The RBI and PMF Have Signed a Letter of Intent on Cooperation with Brazil

The Ruđer Bošković Institute and Faculty of Science in Zagreb have signed a letter of intent on strengthening cooperation with Brazilian scientific institutions through the program of Science without Borders.
The program was initiated by the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, with the goal of encouraging researcher mobility between institutes in Brazil and other participating countries.
The RBI and Faculty of Science have great expertise in the natural sciences and mathematics. Therefore, this program should be quite useful for Brazilian students who want to study in Croatia, as well as Croatian researchers who will be able to spend several months a year at Brazilian scientific institutions.
Since the strategic objectives of both institutions are to spread knowledge and expertise, cooperate with international scientific institutions through joint research projects and establish contacts for long-term cooperation with strategic partners from around the world, Science without Borders is a program that will enable these objectives to be met with regard to Brazil.