The RBI is Creating the Prerequisites for the Development of High Technologies in Croatia
The Ruđer Bošković Institute is organizing the second session of the international Adriatic School of Nanoscience, ASON-2, which will be held this year from September 2 to 7 in Dubrovnik. The school will assemble a top team of lecturers who are among the world leaders in nanotechnology: Harold Kroto, Nobel laureate, USA; Meyya Meyyappan, NASA, USA; Laszlo Forro and Paul Seidler, Switzerland; Maurizio Ferrari, Italy; Niyazi Serdar Sariciftci, Austria; Reshef Tenne, Israel, and internationally renowned lecturers from Croatia.
Nanoscience is the basis for the development of nanotechnologies—technologies of the future, without which there would be no new materials, new sensors, alternative energy sources, modern medical methods, drugs and many other innovative products and technological solutions, which could bring revolutionary changes to the economy. Nanotechnology is a strategic priority for the economic development of all developed countries. Economies that use nanotechnology achieve greater competitiveness for their products on the global market and open the way for the development of an innovative economy looking toward the future. Since there are only a small number of companies engaged in nanotechnology in the Republic of Croatia, this school is part of the specific strategy of the RBI, which, together with the University of Zagreb and the Institute of Physics, is creating the prerequisites for the development of nanosciences and nanotechnologies on the state level.
The first session of the international Adriatic School of Nanoscience ASON-1, which was held in 2010 in Dubrovnik, gathered over 80 participants from nearly all the countries of Europe and made a strong impression upon the scientific community. Expectations on the number of participants at ASON-2 are even higher. ASON-2 will certainly help the international profiling of the Republic of Croatia, as a country that sees its priorities in the development of high technologies and the increasing popularization of science.