Workshop on Ion Beam Applications finished today

Organized by the RBI scientists from the Laboratory for Ion Beam Interactions, an intensive two-day workshop on Ion Beam Applications for Materials Modification and Analysis gathered sixty participants from the RBI, University of Zagreb, Rijeka and Dubrovnik, Institute of Physics, Croatian Conservation Institute, the Academy of Fine Arts, the Croatian State Archives, Archaeological Museum in Zagreb, the National and University Library of Zagreb, Institute 'Vinča' (Serbia), Josef Stefan Institute (Slovenia), University of Sarajevo (BiH), TAEK (Turkey) and the State University of St. Petersburg (Russia). Besides the presentation of the work on the project 'Upgrade of the RBI Tandem Accelerator Facility' which was launched in 2007 within the EU FP6 INCO program, the participants had the opportunity to visit the Laboratory for Ion Beam Interactions and get familiar with the work of Tandem Accelerator system and devices.
The aim of this project, worth 217.000 Euros, is to stabilise and reinforce the existing research potentials of the RBI Tandem Accelerator Facility in order to strengthen its presence at the European Research Area by maintaining and increasing its involvement in cooperative research projects on equal basis with partners from the EU and third countries by offering modern state of the art experimental facilities and know-how as well as to meet demands of its clients from various sectors of the national, regional and inter-regional character, in line with the RBI mission, vision and adopted values. Through theis project, the facility will strengthen its possibilities to continue giving its services to traditional collaborators in a more efficient way. In addition, the project will open possibilities for the facility to offer new subjects and activities, and to increase linkage with collaborators from various sectors of the national and regional character, thus increasing the number of collaborators and services.
Laboratory for Ion Beam Interactions has already successfully collaborated on a number of other projects with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the Organization of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).