Preparation of hybrid soft materials combining supramolecular anthraquinone-based gel systems and gold nanoparticles
Principal investigator
Metal nanoparticles (NPs) have rapidly growing area during the last decades due to theirsurprising optical, electronic, magnetic and catalytic properties with vast potential in manyapplicative areas. Low molecular weight gelator molecules (LMWG) has drawn significantattention due to the ever-growing possibilities that a supramolecular approach can indeed openup. LMWGs can be profitable systems for achieving the assembly of objects belonging todifferent dimensional domains into functional NPs-gel materials.The aim of this project is to gaina molecular-level understanding of the interaction of NPs with the gelators within the gel matrixand to explore the correlation between the morphology of the chiral gel fibers and the surfaceplasmon mediated circular dichroism (SP-CD) responses of NPs. Furthermore, a comprehensiveunderstanding of the mechanism of the twist formation and control the chiral twists inanthraquinone-based oxalamide gelator assemblies will be sought.