Another excellent doctorate in CIR
Ivan Sović has completed his doctoral studies under the supervision of mentors Mile Šikić and Karolj Skala on the topic of: "Algorithms for de novo genome assembly from third generation sequencing data" in front of the committee:
Professor Mladen Vučić, Ph.D. and Doc. dr. sc. Mirjana Domazet-Lošo from FER, and Dr. sc. Niranjan Nagarajan, scientific advisorfrom Genome Institute of Singapore.
Results of doctoral research and thesis are published and avaiable on:
- Sović, I., Šikić, M., Wilm, A., Fenlon, S.N., Chen, S., Nagarajan, N., "Fast and sensitive mapping of nanopore sequencing reads with GraphMap", Nature Communications, 7 (2016).
- Sović, I., Križanović, K., Skala, K., Šikić, M., “Evaluation of hybrid and non-hybrid methods for de novo assembly of nanopore reads.”, Bioinformatics(Oxford, England), 2016.
- Vaser, R., Sović, I., Nagarajan, N., Šikić, M., "Fast and accurate de novo genome assembly from long uncorrected reads". bioRxiv 068122; doi:
All methods are open code and avaiable on GitHub::
Congratulation to Ivan!
Ivan Sović with mentors: K. Skala i M. Šikić