dr. sc. Ines Sviličić Petrić
10 002 Zagreb
2002. Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Biološki odsjeku, Ekologija, Diplomirani inženjer biologije-ekologija
2009. Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Biološki odsjeku, Ekologija, Dr.sc. biologije-mikrobiologija
2010-2011. Francuska, Dijon, INRA, Laboratory for Soil and Environmental Microbiology, postdoktorska studijska godina
- Voditeljica znanstveno istraživačkog projekta "Struktura i funkcija mikrobnih zajednica kao karika koja nedostaje pri procjeni stanja okoliša u obalnim zonama pod antropogenim opterećenjem" (MicroLink), Istraživački projekt natječaj IP-2020-02, trajanje 2021-2025.
Sažetak projekta: Morski okoliši danas su kontinuirano podvrgnuti snažnim utjecajima višestrukih antropogenih pritisaka. U svrhu očuvanja ekosustava Sredozemlja i Jadrana, kao nosioca iznimne biološke raznolikosti, Mediteranske zemlje potpisale su stoga niz inicijativa i Direktiva. Kombinirajući i integrirajući različite pristupe koje proizlaze iz potisanih inicijativa, učinjeni su znatni pomaci za očuvanje ovih ekosustava, no ipak, programi zaštite morskog okoliša još uvijek se suočavaju s mnogim izazovima. MicroLink projekt usmjeren je na istraživanje mikrobne komponente morskih ekosustava, potpuno zanemarene u kontekstu Direktiva, a vođen je idejom da upravo mikrobne zajednice mogu ponuditi rješenje za neke od izazova programa zaštite morskih ekosustava: (i) izazov utvrđivanja utjecaja višestrukih stresora na stanje morskog okoliša, (ii) mogućnost nadogradnje postojećih bioloških pokazatelja uvođenja “novih” indikatorskih elemenata, (iii) potencijal korištenja brzih i pouzdanih suvremenih molekularnih alata pri procjeni stanja okoliša te (iv) problem vezan uz procjenu stanja bentoske komponente ekosustava. Mikroorganizmi čine dominantnu frakciju morskih ekosustava te igraju ključnu ulogu u biogeokemijskim ciklusima kruženjima stoga je neminovno da će promjene inducirane na razini ovih zajednica imati jak utjecaj na cjelokupnu hranidbenu mrežu. MicroLink je zamišljen kao multidisciplinarni projekt inovativnog pristupa koji integrira istraživanje mikrobnih zajednica na 4 različite trofičke razine (bakterije, arheje, gljive i virusi) koristeći 4 metodološka pristupa dajući nam uvid u ponašanje i dinamiku mikrobnih zajednica u zonama pod snažnim pritiscima ljudskih aktivnosti. Ovim projektom planira se odgovoriti na otvoreno pitanje o važnosti te doprinosu praćenja mikrobnih zajednica pri postizanju Dobrog Stanja Okoliša (DSO) time predstavljajući prvi korak pri potencijalnoj integraciji mikrobnih pokazatelja na listu bioloških pokazatelja ekološkog stanja morskog okoliša.
- Voditeljica znanstveno istraživačkog projekta „Potencijal rizosfernog mikrobioma u prilagodbi poljoprivrede klimatskim promjenama“ (PERSPIRE) (referentni broj: KK., financiranog sredstvima EU strukturnih i investicijskih fondova u sklopu Operativnog programa Konkurentnost i kohezija 2014.-2020., poziva Shema za jačanje primijenjenih istraživanja za mjere prilagodbe klimatskim promjenama, trajanje 2020-2023.
Sažetak projekta: Projekt PERSPIRE ima za cilj proučiti posljedice već vidljivo prisutnih ekstremnih vremenskih uvjeta, kao posljedice klimatskih promjena, na promjene u interakciji između mikroorganizama u tlu koji nastanjuju područje oko korijena (rizosfera) i sam korijen te biljke. Projekt će istražiti kako ekstremne oborine, koje uzrokuju retenciju vode na tlu u obliku kratkotrajnih poplava, utječu na promjene u funkcioniranju i strukturi rizosfernog mikrobioma te na razinu stresa kod biljke, ali i kako utječu na promjene u sastavu tla. Upravo je zdrava interakcija između rizosfernih mikroorganizama i biljaka odgovorna za uspješan rast i razvoj biljke, kao i plodnost i produktivnost tla te time čini osnovu uspješnosti poljoprivrede. Proučavanje mikrobnih zajednica u tlu i biljke, kao i njihovog odgovora na ekstremne vremenske uvjete, nužno je kako bi se shvatila kompleksnost utjecaja klimatskih promjena na ranjivi sektor poljoprivrede, za koji se predviđa da će biti jedan od onih koji će najviše stradati od posljedica klimatskih promjena. Upravo je Sedmim nacionalnim izvješćem RH prema Okvirnoj konvenciji UN-a (UNFCC) poljoprivredni sektor definiran kao jedan od ranjivih sektora u RH na klimatske promjene.
Predavač na Sveučilišnom poslijediplomskom interdisciplinarnom doktorskom studiju Zaštita prirode I okoliša, Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku iz predmeta “Mikrobiologija okoliša”
Istaknute publikacije
Petrić, I.; Šamec, D.; Karalija, E.; Salopek Sondi, B Beneficial Microbes and Molecules for Mitigation of Soil Salinity in Brassica Species: A Review // Soil systems, 6 (2022), 1;18, 22 doi:10.3390/soilsystems6010018 Dragičević, Paula; Bielen, Ana; Petrić, Ines; Vuk, Marija; Žučko, Jurica; Hudina, SandraMicrobiome of the Successful Freshwater Invader, the Signal Crayfish, and Its Changes along the Invasion Range // Microbiology Spectrum, 9 (2021), 2; e00389-21, 15 doi:10.1128/Spectrum.00389-21
Kolda, A., Petrić, I (corresponding author), Mucko, M., Gottstein, S., Žutinić, P., Goreta, G., Ternjej, I., Rubinić, J:, Radišić, M., Gligora Udovič, M How environment selects: resilience and survival of microbial mat community within intermittent karst spring Krčić (Croatia) // Ecohydrology
Babić, I., Mucko, M.,Petrić, I.(corresponding author),, Bosak, S., Mihanovic, H., Vilibic, I., Dupcic Radic, I., Cetinic, I., Balestra, C., Casotti, R., Ljubešić, Z. Multilayer approach for characterization of bacterial diversity in a marginal sea: From surface to seabed // Journal of marine systems, 184 (2018), 15-27
Babić, I.,Petrić, I. (corresponding author),Bosak, S., Mihanović, H., Dupčić Radić, I., Ljubešić, Z. Distribution and diversity of marine picocyanobacteria community: Targeting of Prochlorococcus ecotypes in winter conditions (southern Adriatic Sea) // Marine Genomics. 17 (2017), 3-11
Čanković, Milan,Petrić, I.(corresponding author), Ciglenečki, Irena, Marguš, Marija. Spatio-temporal dynamics of sulfate-reducing bacteria in extreme environment of Rogoznica Lake revealed by 16S rRNA analysis // Journal of marine systems, 172 (2017), 14-23
Petrić, I.,Karpouzas, D., Bru, D., Udiković-Kolić, N., Kandeler, E., Djurić, S., Martin-Laurent, F. Nicosulfuron application in agricultural soils drives the selection towards NS-tolerant microorganisms harboring various levels of sensitivity to nicosulfuron // Environmental science and pollution research international. 23 (2016), 5, 4320-4333
Petrić, I., Philippot, L., Abbate, C., Bispo, A., Chesnot, T., Hallin, S., Laval, K., Lebeau, T., Lemanceau, P., Leyval, C., Lindström, K., Pandard, P., Romero, E., Sarr, A., Schloter, M., Simonet, P., Smalla, K., Wilke, B.M., Martin-Laurent, F. Inter-laboratory evaluation of the ISO standard 11063 "Soil quality - Method to directly extract DNA from soil samples" // Journal of microbiological methods. 84 (2011) , 3, 454-460
Publikacije - Uredničke knjige
Zbornik sažetaka s konferencije
7th Croatian Congress of Microbiology with International Participation, Book of Abstracts / Sviličić Petrić, Ines ; Leboš Pavunc, Andrea ; Šantić, Marina et al. (ur.). Zagreb: Hrvatsko mikrobiološko društvo, 2022
Book of abstracts of 2nd international conference "Food and Climate Change" / Babić, Ivana; Šamec, Dunja; Sviličić Petrić, Ines (ur.). Koprivnica: Sveučilište Sjever, 2023
drive.google.com -
1st International Scientific Symposium Interdisciplinary Approach to the Scientific Research of the Adriatic Sea InspireAdriatic 2023 / Sviličić Petrić, Ines; Perić, Lorena; Cuculić, Vlado (ur.). Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2023
inspireadriatic2023.irb.hr -
Book of Abstracts of 1st international conference "Food & Climate Change" / Šamec, Dunja ; Šarkanj, Bojan ; Sviličić Petrić, Ines (ur.). Koprivnica: Sveučilište Sjever, 2021
Publikacije - prilozi u časopisima
Izvorni znanstveni rad
Ramljak, Ana; Žučko, Jurica; Lučić, Mavro ; Babić, Ivana; Morić, Zlatan ; Fafanđel, Maja ; Furdek Turk, Martina ; Matijević, Slavica ; Karpouzas, D.; Udiković-Kolić, Nikolina et al. | Microbial communities as indicators of marine ecosystem health: Insights from coastal sediments in the eastern Adriatic Sea // Marine pollution bulletin, 205 (2024), 116649, 15. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2024.116649
doiwww.sciencedirect.comfulir.irb.hr -
Senko, Helena; Kajić, Sanja; Huđ, Anastazija; Palijan, Goran; Petek, Marko; Rajnović, Ivana; Šamec, Dunja; Udiković-Kolić, Nikolina; Mešić, Armin; Brkljačić, Lidija et al. | Will the beneficial properties of plant-growth promoting bacteria be affected by waterlogging predicted in the wake of climate change: A model study // Applied soil ecology, 198 (2024), 105379, 6. doi: 10.1016/j.apsoil.2024.105379
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Puljko, Ana; Babić, Ivana; Dekić Rozman, Svjetlana; Barišić, Ivan; Jelić, Marko; Maravić, Ana; Parać, Marija; Sviličić Petrić, Ines; Udiković-Kolić, Nikolina | Treated municipal wastewater as a source of high-risk and emerging multidrug-resistant clones of E. coli and other Enterobacterales producing extended-spectrum β-lactamases // Environmental research, 243 (2024), 117792, 11. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2023.117792
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Puljko, Ana ; Dekić Rozman, Svjetlana ; Barišić, Ivan ; Maravić, Ana ; Jelić, Marko ; Babić, Ivana ; Milaković, Milena ; Sviličić Petrić, Ines ; Udiković-Kolić, Nikolina | Resistance to critically important antibiotics in hospital wastewater from the largest Croatian city // Science of the total environment, 870 (2023), 161805, 13. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.161805
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Kulaš, Antonija ; Žutinić, Petar ; Gulin Beljak, Vesna ; Matoničkin Kepčija, Renata ; Sertić Perić, Mirela ; Orlić, Sandi ; Sviličić Petrić, Ines ; Marković, Tamara ; Gligora Udovič, Marija | Diversity of protist genera in periphyton of tufa- depositing karstic river // Annals of microbiology, 73 (2023), 10, 13. doi: 10.1186/s13213-023-01712-z
doiannalsmicrobiology.biomedcentral.comfulir.irb.hr -
Huđ, Anastazija ; Šamec, Dunja ; Senko, Helena ; Petek, Marko ; Brkljačić, Lidija ; Pole, Lucia ; Lazarević, Boris ; Rajnović, Ivana ; Udiković - Kolić, Nikolina ; Mešić, Armin et al. | Response of White Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata) to Single and Repeated Short-Term Waterlogging // Agronomy, 13 (2023), 1; 200, 17. doi: 10.3390/agronomy13010200
doiwww.mdpi.comfulir.irb.hr -
Senko, Helena ; Pole, Lucia ; Mešić, Armin ; Šamec, Dunja ; Petek, Marko ; Pohajda, Ines ; Rajnović, Ivana ; Udiković-Kolić, Nikolina ; Brkljačić, Lidija ; Palijan, Goran et al. | Farmers observations on the impact of excessive rain and flooding on agricultural land in Croatia // Journal of Central European agriculture, 23 (2022), 1; 125-137. doi: 10.5513/JCEA01/23.1.3292
doihrcak.srce.hrdoi.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Puljko, Ana ; Milaković, Milena ; Križanović, Stela ; Kosić-Vukšić, Josipa ; Babić, Ivana ; Petrić, Ines ; Maravić, Ana ; Jelić, Marko ; Udiković-Kolić, Nikolina | Prevalence of enteric opportunistic pathogens and extended-spectrum cephalosporin- and carbapenem-resistant coliforms and genes in wastewater from municipal wastewater treatment plants in Croatia // Journal of hazardous materials, 427 (2022), 128155, 11. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.128155
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Petrić, Ines ; Drevenkar, Vlasta ; Fingler, Sanja ; Begonja Kolar, Ana ; Hršak, Dubravka ; Martin- Laurent, Fabrice ; Udiković- Kolić, Nikolina | Unraveling metabolic flexibility of rhodococci in PCB transformation // Chemosphere, 282 (2021), 130975, 12. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.130975
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
Dragičević, Paula ; Bielen, Ana ; Petrić, Ines ; Vuk, Marija ; Žučko, Jurica ; Hudina, Sandra | Microbiome of the Successful Freshwater Invader, the Signal Crayfish, and Its Changes along the Invasion Range // Microbiology spectrum, 9 (2021), 2; e00389-21, 15. doi: 10.1128/Spectrum.00389-21
doijournals.asm.orgdoi.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Dragičević, Paula ; Bielen, Ana ; Petrić, Ines ; Hudina, Sandra | Microbial pathogens of freshwater crayfish: A critical review and systematization of the existing data with directions for future research // Journal of fish diseases, 44 (2020), 3; 221-247. doi: 10.1111/jfd.13314
doionlinelibrary.wiley.comdoi.org -
Milaković, Milena ; Križanović, Stela ; Petrić, Ines ; Šimatović, Ana ; Gonzalez-Plaza, Juan Jose ; Gužvinec, Marija ; Tambić Andrašević, Arjana ; Pole, Lucia ; Mrkonjić Fuka, Mirna ; Udiković-Kolić, Nikolina | Characterization of macrolide resistance in bacteria isolated from macrolide-polluted and unpolluted river sediments and clinical sources in Croatia // Science of the total environment, 749 (2020), 142357, 11. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.142357
doiwww.sciencedirect.comfulir.irb.hr -
Haberle, Ines ; Hrustić, Enis ; Petrić, Ines ; Pritišanac, Ena ; Šilović, Tina ; Magić, Lana ; Geček, Sunčana ; Budiša, Andrea ; Blažina, Maria | Adriatic cyanobacteria potential for cogeneration biofuel production with oil refinery wastewater remediation // Algal research, 50 (2020), 101978, 10. doi: 10.1016/j.algal.2020.101978
doiwww.sciencedirect.comfulir.irb.hr -
Čanković, Milan ; Žučko, Jurica ; Petrić, Ines ; Marguš, Marija ; Ciglenečki, Irena | Impact of euxinic holomictic conditions on prokaryotic assemblages in a marine meromictic lake // Aquatic microbial ecology, 84 (2020), 141-154. doi: 10.3354/ame01931
doidoi.orgwww.int-res.com -
Pavić, Dora ; Čanković, Milan ; Petrić, Ines ; Makkonen, Jenny ; Hudina, Sandra ; Maguire, Ivana ; Vladušić, Tomislav ; Šver, Lidija ; Hrašćan, Reno ; Orlić, Karla et al. | Non-destructive method for detecting Aphanomyces astaci, the causative agent of crayfish plague, on the individual level // Journal of invertebrate pathology, 169 (2020), 107274, 7. doi: 10.1016/j.jip.2019.107274
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Milaković, Milena ; Vestergaard, Gisle ; González-Plaza, Juan Jose ; Petrić, Ines ; Kosić-Vukšić, Josipa ; Senta, Ivan ; Kublik, Susanne ; Schloter, Michael ; Udiković-Kolić, Nikolina | Effects of industrial effluents containing moderate levels of antibiotic mixtures on the abundance of antibiotic resistance genes and bacterial community composition in exposed creek sediments // Science of the total environment, 706 (2020), 136001, 9. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.136001
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
Čanković, Milan ; Žučko, Jurica ; Dupčić Radić, Iris ; Janeković, Ivica ; Sviličić Petrić, Ines ; Ciglenečki-Jušić, Irena ; Collins, Gavin | Microbial diversity and long-term geochemical trends in the euxinic zone of a marine, meromictic lake // Systematic and applied microbiology, 42 (2019), 126016, 13. doi: 10.1016/j.syapm.2019.126016
doidoi.orgwww.sciencedirect.com -
Kostanjevečki, Petra ; Petrić, Ines ; Lončar, Jovica ; Smital, Tvrtko ; Ahel, Marijan ; Terzić, Senka | Aerobic biodegradation of tramadol by pre- adapted activated sludge culture: Cometabolic transformations and bacterial community changes during enrichment // Science of the total environment, 687 (2019), 858-866. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.06.118
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
Blažina, Maria ; Haberle, Ines ; Hrustić, Enis ; Budiša, Andrea ; Petrić, Ines ; Konjević, Lucija ; Šilović, Tina ; Djakovac, Tamara ; Geček, Sunčana | Growth Aspects and Biochemical Composition of Synechococcus sp. MK568070 Cultured in Oil Refinery Wastewater // Journal of marine science and engineering, 7 (2019), 6; 164, 18. doi: 10.3390/jmse7060164
doifulir.irb.hrwww.mdpi.com -
Kolda, Anamarija ; Petrić, Ines ; Mucko, Maja ; Gottstein, Sanja ; Žutinić, Petar ; Goreta, Gordana ; Ternjej, Ivančica ; Rubinić, Josip ; Radišić, Maja ; Gligora Udovič, Marija | How environment selects: Resilience and survival of microbial mat community within intermittent karst spring Krčić (Croatia) // Ecohydrology, 12 (2019), 2; e2063, 16. doi: 10.1002/eco.2063
doionlinelibrary.wiley.comdoi.org -
Milaković, Milena ; Vestergaard, Gisle ; Gonzalez Plaza, Juan Jose ; Petrić, Ines ; Šimatović, Ana ; Senta, Ivan ; Kublik, Susanne ; Schloter, Michael ; Smalla, Kornelia ; Udiković Kolić, Nikolina | Pollution from azithromycin-manufacturing promotes macrolide-resistance gene propagation and induces spatial and seasonal bacterial community shifts in receiving river sediments // Environment international, 123 (2019), 501-511. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2018.12.050
doiwww.sciencedirect.comfulir.irb.hr -
Kostanjevečki, Petra ; Sviličić Petrić, Ines ; Lončar, Jovica ; Smital, Tvrtko ; Ahel, Marijan ; Terzić, Senka | Biodegradation study of methadone by adapted activated sludge: Elimination kinetics, transformation products and ecotoxicological evaluation // Chemosphere, 214 (2019), 719-728. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2018.09.153
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
Babić, Ivana ; Mucko, Maja ; Petrić, Ines ; Bosak, Sunčica ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Dupčić Radić, Iris ; Cetinić, Ivona ; Balestra, Cecilia ; Casotti, Raffaella et al. | Multilayer approach for characterization of bacterial diversity in a marginal sea: From surface to seabed // Journal of marine systems, 184 (2018), 15-27. doi: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2018.04.002
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Žutinić, Petar ; Sviličić Petrić, Ines ; Gottstein, Sanja ; Gligora Udovič, Marija ; Kralj Borojević, Koraljka ; Kamberović, Jasmina ; Kolda, Anamarija ; Plenković-Moraj, Anđelka ; Ternjej, Ivančica | Microbial mats as shelter microhabitat for amphipods in an intermittent karstic spring // Knowledge and management of aquatic ecosystems, 1 (2018), 419; 7, 13. doi: 10.1051/kmae/2017061
doiwww.kmae-journal.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Babić, Ivana ; Petrić, Ines ; Bosak, Sunčica ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Dupčić Radić, Iris ; Ljubešić, Zrinka | Distribution and diversity of marine picocyanobacteria community : Targeting of Prochlorococcus ecotypes in winter conditions (southern Adriatic Sea) // Marine Genomics, 17 (2017), 3-11. doi: 10.1016/j.margen.2017.05.014
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Čanković, Milan ; Sviličić Petrić, Ines ; Marguš, Marija ; Ciglenečki, Irena | Spatio-temporal dynamics of sulfate-reducing bacteria in extreme environment of Rogoznica Lake revealed by 16S rRNA analysis // Journal of marine systems, 172 (2017), 14-23. doi: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2017.03.003
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Petrić, Ines ; Karpouzas, Dimitrios ; Bru, David ; Udiković-Kolić, Nikolina ; Kandeler, Ellen ; Djurić, Simonida ; Martin-Laurent, Fabrice | Nicosulfuron application in agricultural soils drives the selection towards NS-tolerant microorganisms harboring various levels of sensitivity to nicosulfuron // Environmental science and pollution research, 23 (2016), 5; 4320-4333. doi: 10.1007/s11356-015-5645-6
doilink.springer.com -
Stipičević, Sanja ; Galzina, Natalija ; Udiković-Kolić, Nikolina ; Jurina, Tamara ; Mendaš, Gordana ; Dvoršćak, Marija ; Petrić, Ines ; Barić, Klara ; Drevenkar, Vlasta | Distribution of terbuthylazine and atrazine residues in crop-cultivated soil: The effect of herbicide application rate on herbicide persistence // Geoderma, 259/260 (2015), 300-309. doi: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2015.06.018
doidx.doi.orgwww.sciencedirect.com -
Karpouzas, Dimitrios ; Kandeler, Ellen ; Bru, David ; Friedel, Irene ; Auer, Y. ; Kramer, Susanne ; Vasileiadis, S. ; Petrić, Ines ; Udiković-Kolić, Nikolina ; Djurić, Simonida et al. | A tiered assessment approach based on standardized methods to estimate the impact of nicosulfuron on the abundance and function of the soil microbial community // Soil biology & biochemistry, 75 (2014), 282-291. doi: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2014.04.022
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Karpouzas, Dimitrios ; Papadopoulou, Evangelia ; Ipsilantis, Ioannis ; Friedel, Irene ; Petrić, Ines ; Udiković-Kolić, Nikolina ; Djurić, Simonida ; Kandeler, Ellen ; Menkissoglu-Spiroudi, Urania ; Martin-Laurent, Fabrice | Effects of nicosulfuron on the abundance and diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi used as indicators of pesticide soil microbial toxicity // Ecological indicators, 39 (2014), 44-53. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2013.12.004
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Petrić, Ines ; Bru, David ; Udiković-Kolić, Nikolina ; Hršak, Dubravka ; Philippot, Laurent ; Martin-Laurent, Fabrice | Evidence for shifts in the structure and abundance of the microbial community in a long-term PCB-contaminated soil under bioremediation // Journal of hazardous materials, 195 (2011), 254-260. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2011.08.036
doidx.doi.orgwww.sciencedirect.com -
Udiković-Kolić, Nikolina ; Devers-Lamrani, Marion ; Petrić, Ines ; Hršak, Dubravka ; Martin-Laurent, Fabrice | Evidence for taxonomic and functional drift of an atrazine-degrading culture in response to high atrazine input // Applied microbiology and biotechnology, 90 (2011), 4; 1547-1554. doi: 10.1007/s00253-011-3198-2
doiwww.springerlink.com -
Petrić, Ines ; Philippot, L. ; Abbate, C. ; Bispo, A. ; Chesnot, T. ; Hallin, S. ; Laval, K. ; Lebeau, T. ; Lemanceau, P. ; Leyval, C. et al. | Inter-laboratory evaluation of the ISO standard 11063 "Soil quality - Method to directly extract DNA from soil samples" // Journal of microbiological methods, 84 (2011), 3; 454-460. doi: 10.1016/j.mimet.2011.01.016
doidx.doi.orgwww.sciencedirect.com -
Petrić, Ines ; Hršak, Dubravka ; Fingler, Sanja ; Udiković-Kolić, Nikolina ; Bru, David ; Martin-Laurent, Fabrice | Insight in the PCB-degrading functional community in long-term contaminated soil under bioremediation // Journal of soils and sediments, 11 (2011), 2; 290-300. doi: 10.1007/s11368-010-0299-y
doiwww.springerlink.com -
Bošnjak, Marijan ; Udiković Kolić, Nikolina ; Petrić, Ines ; Cihlar, Darin ; Hršak, Dubravka | Integrated approach to mathematical modeling of atrazine degradation in different reaction systems // Food technology and biotechnology, 48 (2010), 3; 392-403
hrcak.srce.hr -
Udiković-Kolić, Nikolina ; Hršak, Dubravka ; Devers, Marion ; Klepac-Ceraj, Vanja ; Petrić, Ines ; Martin-Laurent, Fabrice | Taxonomic and functional diversity of atrazine-degrading bacterial communities enriched from agrochemical factory soil // Journal of applied microbiology, 109 (2010), 1; 355-367. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2672.2010.04700.x
doionlinelibrary.wiley.comdoi.org -
Udiković Kolić, Nikolina ; Martin-Laurent, Fabrice ; Devers, Marion ; Petrić, Ines ; Begonja Kolar, Ana ; Hršak, Dubravka | Genetic potential, diversity and activity of an atrazine-degrading community enriched from a herbicide factory effluent // Journal of applied microbiology, 105 (2008), 5; 1334-1343. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2672.2008.03890.x
doisfamjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.comdoi.org -
Udiković Kolić, Nikolina ; Hršak, Dubravka ; Begonja Kolar, Ana ; Petrić, Ines ; Stipičević, Sanja ; Soulas, Guy ; Martin-Laurent, Fabrice | Combined metabolic activity within an atrazine-mineralizing community enriched from agrochemical factory soil // International biodeterioration & biodegradation, 60 (2007), 4; 299-307. doi: 10.1016/j.ibiod.2007.05.004
doi -
Begonja Kolar, Ana ; Hršak, Dubravka ; Fingler, Sanja ; Ćetković, Helena ; Petrić, Ines ; Udiković Kolić, Nikolina | PCB-degrading potential of aerobic bacteria enriched from marine sediments // International biodeterioration & biodegradation, 60 (2007), 1; 16-24
www.sciencedirect.com -
Petrić, Ines ; Hršak, Dubravka ; Fingler, Sanja ; Vončina, Ernest ; Ćetković, Helena ; Begonja Kolar, Ana ; Udiković Kolić, Nikolina | Enrichment and characterization of PCB-degrading bacteria as potential seed cultures for bioremediation of contaminated soil // Food technology and biotechnology, 45 (2007), 1; 11-20
Kratko priopćenje
Philippot, Laurent ; Abbate, Cristina ; Bispo, Antonio ; Chesnot, Thierry ; Hallin, Sara ; Lemanceau, Philippe ; Lindström, Kristina ; Pandard, Pascal ; Romero, Esperanza ; Schloter, Michael et al. | Soil microbial diversity : an ISO standard for soil DNA extraction // Journal of soils and sediments, 10 (2011), 7; 1344-1345. doi: 10.1007/s11368-010-0265-8
Prikaz, osvrt, kritika
Martin-Laurent, Fabrice ; Kandeler, Ellen ; Sviličić Petrić, Ines ; Djurić, Simonida ; Karpouzas, Dimitrios G. | ECOFUN-MICROBIODIV : an FP7 European project for developing and evaluating innovative tools for assessing the impact of pesticides on soil functional microbial diversity—towards new pesticide registration regulation? // Environmental science and pollution research, 20 (2013), 2; 1203-1205. doi: 10.1007/s11356-012-1368-0
Pregledni rad (znanstveni)
Petrić, Ines ; Šamec, Dunja ; Karalija, Erna ; Salopek Sondi, Branka | Beneficial Microbes and Molecules for Mitigation of Soil Salinity in Brassica Species: A Review // Soil systems, 6 (2022), 1; 18, 22. doi: 10.3390/soilsystems6010018
Publikacije - prilozi sa skupa (u zborniku)
Sažetak izlaganja sa skupa
Ramljak, Ana; Sviličić Petrić, Ines | Ecological condition of marine sediments for the purpose of proposing a list of microbial indicators for achieving Good Environmental Status // 6. Simpozij studenata doktorskih studija PMF-a - KNJIGA SAŽETAKA / Schneider, Petra (ur.). | Zagreb, 2022. str. 118-118
Dragičević, Paula ; Bielen, Ana ; Sviličić Petrić, Ines ; Hudina, Sandra | Review and systematization of microbial pathogens of freshwater crayfish // CrayfIT - Book of Abstracts / Ghia, Daniela; Fea, Gianluca (ur.). | Pavia: Università, 2023. str. 44-44
Dragičević, Paula ; Bielen, Ana ; Žučko, Jurica ; Sviličić Petrić, Ines ; Hudina, Sandra | Changes in the microbiome of a successful freshwater invader along the environmental gradient // Book of Abstracts of 4th Symposium of Freshwater Biology. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko udruženje slatkovodnih ekologa (HUSEk), 2023. str. 16-16
www.husek.hr -
Hudina, Sandra ; Dragičević, Paula ; Bielen, Ana ; Žučko, Jurica ; Černi, Silvija ; Sviličić Petrić, Ines ; Bačnik, Katarina ; Kutnjak, Denis | Changes in the microbiome along the invasion range of a successful freshwater invader // 1st Slovenian Microbiome Network Symposium Abstract Book. | Maribor: Nacionalni laboratorij za zdravje, okolje in hrano Maribor, 2022. str. 24-24
zenodo.org -
Ana Ramljak, Jurica Žučko, Ivana Babić, Mavro Lučić, Martina Furdek Turk, Maja Fafanđel, Slavica Matijević, Nikolina Udiković Kolić, Ines Sviličić Petrić | Down under the surface of the Adriatic Sea: benthic microbial communities and how anthropogenically-induced pollution affects them? // EcotoxicoMic 2022, 3rd International Conference in Microbial Ecotoxicology : Book of Abstracts. | Montpellier, 2022. str. 45-45
ecotoxicomic22.sciencesconf.org -
Kulaš, Antonija ; Žutinić, Petar ; Gulin, Vesna ; Matoničkin Kepčija, Renata ; Sertić Perić, Mirela ; Orlić, Sandi ; Sviličić Petrić, Ines ; Marković, Tamara ; Šušnjara, Mirela ; Gligora Udovič Marija | Protist diversity in periphyton of tufa-depositing system // Zbornik sažetaka 14. hrvatskog biološkog kongresa = Book of abstracts of the 14th Croatian biological congress. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko biološko društvo, 2022. str. 153-154
www.hbd-sbc.hr Huđ, Anastazija ; Senko, Helena ; Mešić, Armin ; Kajić, Sanja ; Petek, Marko ; Šamec, Dunja ; Brkljačić, Lidija ; Udiković-Kolić, Nikolina ; Palijan, Goran ; Petrić, Ines | A bet is open: Who would win a fight between phytophatogenic fungi and plant – growth – promoting - bacteria? // Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju. | Zagreb, 2022. str. ---
Ramljak, Ana ; Udiković Kolić, Nikolina ; Babić, Ivana ; Furdek Turk, Martina ; Bielen, Ana ; Matijević, Slavica ; Fafanđel, Maja ; Karpouzas, Dimitrios ; Chatzinotas, Antonis ; Morić, Zlatan et al. | Targeting microbial communities as potential indicators of marine ecosystem health // 7th Croatian Congress of Microbiology with International Participation : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko mikrobiološko društvo, 2022. str. 92-92
Petek, Marko ; Senko, Helena ; Pole, Lucia ; Brkljačić, Lidija ; Udiković-Kolić, Nikolina ; Rajnović, Ivana ; Šamec, Dunja ; Mešić, Armin ; Palijan, Goran ; Sviličić Petrić, Ines | Nitrate dynamics in cabbage leaves during short floods due to climate change // Book of Abstracts. | Sveti Martin na Muri: Hrvatsko tloznanstveno društvo, 2022. str. 75-76
www.tloznanstvo.eu Puljko, Ana ; Milaković Obradović, Milena ; Petrić, Ines ; Udiković Kolić, Nikolina | Prevalence of antibiotic resistance genes for extended-spectrum β-lactams and carbapenems in wastewater from Croatian wastewater treatment plants // 7th Croatian Congress of Microbiology with International Participation : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko mikrobiološko društvo, 2022. str. 68-68
Senko, Helena ; Pole, Lucia ; Brkljačić, Lidija ; Udiković-Kolić, Nikolina ; Mešić, Armin ; Petek, Marko ; Kajić, Sanja ; Palijan, Goran ; Šamec, Dunja ; Petrić, Ines | Can PGP bacteria help plants deal with floods caused by the climate change? // 9th Conference of Mikrobiokosmos "Beneficial Microbes at the Heart of Mikrobiokosmos" : Abstract book. | 2021. str. 173-173 -
Dragičević, Paula ; Bielen, Ana ; Petrić, Ines ; Žučko, Jurica ; Hudina, Sandra | Microbiome of the successful freshwater invader, the signal crayfish, and its changes along the invasion range // Zbornik sažetaka 4. Hrvatskog simpozija o invazivnim vrstama = Book of Abstracts of the 4th Croatian symposium on invasive species. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko ekološko društvo, 2021. str. 46-46
www.ekolosko-drustvo.hr -
Dragičević, Paula ; Bielen, Ana ; Petrić, Ines ; Vuk, Marija ; Žučko, Jurica ; Hudina, Sandra | Promjene u mikrobiomu uspješne invazivne strane vrste, signalnoga raka, duž njenog invazivnog areala // Simpozij studenata doktorskih studija PMF-a : knjiga sažetaka = PhD student symposium 2021 : book of abstracts. | Zagreb: Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2021. str. 61-62
www.pmf.unizg.hr -
Petrić, Ines ; Pole, Lucia ; Senko, Helena ; Brkljačić, Lidija ; Udiković-Kolić, Nikolina ; Rajnović, Ivana ; Petek, Marko ; Šamec, Dunja ; Mešić, Armin ; Palijan, Goran | Exploring climate change feedbacks of the extreme weather events on the interaction between rhizosphere microbiota and plants // EcotoxicoMic 2020, 2nd International Conference on Microbial Ecotoxicology Virtual Edition (6th-9th October, 2020). | 2020. str. 94-94
ecotoxicomic.org -
Petrić, Ines | Microorganisms - early indicators of anthropogenic perturbations within the environment // FEMS Online Conference on Microbiology 2020. | 2020. str. ---
fems2020belgrade.com -
Pavić, Dora ; Čanković, Milan ; Sviličić Petrić, Ines ; Makkonen, Jenny ; Hudina, Sandra ; Maguire, Ivana ; Vladušić, Tomislav ; Šver, Lidija ; Hrašćan, Reno ; Orlić, Karla et al. | Non-invasive detection of Aphanomyces astaci on individual crayfish // Book of abstracts - European International Association of Astacology meeting (IAA GOTLAND 2019). | 2019. str. 20-20
www.campusgotland.uu.se Hudina, Sandra ; Bielen, Ana ; Dragičević, Paula ; Pavić, Dora ; Sviličić-Petrić, Ines ; Orlić, Karla ; Burić, Lucija ; Maguire, Ivana | Presence of two oomycete pathogens in populations of the invasive signal crayfish along its range in the Korana River, Croatia // Book of Abstracts - IAA Gotland 2019 Crayfish Conference. | 2019. str. 17-18
Dragičević, Paula ; Bielen, Ana ; Petrić, Ines ; Orlić, Karla ; Pavić, Dora ; Maguire, Ivana ; Hudina, Sandra | Bacterial load in different tissues of signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus (Dana, 1852) and its potential role as fitness indicator // Abstract Book. | Glasgow: Federation of European Microbiological Societies, 2019. str. 498-498
fems2019.org Udiković-Kolić, Nikolina ; Milaković, Milena ; Vestergaard, Gisle ; Smalla, Kornelia ; Sviličić Petrić, Ines ; Gonzalez Plaza, Juan Jose | Pollution from azithromycin-manufacturing promotes the spread of antibiotic-resistance genes and alter bacterial community in receiving river sediments // 5th International Symposium on the Environmental Dimension of Antibiotic Resistance - Book of Abstracts. | 2019. str. 1-1
Petrić, Ines ; Kolda, Anamarija ; Mucko, Maja ; Gottstein, Sanja ; Žutinić, Petar ; Goreta, Gordana ; Ternjej, Ivančica ; Rubinić, Josip ; Radišić, Maja ; Gligora Udovič, Marija | Effect of the extreme shifts in water regime within intermittent river Krčić on the survival of microbial mat community // Book of Abstract Power of microbes in Industry and Environment 2019. | 2019. str. 50-51
Milaković, Milena ; Vestergaard, Gisle ; Gonzalez Plaza, Juan Jose ; Petrić, Ines ; Šimatović, Ana ; Schloter, Michael ; Udiković Kolić, Nikolina | Zagađenje sedimenta rijeke Save farmaceutskim otpadnim vodama - razvoj i širenje otpornosti na makrolidne antibiotike i odgovor bakterijskih zajednica // Program i knjiga sažetaka - 2. kongres studenata biotehnologije. | Zagreb, 2019. str. 18-18
Milaković, Milena ; Vestergaard, Gisle ; Gonzalez Plaza, Juan Jose ; Petrić, Ines ; Šimatović, Ana ; Schloter, Michael ; Udiković Kolić, Nikolina | Effects of Wastewater Pollution on the Antibiotic Resistance Gene Pool and Bacterial Communities in the Sediments of the Sava River, Croatia // Power of Microbes in Industry and Environment 2019 - Book of Abstracts. | 2019. str. 49-49
Milaković, Milena ; Vestergaard, Gisle ; Gonzalez Plaza, Juan Jose ; Petrić, Ines ; Udiković Kolić, Nikolina | Razvoj i širenje otpornosti na makrolidne antibiotike u sedimentu rijeke Save koji je pod utjecajem farmaceutskih otpadnih voda // Simpozij studenata doktorskih studija PMF-a, Knjiga sažetaka. | Zagreb: Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2019. str. 14-14
www.pmf.unizg.hr -
Dragičević, Paula ; Černi, Silvija ; Bielen, Ana ; Sviličić Petrić, Ines ; Maguire, Ivana ; Hudina, Sandra | Freshwater crayfish pathogens as potential invasive species - A review of existing studies // Zbornik sažetaka 3. Hrvatskog simpozija o invazivnim vrstama = Book of abstracts of the 3rd Croatian Symposium on invasive species. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko ekološko društvo, 2018. str. 59-59
www.ekolosko-drustvo.hr -
Petrić, Ines ; Drevenkar, Vlasta ; Martin-Laurent, Fabrice | Insights into flexibility of Rhodococci in transformation of PCBs // First International Conference on Microbial Ecotoxicology ECOTOXICOMIC. | Lyon, 2017. str. 36-36
ecotoxicomic.sciencesconf.orgecotoxicomic.sciencesconf.org Šimatović, Ana ; Milaković, Milena ; Sviličić Petrić, Ines ; Gonzalez Plaza, Juan Jose ; Udiković Kolić, Nikolina | Level of antibiotic resistance gene contamination as a result of discharge of pharmaceutical effluents // Programme and Abstracts of 6th Central European Symposium on Antimicrobials and Antimicrobial Resistance CESAR 2018. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko mikrobiološko društvo, 2018. str. 93-93
Kolda, Anamarija ; Sviličić Petrić, Ines ; Mucko, Maja ; Žutinić, Petar ; Goreta, Gordana ; Gottstein, Sanja ; Ternjej, Ivančica ; Rubinić, Josip ; Gligora Udovič, Marija | Environmental selection affecting cyanobacterial microbial mat diversity in the karst intermittent spring Krčić // 3rd Early Career Researcher Symposium on Cyanobacteria Cyano2018 : Booklet. | Freiburg, 2018. str. 11-11
Ciglenečki, Irena ; Marguš, Marija ; Čanković, Milan ; Cvitešić, Ana ; Petrić, Ines ; Collins, Gavin | Redox regime shifts in euxinic marine environment (Rogoznica Lake, eastern Adriatic coast) // 255th ACS National Meeting Nexus of Food, Energy & Water. | 2018. str. 1-1
Čanković, Milan ; Collins, Gavin ; Porca, Estefania ; Petrić, Ines ; Ciglenečki, Irena | Beneath the Oxia: Insight into the prokariotes of marine meromictic Rogoznica lake (Croatia) and their potential in elemental cycling // 2018 Ocean Science Meeting. | 2018. str. 149-149
Petrić, Ines ; Drevenkar, Vlasta ; Martin-Laurent, Fabrice | Insights into flexibility of Rhodococci in transformation of PCBs // EcotoxicoMic 2017, 1st International Conference on Microbial Ecotoxicology : Book of Abstracts. | 2017, 153112, 1
ecotoxicomic.sciencesconf.org Bielen, Ana ; Šimatović, Ana ; Jurina, Tamara ; Gonzales Plaza, Juan Jose ; Petrić, Ines ; Ahel, Marijan ; Wichmann, Fabienne ; Udiković Kolić, Nikolina | Project WINAR: Exploring the impact of pharmaceutical wastewaters on the composition and antibiotic resistance profile of exposed microbial communities // Book of Abstracts of 6th Croatian Microbiological Congress with International Participation. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko mikrobiološko društvo, 2016. str. 73-73
Ljubešić, Zrinka ; Bosak, Sunčica ; Mejdandžić, Maja ; Babić, Ivana ; Barešić, Ana ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Petrić, Ines ; Cetinić, Ivona ; Hure, Marijana et al. | Suggesting bio-indicators of Adriatic Water masses and methods of their detection // Abstracts of 15th Panhellenic Scientific Conference, Hellenic Botanical Society. | Chania, 2017. str. 64-64
http -
Čanković, Milan ; Collins, Gavin ; Porca, Estefania ; Petrić, Ines ; Ciglenečki, Irena | The extremes of Rogoznica Lake (Eastern Adriatic coast): In-Depth Characterisation Of The Prokaryotic Community Beneath The Oxic Zone // FEMS 2017, 7th Congress of European microbiologist : abstract book. | Valencia, 2017. str. 469-469
fems-microbiology.org Čanković, Milan ; Collins, Gavin ; Porca, Estefania ; Petrić, Ines ; Ciglenečki, Irena | Life under euxinia: Potential role of active prokaryotes in elemental cycling in marine meromictic Rogoznica Lake (Eastern Adriatic coast) // 15th Symposium on Aquatic Microbial Ecology : Book of Abstract. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2017. str. 154-154
Kolda, Anamarija ; Petrić, Ines ; Žutinić, Petar ; Mejdandžić, Maja ; Goreta, Gordana ; Gottstein, Sanja ; Ternjej, Ivančica ; Gligora Udović, Marija | Environmental conditions shaping microbial mat community of the karst spring // Symposium on Aquatic Microbial Ecology Abstract Book / SAME15. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2017. str. 122-122
Babić, Ivana ; Mejdandžić, Maja ; Sviličić Petrić, Ines ; Bosak, Sunčica ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Dupčić Radić, Iris ; Cetinić, Ivona ; Ljubešić, Zrinka | Uncovering marine bacterial diversity in the southern Adriatic Sea: from surface to seabed // Symposium on Aquatic Microbial Ecology Abstract Book / SAME15. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2017. str. 155-155
Bošnjak, Ivana ; Bosak, Sunčica ; Petrić, Ines ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Ljubešić, Zrinka | Distribution of Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus ecotypes in the southern Adriatic Sea // 5th Croatian Botanical Symposium - Book of abstracts. | Zagreb, 2016. str. 13-14
Bošnjak, Ivana ; Petrić, Ines ; Bosak, Sunčica ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Dupčić Radić, Iris ; Ljubešić, Zrinka | Smallest photosynthetic prokaryote of global importance: what do we know about Prochlorococcus diversity in the Adriatic sea? // Book of Abstracts of 6th Croatian Congress of Microbiology. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko mikrobiološko društvo, 2016. str. 40-40
Bošnjak, Ivana ; Petrić, Ines ; Cetinić, Ivona ; Bosak, Sunčica ; Mejdandžić, Maja ; Kružić, Petar ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Miloslavić, Marijana ; Davor Lučić, Davor ; Ljubešić, Zrinka | Ocean optics meets taxonomy: case study in Southern Adriatic Pit. // Abstracts of papers presented at the EMBO | EMBL Symposium: A New Age of Discovery for Aquatic Microeukaryotes. | Heidelberg: Mera Druck GmbH, Sandhausen, Germany, 2016. str. x-x
Žutinić, Petar ; Petrić, Ines ; Gligora Udovič, Marija ; Kralj Borojević, Koraljka ; Mikac, Iva ; Bokan, Itana ; Špoljarić, Igor ; Mršić, Gordan ; Kamberović, Jasmina ; Plenković‐Moraj, Anđelka et al. | Microbial mats in intermittent freshwater karstic spring // Zbornik sažetaka 12. hrvatskog biološkog kongresa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem = Book of abstracts of the 12th Croatian biological Congress with international participation. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko biološko društvo, 2015. str. 245-246
Petrić, Ines ; Hršak, Dubravka ; Bru, David ; Udikovic-Kolić, Nikolina ; Martin-Laurent, Fabrice | Principles and approaches for bioremediation of PCB-contaminated soils: a case study // EUROSOIL 2012. | Bari, 2012
Petrić, Ines ; Udiković-Kolić, Nikolina ; Martin-Laurent, Fabrice ; Kandeler, Ellen ; Djuric, Simonida ; Karpouzas, Dimitrios | ECOFUN-MICROBIODIV : an FP7 European project to estimate the ecotoxicological impact of low dose pesticide application in agriculture on soil functional microbial diversity // Power of Microbes in Industry and environment 2013. | Primošten, 2013. str. 34-34
Martin-Laurent, Fabrice ; Petric, Ines ; Kandeler, Ellen ; Djuric, Simonida ; Karpouzas, Dimitrios | ECOFUN-MICROBIODIV: an FP7 European project for developing and evaluating innovative tools for assessing the impact of pesticides toxicity on soil microbial diversity and functions // Pesticide Behaviour in Soils, Water and Air. | York, 2013
www.york.ac.uk Petric, Ines ; Udikovic-Kolic, Nikolina ; Kandeler, Ellen ; Karpouzas, Dimitrios ; Djuric, Simonida ; Martin-Laurent, Fabrice | Ecotoxicological impact of low dose pesticide nicosulfuron on soil microbial biodiversity and functioning // Book of Abstracts, 5th Croatian Congress of Microbiology (with International Participation). | Primošten, 2012. str. 84-84
Petrić, Ines ; Hršak, Dubravka ; Fingler, Sanja ; Bru, David ; Martin-Laurent, Fabrice | Impact of the different bioremediation treatments on the structure and activity of functinal community involved in PCB-degradation // VIIIème Congres de la Societe francaise de microbiologie "Carrefour des microbiologies du Nord et du Sud" : résumés. | Marseille, 2010
Petric, Ines ; Bru, David ; Udikovic-Kolic, Nikolina ; Martin-Laurent, Fabrice | Response of the PCB-contaminated soil bacterial community to applied bioremediation treatments // Ecology of Soil Microorganisms - Book of abstracts. | Lahti, 2011. str. 200-200
Hršak, Dubravka ; Udiković Kolić, Nikolina ; Petrić, Ines | Mixed bacterial culture for degradation of atrazine and other s-triazine compounds in contaminated environments // FEMS 2009, Microbes and man-interdependence and future challenges. | Gothenburg: Nordic Microbiology Societies, 2009
Petrić, Ines ; Hršak, Dubravka ; Fingler, Sanja | PCB-transformation activity of mixed bacterial cultures in the presence of carvone and tannin // Programme and Abstracts. | Zagreb: Pressum, 2008. str. 98-98
Petrić, Ines ; Hršak, Dubravka ; Fingler, Sanja | The effect of secondary plant metabolites, carvone and tannin, on PCB-degradation by mixed bacterial cultures // XII. International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied MIcrobiology (IUMS 2008) : Abstract Book. | 2008. str. 335-335
Petrić, Ines ; Hršak, Dubravka ; Fingler, Sanja | Designing a small-scale field experiment for treatment of PCB-contaminated soil // 4th Symposium on Biosorption and Bioremediation : abstracts. | Prag, 2007. str. 61-61
Petrić, Ines ; Hršak, Dubravka ; Fingler, Sanja | Small-scale field experiment for bioremediation of PCB-contaminated soil // 2nd FEMS congress of european microbiologists, Abstracts book. | Madrid, 2006. str. 175-x
Petrić, Ines ; Hršak, Dubravka ; Fingler, Sanja | Small-scale field experiment for bioremediation of polychlorinated biphenyl-contaminated soil // Abstracts of the 1st Central European Forum for Microbiology. | 2005
Petrić, Ines ; Hršak, Dubravka ; Fingler, Sanja ; Vončina, Ernest | Laboratory biotransformation studies of polychlorinated biphenyls for remediation of contaminated soil // Biotechnology 2004. | Santiago, 2004. str. 163-x
Petrić, Ines ; Hršak, Dubravka ; Fingler, Sanja | Enrichment of polychlorinated biphenyl-degrading bacteria // Treći hrvatski mikrobiološki kongres s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, Zbornik, Proceedings. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko mikrobiološko društvo, 2004. str. 161-x
Kvesić Ivanković, Marija; Galešić Divić, Morena; Dželalija, Mia; Divić,Vladimir; Kišević, Mak; Miletić, Marin; Maravić, Ana; Andričević, Roko | Application of multimodal systems in coastal water quality monitoring: the fusion of biology and engineering // 1st International Scientific Symposium Interdisciplinary Approach to the Scientific Research of the Adriatic Sea InspireAdriatic 2023 Book of Abstracts / Sviličić Petrić, Ines; Perić, Lorena; Cuculić, Vlado (ur.). | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2023. str. 47-48
Čanković, Milan ; Petrić, Ines ; Ciglenečki, Irena | Rogoznica Lake – an Extreme Seawater Environment Hosting Specific Sulfate-reducing Bacterial Community // Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Research Frontiers in Chalcogen Cycle Science & Technology. | Delft: UNESCO-IHE, 2015. str. 115-124
Izvorni znanstveni rad
Bošnjak, Ivana ; Petrić, Ines ; Cetinić, Ivona ; Bosak, Sunčica ; Mejdandžić, Maja ; Ljubešić, Zrinka | In depth characterization of marine cyanobacteria community: targeting of Prochlorococcus ecotypes // Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Médit. 41. | 2016. str. 275-275
Bosak, Sunčica ; Bošnjak, Ivana ; Cetinić, Ivona ; Mejdandžić, Maja ; Ljubešić, Zrinka | Diatom community in the depths of the South Adriatic: an injection of carbon by biological pump // Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Médit. 41. | 2016. str. 274-274
Publikacije - prilozi sa skupa (neobjavljeni)
Neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa
Babić, Ivana; Petrić, Ines; Grubačević, Nedjeljka; Mladineo, Ivona | The MicrobMonitor holobiont project: aquaculture ecosystem microbiome status as a link between the environment and fish health // 4th International Conference on Microbial Ecotoxicology | Švedska, 11.11.2024-15.11.2024
Ramljak, Ana; Babić, Ivana; Žučko, Jurica; Furdek Turk, Martina; Karpouzas, Dimitrios; Vasileiadis, Sotirios; Lučić, Mavro; Matijević, Slavica; Fafanđel, Maja; Udiković Kolić, Nikolina et al. | Exploiting the potential of marine microbes as indicators of anthropogenic disturbance in coastal marine areas // Power of Microbes in Industry and Environment | Poreč, Hrvatska, 15.05.2023-18.05.2023
Čanković, Milan ; Petrić, Ines ; Ciglenečki, Irena ; Collins, Gavin | Long-term trends and biogeochemical cycling under euxinic condition in marine lake (Adriatic coast) // International Conference THEMES 2018 - Oceanic and atmospheric variability, from long-term trends to abrupt shifts | Venecija, Italija, 28.11.2018-30.11.2018
Terzić, Senka ; Kostanjevečki, Petra ; Sviličić Petrić, Ines ; Ćurko, Josip ; Matošić, Marin ; Ahel, Marijan | Degradation of methadone in model biodegradation and ozonation experiments: elimination kinetics and transformation products // 15th International Symposium on Persistent Toxic Substances (ISPTS) | Basel, Švicarska, 06.11.2018-11.11.2018
Čanković, Milan ; Petrić, Ines ; Ciglenečki, Irena | Dragon’s Eye: The Truth Behind the Legends // EURASLIC XVIII: The 18th Biennial Conference of the European Association of Aquatic Sciences Libraries and Information Centers | Zagreb, Hrvatska, 06.05.2019-09.05.2019
Čižmek, Hrvoje ; Čolić, Barbara ; Mucko, Maja ; Bosak, Sunčica ; Babić, Ivana ; Barešić, Ana ; Mihanović, Hrvoje ; Vilibić, Ivica ; Petrić, Ines ; Cetinić, Ivona et al. | The base of the food web and its key players: case study of the oligotrophic southern Adriatic Sea // 24th conference Ocean Optics | Dubrovnik, Hrvatska, 07.10.2018-12.10.2018
Milaković, Milena ; Gonzalez-Plaza, Juan Jose ; Sviličić Petrić, Ines ; Šimatović, Ana ; Udiković Kolić, Nikolina | Abundance of macrolide resistance genes and bacterial community composition from urban river sediments contaminated with macrolide antibiotics // Challenges and Solutions related to Xenobiotics and Antimicrobial Resistance in the Framework of Urban Wastewater Reuse: Towards a Blue Circle Society (XENOWAC II) | Limassol, Cipar, 10.10.2018-12.10.2018
www.xenowac2018.com Čanković, Milan ; Collins, Gavin ; Petrić, Ines ; Ciglenečki, Irena | Rogoznica Lake – a Conceptual Framework to Study Sulfate-reducing Bacteria Across a Wide Range of Anoxic/hypoxic Marine Environments // 2016 Ocean Sciences Meeting | New Orleans (LA), Sjedinjene Američke Države, 21.02.2016-26.02.2016
Publikacije - ocjenski radovi
Diplomski rad
Petrić, Ines | Utjecaj eutrofikacije na sezonski razvoj fitoplanktona uz istočnu obalu Jadrana / Viličić, Damir (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2002
Doktorska disertacija
Petrić, Ines | Odabir i karakterizacija bakterijskih kultura kao katalizatora biološke razgradnje polikloriranih bifenila / Hršak, Dubravka (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2009
Sveučilišni preddiplomski završni rad
Vrgoč, Ivana | ONEČIŠĆENJE PRIOBALNOG MORA SREDNJEG I JUŽNOG JADRANA ANIONSKIM TENZIDIMA / Jukić, Marijana (mentor); Petrić, Ines (neposredni voditelj) . | Zagreb, Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet, 2009
Publikacije - druge vrste radova
Hršak, Dubravka ; Begonja Kolar, Ana ; Petrić, Ines | 1.5.Razina i utjecaj onečišćenja na području većih naselja "vruće točke" ; 1.5.2. Određivanje detergenata (anionskih tenzida) u morskoj vodi // Izvještaj projekta Jadran, 2004
Hršak, Dubravka ; Petrić, Ines | Kinetics of PCB transformation with the selected bacterial cultures ; EU Project APOPSBAL ICA 2-CT 2002-10007, Second year annual scientific report // EU Project APOPSBAL ICA 2-CT 2002-10007, APOPSBAL second year annual scientific report, 2004
Hršak, Dubravka ; Petrić, Ines | Enrichment and characterization of PCB-degrading bacteria from contaminated soil ; EU Project APOPSBAL ICA 2-CT 2002-10007, First year annual scientific report // EU Project APOPSBAL ICA 2-CT 2002-10007, APOPSBAL first year annual scientific report, 2003
Hršak, Dubravka ; Petrić, Ines | Laboratory and field PCBs biotransformation studies for remediation of soil contaminated by transformer station oil spill ; EU Project APOPSBAL ICA 2-CT 2002-10007, Third year annual scientific report // EU Project APOPSBAL ICA 2-CT 2002-10007, Third year annual scientific report, 2005
Članstva u profesionalnim udrugama / društvima
Članica Hrvatskog Mikrobiološkog Društva (HMD)
Članica FEMS-a
Članica mreže znanstvenika "EcotoxicoMic: The international network on Microbial Ecotoxicology"