Snježana Jurić Receives Prize for Best Scientific Article in the Field of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Snježana Jurić has received yet another award for her research. At the yearly meeting of the Croatian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology held recently in Opatija as part of the conference entitled The Secret Life of Molecules, Snježana Jurić was awarded a prize for the best scientific article in the field of biochemistry and molecular biology published in 2009.
Snježana Jurić was awarded the prize for her article published in the prestigious journal The Plant Journal (IF 6,95). In this article the authors describe a newly identified protein, TROL, in the photosynthetic membrane of the chloroplast which is responsible for the partitioning of energy during photosynthesis. The protein has a key role in binding to the protein ferrodoxin NADP+ oxidoreductase, an enzyme that produces NADPH, a key molecule in the process of energy transfer in the cell. This discovery has generated interest among scientists in the international community because it explains the efficiency of the last step in the synthesis of chemical energy in chloroplasts. This form of "green energy" will likely have major implications in the development of future clean energy technologies.