. Moerland emphasised the University’s commitment to maintaining academic excellence in both, teaching and research activities, thus placing itself among the premiere universities in the USA, not only in natural and mathematical sciences, but humanities and social sciences as well. These programs are offered through 19 academic departments and several centres and institutes. Among many others, the representatives particularly pointed out postdoctoral programs in biology, biomedicine, chemistry and physics. They also highlighted two major institutes that operate under the aegis of the University: the Liquid Crystal Institute, and the Institute for the Study and Prevention of Violence. Due to its high-research activity, the University was ranked by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching among the nation's top public research universities.
On this occasion the representatives also discussed the modalities of cooperation between the RBI and Kent State University, especially in marine and environmental research, chemistry, and biology. Dr. Mary Ann Saunders particularly emphasised the possibilities of establishing a fruitful cooperation on NATO projects. During their visit to Croatia the distinguished guest also met Dr. Dragan Primorac, Minister of Science, Education and Sports and visited the Institute for Physics. Dr. Mary Anne Saunders said this was not her first and definitely not her last visit to Croatia.