dr. sc. Ivo Piantanida
10000 Zagreb
Datum |
28. 2. 1993. |
Mjesto |
Zagreb |
Ustanova |
Fakultet kemijskog inženjerstva i tehnologije |
Zvanje |
Dipl inž. kemijskog inženjerstva i tehnologije |
Datum |
18. 3. 1997. |
Mjesto |
Zagreb |
Ustanova |
Postdiplomski studij Prirodoslovno matematičkog fakulteta u Zagrebu |
Zvanje |
Magistar kemije |
Datum |
7. 3. 2001. |
Mjesto |
Zagreb |
Ustanova |
Doktorski studij Sveučilišta u Zagrebu |
Zvanje |
Doktor kemije |
2020 – 2023. voditelj radnog paketa Horizon 2020 FETPROACT-EIC-06-2019, Project: 952110 “MARA-BASED INDUSTRIAL LOW-COST IDENTIFICATION ASSAYS” (MARILIA)
2018 – 2023. Voditelj HrZZ projekta br. 5475 „Višekromoforne probe za prepoznavanje pojedinih struktura DNA, RNA i proteina“
2018 – 2019. voditelj s hrvatske strane hrvatsko-njemačkog bilateralnog projekta: „Dizajn i sinteza novih trialkilbor peptidnih spojeva te ispitivanje njihovih interakcija s DNA-RNA" s Prof. Todd Marder, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Njemačka
2014 – 2018.Voditelj HrZZ projekta br. 1477: “Multifunctional molecular sensing of DNA/RNA secondary structure by chemical sensors”.
2016 – 2017. Voditelj PoC6 HAMAG-Bicro Projekta PoC6_11_71-U-1 _ „Novi način detekcije mikotoksina sterigmatocistina u hrani i okolišu“
2013- 2016: REGPOT Projekt Call FP7-REGPOT-2012-2013-1; “Integration of research entities from the EU´s Convergence and Outermost regions in the ERA and enhancement of their innovation potential”; koordinator Dr. Oliver Vugrek, I. Piantanida je voditelj WP3 (ZA NABAVU I UPOTREBU NOVE OPREME; 5 mil. Eur)
2012 – 2013. Voditelj Hrvatsko-Slovenskog bilateralnog Projekta s Prof. Jurij Lah, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia “Interactions of small organic molecules with nucleic acids: Synthesis, structural features and thermodynamics”.
2012 – 2013. Voditelj Hrvatsko-njemačkog bilateralnog Projekta (DAAD 2012/2013.) s Prof. Dr. Frank Würthner “Design and synthesis of novel chiral cationic perylene bisimides and study of their interactions with DNA/RNA”.
Projekt MZOŠ 098-0982914-2918 „Dizajn, sinteza i ispitivanje interakcija malih molekula s DNA, RNA i proteinima“
Program MZOŠ 0982914 “Interakcije novih malih molekula s makromolekulama tumorskih i upalnih procesa”.
2018 – 2022. Voditelj HrZZ projekta br. 5475 „Višekromoforne probe za prepoznavanje pojedinih struktura DNA, RNA i proteina“
2018 – 2019. voditelj s hrvatske strane hrvatsko-Njemačkog bilateralnog Projekta: „Dizajn i sinteza novih trialkilbor peptidnih spojeva te ispitivanje njihovih interakcija s DNA-RNA" s Prof. Todd Marder, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Njemačka
Nagrade i priznanja
- 2020. Nagrada Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti, područje matematičkih, fizičkih i kemijskih znanosti
2014. Godišnja državna nagrada za znanost za značajno znanstveno dostignuće u području prirodnih znanosti, polje kemije.
2002. Nagrada Plive i HKD-a "Vladimir Prelog" namijenjena mladim organskim kemičarima za znanstveni doprinos u području supramolekularne kemije, posebno za razumijevanje interakcija aromatskih spojeva s nukleinskom kiselinom.
-2010 – danas Redovni naslovni profesordoktorskog studija "Medicinska kemija", Sveučilišta u Rijeci, Instituta Ruđer Bošković i GSK, Zagreb te voditelj Modula 5 (Odabrana poglavlja iz bioorganske i medicinske kemije) i voditelj kolegija „Mehanizmi djelovanja malih, DNA/RNA aktivnih molekula sa značajnom farmaceutskom primjenom“.
-2005 - danas Voditelj kolegija „Biološke, kemijske i biofizikalne interakcije malih molekula s nukleinskim kiselinama“ (do 2010. nositelj prof. dr. Mladen Žinić, dalje nositelj Ivo Piantanida) doktorskog studija "Biomolekularne znanosti" Sveučilišta u Osijeku, Instituta Ruđer Bošković i Sveučilišta u Dubrovniku.
Istaknute publikacije
- M. Ferger, Ž. Ban, I. Krošl, S. Tomić, L. Dietrich, S. Lorenzen, F. Rauch, D. Sieh, A. Friedrich, S. Griesbeck, A. Kenđel, S. Miljanić, I. Piantanida, T. B. Marder Chem. Eur. J. 27 (2021), 5142, doi.org/10.1002/chem.202005141 NASLOVNA STRANICA
- Ž. Ban, S. Griesbeck, S. Tomić, J. Nitsch, T. Marder, I Piantanida, Chem. Eur. J. (2019) doi.org/10.1002/chem.201903936 NASLOVNA STRANICA
- T. Šmidlehner, M. Badovinac, I. Piantanida, New J. Chem. 42, (2018), 6655-6663. NASLOVNA STRANICA
- D. Maity, M. Matković, S. Li, M. Ehlers, J. Wu, I. Piantanida, C. Schmuck, Chem. Eur. J. , 23 (2017), 17356–17362
- M. Li, M. Radić Stojković, M. Ehlers, E. Zellermann, I. Piantanida, C. Schmuck, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 55 (2016) 13015–13018.
- I. Crnolatac, I. Rogan, B. Majić, S. Tomić, T. Deligeorgiev, G. Horvat, D. Makuc, J. Plavec, G. Pescitelli, I Piantanida* Anal. Chim. Acta 940 (2016) 128–135.
- J. Gershberg, M. Radić Stojković, M. Škugor, S. Tomić, T.H. Rehm, S. Rehm, C.R. Saha-Möller, I. Piantanida*, F. Würthner, Chem. Eur. J. 21 (2015) 7886–7895.
- M. Radić Stojković, M. Škugor, S. Tomić, M. Grabar, V. Smrečki, Ł. Dudek, J. Grolik, J. Eilmes, I Piantanida; Org. Biomol. Chem., 11, (2013), 4077–4085.
- J. Wu, Y. Zou, W. Sicking, I. Piantanida, T. Yi, C. Schmuck, “A Molecular Peptide Beacon for the Ratiometric Sensing of Nucleic Acids” J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 134 (2012), 1958–1961.
- L.-M. Tumir, I. Crnolatac, T. Deligeorgiev, A. Vasilev, S. Kaloyanova, M. Grabar Branilović, S. Tomić, I. Piantanida, “Kinetic differentiation between homo- and alternating AT-DNA by sterically restricted phosphonium dyes”, Chemistry, Eur. J., 18 (2012), 3859–3864.
- K. Klemm, M. Radić Stojković, G. Horvat, V. Tomišić, I. Piantanida, C. Schmuck; “Interactions of multicationic bis-guanidiniocarbonyl pyrrole receptors with double stranded nucleic acids: syntheses, binding studies and atomic force microscopy imaging”, Chemistry, Eur. J., 18 (2012) 1352–1363.
- K. Starčević, G. Karminski-Zamola, I. Piantanida, M. Žinić, L. Šuman and M. Kralj; “Photoinduced switch of a DNA/RNA inactive molecule into a classical intercalator.”; J. Am. Chem. Soc., 127 (2005) 1074.
- L.-M. Tumir, I. Piantanida, I. Juranović, Z. Meić, S. Tomić, M. Žinić; “Recognition of homo-polynucleotides containing adenine by phenanthridinium bis-uracil conjugate in aqueous media.”; Chem. Commun., (2005) 2561.
Publikacije - prilozi u knjigama
Jakas, Andreja ; Bjeliš, Nina ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Kralj, Marijeta | Synthesis and biological activity of quercetin derivatives of endogenous opiod peptides Leu- and Met-enkephalin // Peptides 2010., Proc. 31st Eur. Peptide Symp.. | Kopenhagen: Prompt Scientific Publishing, 2010. str. 322-333
Izvorni znanstveni rad
García-España, Enrique ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Schneider, Hans-Jörg | Nucleic acids as supramolecular targets // Supramolecular systems in biomedical fields. | London : Delhi: The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2013. str. 213-259
Publikacije - prilozi u časopisima
Izvorni znanstveni rad
Radman, Katarina; Crnolatac, Ivo; Bregović, Nikola; Jelić Matošević, Zoe; Fernandes, Pedro A.; Merunka, Dalibor; Žilić, Dijana; Piantanida, Ivo; Leščić Ašler, Ivana; Bertoša, Branimir | Conformational change induced by binding of Mn2+ ions activates SloR transcription factor in Streptococcus mutans // International journal of biological macromolecules, 290 (2025), 138828, 11. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2024.138828
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Kenđel, Adriana; Piantanida, Ivo; Miljanić, Snežana | Encapsulation of Vecuronium and Rocuronium by Sugammadex Investigated by Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy // Molecules, 30 (2025), 2; 231, 16. doi: 10.3390/molecules30020231
doiwww.mdpi.com -
Penava, Ana; Marinović, Marina; de Carvalho, Lais Pessanha; Held, Jana; Piantanida, Ivo; Pavlović Saftić, Dijana; Rajić, Zrinka; Perković, Ivana | Towards Novel Antiplasmodial Agents—Design, Synthesis and Antimalarial Activity of Second-Generation β-Carboline/Chloroquine Hybrids // Molecules, 29 (2024), 24; 5991, 30. doi: 10.3390/molecules29245991
doiwww.mdpi.com -
Belovari, Mateja; Pašalić, Lea; Pem, Barbara; Jurković, Marta; Topolovčan, Nikola; Gredičak, Matija; Piantanida, Ivo; Bakarić, Danijela | Search for the smallest switch-on, water soluble and a phase-sensitive fluorimetric probe for lipid membranes: N-aryl isoindolin-1-one core // Microchemical journal, 208 (2025), 112335, 10. doi: 10.1016/j.microc.2024.112335
doilinkinghub.elsevier.com -
Nikšić-Franjić, Ivana; Pavlović Saftić, Dijana; Smrečki, Vilko; Colasson, Benoit; Reinaud, Olivia; Piantanida, Ivo; Višnjevac, Aleksandar | Transition Metals Coordination by Bis-imidazole-calix[4]arene Ligands with and Without Pyrene Units Grafted at the Large Rim // International journal of molecular sciences, 25 (2024), 20; 11314, 20. doi: 10.3390/ijms252011314
doiwww.mdpi.comfulir.irb.hr -
Drašković, Isabela; Fabijanić, Ivana; Ferger, Matthias; Marder, Todd B.; Majhen, Dragomira; Piantanida, Ivo | Interactions of variously coated gold and silver nanoparticles with a bis(triarylborane) photodyanmic therapy (PDT)-dye; their cellular uptake, cytotoxicity and photo-activity // Periodicum biologorum, 125 (2023), 1-2; 65-74. doi: 10.18054/pb.v125i1-2.23726
doihrcak.srce.hrhrcak.srce.hr -
Pavlović Saftić, Dijana; Krošl Knežević, Ivona; de Lera Garrido, Fernando; Tolosa, Juan; Majhen, Dragomira; Piantanida, Ivo; García Martínez, Joaquín Calixto | Trimeric and Tetrameric Cationic Styryl Dyes as Novel Fluorescence and CD Probes for ds-DNA and ds-RNA // International journal of molecular sciences, 25 (2024), 11; 5724, 17. doi: 10.3390/ijms25115724
doiwww.mdpi.comfulir.irb.hr -
Pavić, Kristina; Poje, Goran; Pessanha de Carvalho, Lais; Tandarić, Tana; Marinović, Marina; Fontinha, Diana; Held, Jana; Prudêncio, Miguel; Piantanida, Ivo; Vianello, Robert et al. | Discovery of harmiprims, harmine-primaquine hybrids, as potent and selective anticancer and antimalarial compounds // Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry, 105 (2024), 117734, 16. doi: 10.1016/j.bmc.2024.117734
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Modrušan, Matija; Glazer, Lucija; Otmačić, Lucija; Crnolatac, Ivo; Cindro, Nikola; Vidović, Nikolina; Piantanida, Ivo; Speranza, Giovanna; Horvat, Gordan; Tomišić, Vladislav | Anion-Binding Properties of Short Linear Homopeptides // International journal of molecular sciences, 25 (2024), 10; 5235, 18. doi: 10.3390/ijms25105235
doifulir.irb.hrwww.mdpi.com -
Matić, Josipa; Piotrowski, Patryciusz; Vrban, Lucija; Kobetić, Renata; Vianello, Robert; Jurić, Ivona; Fabijanić, Ivana; Pernar Kovač, Margareta; Brozovic, Anamaria; Piantanida, Ivo et al. | Distinctive Nucleic Acid Recognition by Lysine-Embedded Phenanthridine Peptides // International journal of molecular sciences, 25 (2024), 9; 4866, 28. doi: 10.3390/ijms25094866
doifulir.irb.hrwww.mdpi.com -
Jednačak, Tomislav; Mikulandra, Ivana; Smokrović, Kristina; Hloušek-Kasun, Andrea; Kapustić, Monika; Delaš, Kristina; Piantanida, Ivo; Jurković, Marta; Bertoša, Branimir; Zangger, Klaus et al. | Antimicrobial macrozones interact with biological macromolecules via two-site binding mode of action: Fluorimetric, NMR and docking studies // Bioorganic chemistry, 147 (2024), 107338, 13. doi: 10.1016/j.bioorg.2024.107338
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Mlakić, Milena; Barić, Danijela; Ratković, Ana; Šagud, Ivana; Čipor, Ivona; Piantanida, Ivo; Odak, Ilijana; Škorić, Irena | New charged cholinesterase inhibitors: design, synthesis, and characterization // Molecules, 29 (2024), 7; 1622, 25. doi: 10.3390/molecules29071622
doiwww.mdpi.comdx.doi.org -
Kurutos, Atanas; Crnolatac, Ivo; Orehovec, Iva; Gadjev, Nikolai; Piantanida, Ivo; Deligeorgiev, Todor | Novel synthetic approach to asymmetric monocationic trimethine cyanine dyes derived from N-ethyl quinolinum moiety. Combined fluorescent and ICD probes for AT-DNA labelling // Journal of luminescence, 174 (2016), 70-76. doi: 10.1016/j.jlumin.2016.01.035
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Škulj, Sanja; Kožić, Matej; Barišić, Antun; Vega, Aitor; Biarnés, Xevi; Piantanida, Ivo; Barišić, Ivan; Bertoša, Branimir | Comparison of two peroxidases with high potential for biotechnology applications – HRP vs. APEX2 // Computational and structural biotechnology journal, 23 (2024), 742-751. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csbj.2024.01.001 [Add to Citavi project by DOI]
doi -
Pavlović Saftić, Dijana; Ricker, Robert; Mentzel, Paul; Krebs, Johannes; Amini, Hashem; Lorenzen, Sabine; Schopper, Nils; Kenđel, Adriana; Miljanić, Snežana; Morvan, Jennifer et al. | Tetracationic bis-triarylborane tetraynes as dual fluorescence and SERS sensors for DNA, RNA and proteins // Microchemical journal, 196 (2024), 109665, 13. doi: 10.1016/j.microc.2023.109665
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Sviben, Igor; Glavaš, Mladena; Erben, Antonija; Bachelart, Thomas; Pavlović Saftić, Dijana; Piantanida, Ivo; Basarić, Nikola | Dipeptides Containing Pyrene and Modified Photochemically Reactive Tyrosine: Noncovalent and Covalent Binding to Polynucleotides // Molecules, 28 (2023), 22; 7533, 16. doi: 10.3390/molecules28227533
doiwww.mdpi.com -
Radman, Katarina; Jelić Matošević, Zoe; Žilić, Dijana; Crnolatac, Ivo; Bregović, Nikola; Ilakovac Kveder, Marina; Piantanida, Ivo; Fernandes, Pedro A.; Leščić Ašler, Ivana; Bertoša, Branimir | Structural and dynamical changes of the Streptococcus gordonii metalloregulatory ScaR protein induced by Mn2+ ion binding // International journal of biological macromolecules, 253 (Part 8) (2023), 127572, 12. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.127572
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Nikšić-Franjić, Ivana; Colasson, Benoit; Reinaud, Olivia; Višnjevac, Aleksandar; Piantanida, Ivo; Pavlović Saftić, Dijana | Novel Pyrene-Calix[4]arene Derivatives as Highly Sensitive Sensors for Nucleotides, DNA and RNA // RSC Advances, 13 (2023), 27423-27433. doi: 10.1039/D3RA05696A
doipubs.rsc.org -
Jurković, Marta; Ferger, Matthias; Drašković, Isabela; Marder, Todd B.; Piantanida, Ivo | Triarylborane-“Click” Fluorescent Tag for Orthogonal Amino Acid Labelling, Interactions with DNA, Protein, and Cyclodextrins // Pharmaceutics, 16 (2023), 9; 1208-1208. doi: 10.3390/ ph16091208
doiwww.mdpi.com -
Jurković, Marta; Radić Stojković, Marijana; Božinović, Ksenija; Nestić, Davor; Majhen, Dragomira; Delgado-Pinar; Estefanía; Inclán, Mario; García-España, Enrique; Piantanida, Ivo | Novel Tripodal Polyamine Tris-Pyrene: DNA/RNA Binding and Photodynamic Antiproliferative Activity // Pharmaceutics, 15 (2023), 9; 2197, 23. doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics15092197
doiwww.mdpi.com -
Opačak, Saša; Pernar Kovač, Margareta; Brozović, Anamaria; Piantanida, Ivo; Kirin, Srećko | Turn-on fluorescence of ruthenium pyrene complexes in response to bovine serum albumin // Dalton transactions, 52 (2023), 33; 11698-11704. doi: 10.1039/d3dt02289g
doipubs.rsc.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Jakopec, Silvio; Gourdon-Grünewaldt, Lisa; Čipor, Ivona; Meščić Macan, Andrijana; Perić, Berislav; Piantanida, Ivo; Cariou, Kevin; Gasser, Gilles; Kirin, Srećko I.; Raić-Malić, Silvana | Synthesis, characterisation and biological evaluation of monometallic Re(I) and heterobimetallic Re(I)/Fe(II) complexes with a 1,2,3-triazolyl pyridine chelating moiety // Dalton transactions, 52 (2023), 27; 9482-9498. doi: 10.1039/d3dt01070h
doipubs.rsc.orgdx.doi.org -
Tumir, Lidija-Marija ; Pavlović Saftić, Dijana ; Crnolatac, Ivo ; Ban, Željka ; Maslać, Matea ; Griesbeck, Stefanie ; Marder, Todd B. ; Piantanida, Ivo | The Nature of the (Oligo/Hetero)Arene Linker Connecting Two Triarylborane Cations Controls Fluorimetric and Circular Dichroism Sensing of Various ds-DNAs and ds-RNAs // Molecules, 28 (2023), 4348, 11. doi: 10.3390/molecules28114348
doiwww.mdpi.comfulir.irb.hr -
Mlakić, Milena; Čipor, Ivona; Kovačec, Petra; Kragol, Goran; Ratković, Ana; Kovačević, Tatjana; Zadravec, Rahela; Milašinović, Valentina; Molčanov, Krešimir; Piantanida, Ivo et al. | The benzothiazine core as a novel motif for DNA-binding small molecules // Molecules, 28 (2023), 11; 4499, 16. doi: 10.3390/molecules28114499
doiwww.mdpi.comfulir.irb.hrdx.doi.org -
Ban, Željka ; Barišić, Antun ; Crnolatac, Ivo ; Kazazić, Saša ; Škulj, Sanja ; Savini, Filippo ; Bertoša, Branimir ; Barišić, Ivan ; Piantanida, Ivo | Highly selective preparation of N-terminus Horseradish peroxidase-DNA conjugate with fully retained enzymatic activity: HRP-DNA structure – activity relation // Enzyme and microbial technology, 168 (2023), 110257, 11. doi: 10.1016/j.enzmictec.2023.110257
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
González-García, Jorge ; Galiana, Carolina ; Dea-Ayuela, M. Auxiliadora ; Radić Stojković, Marijana ; López-Molina, Sonia ; Galiana-Roselló, Cristina ; Blasco, Salvador ; Piantanida, Ivo ; García-España, Enrique | Impact of the zinc complexation of polytopic polyaza ligands on the interaction with double and single stranded DNA/RNA and antimicrobial activity // Dalton transactions, 52 (2023), 5478-5485. doi: 10.1039/d3dt00395g
doipubs.rsc.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Jakšić, Daniela ; Šegvić Klarić, Maja ; Rimac, Hrvoje ; Kerep, Robert ; Piantanida, Ivo | Cyclodextrin-based displacement strategy of sterigmatocystin from serum albumin as a novel approach for acute poisoning detoxification // International journal of molecular sciences, 24 (2023), 4485, 15. doi: 10.3390/ ijms24054485
doiwww.mdpi.com -
Jelić Matošević, Zoe ; Radman, Katarina ; Loubser, Jolene ; Crnolatac, Ivo ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Cukrowski, Ignacy ; Leščić Ašler, Ivana ; Bertoša, Branimir | Structural Dynamics of the Bacillus subtilis MntR Transcription Factor Is Locked by Mn2+ Binding // International journal of molecular sciences, 24 (2023), 2; 957, 21. doi: 10.3390/ijms24020957
doidoi.orgwww.mdpi.comfulir.irb.hr -
Fabijanić, Ivana ; Jurković, Marta ; Jakšić, Daniela ; Piantanida, Ivo | Photoluminescent Gold/BSA nanoclusters (AuNC@BSA) as sensors for red-fluorescence detection of mycotoxins // Materials, 15 (2022), 23; 8448, 11. doi: 10.3390/ma15238448
doiwww.mdpi.com -
Košćak, Marta ; Pehar, Isabela ; Božinović, Ksenija ; Kumar Kole, Goutam ; Sobočanec, Sandra ; Podgorski, Iva I. ; Pinterić, Marija ; Müller-Buschbaum, Klaus ; Majhen, Dragomira ; Piantanida, Ivo et al. | Para-N-Methylpyridinium Pyrenes: Impact of Positive Charge on ds- DNA/RNA and Protein Recognition, Photo-Induced Bioactivity, and Intracellular Localisation // Pharmaceutics, 14 (2022), 11; 2499, 22. doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics14112499
doiwww.mdpi.comdoi.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Gazdek, Nika ; Zonjić, Iva ; Nikšić-Franjić, Ivana ; Frkanec, Leo ; Piantanida, Ivo | Competitive binding of aristolochic acid between various cyclodextrins and serum albumin as a model for acute poisoning detoxification // Supramolecular chemistry, 33 (2022), 10; 569-577. doi: 10.1080/10610278.2022.2109472
doiwww.tandfonline.comdoi.org -
Sambol, Matija ; Košćak, Marta ; Uzelac, Lidija ; Kralj, Marijeta ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Basarić, Nikola | Simultaneous staining of endoplasmic reticulum and lipid droplets by naphthol-aminonaphthalimide conjugates and photoinduced antiproliferative effects // Dyes and pigments, 206 (2022), 110651, 15. doi: 10.1016/j.dyepig.2022.110651
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Čipor, Ivona ; Kurutos, Atanas ; Dobrikov, Georgi M. ; Kamounah, Fadhil S. ; Majhen, Dragomira ; Nestić, Davor ; Piantanida, Ivo | Structure-dependent mitochondria or lysosome-targeting styryl fluorophores bearing remarkable Stokes shift // Dyes and pigments, 206 (2022), 110626, 12. doi: 10.1016/j.dyepig.2022.110626
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
Božinović, Ksenija ; Nestić, Davor ; Michail, Evripidis ; Ferger, Matthias ; Košćak, Marta ; Lambert, Christoph ; Majhen, Dragomira ; Marder, Todd B. ; Piantanida, Ivo | Diethynylarene-linked bis(triarylborane)cations as theranostic agents for tumor cell and virus-targeted photodynamic therapy // Journal of photochemistry and photobiology. B, Biology, 234 (2022), 112523, 12. doi: 10.1016/j.jphotobiol.2022.112523
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
Petters, Ivan ; Modrušan, Matija ; Vidović, Nikolina ; Crnolatac, Ivo ; Cindro, Nikola ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Speranza, Giovanna ; Horvat, Gordan ; Tomišić, Vladislav | Anion-Sensing Properties of Cyclopentaphenylalanine // Molecules, 27 (2022), 12; 3918, 16. doi: 10.3390/molecules27123918
doiwww.mdpi.com -
Krošl, Ivona ; Košćak, Marta ; Ribičić, Karla ; Žinić, Biserka ; Majhen, Dragomira ; Božinović, Ksenija ; Piantanida, Ivo | Impact of the Histidine‐Triazole and Tryptophan‐Pyrene Exchange in the WHW Peptide: Cu(II) Binding, DNA/RNA Interactions and Bioactivity // International journal of molecular sciences, 23 (2022), 7006, 24. doi: 10.3390/ijms23137006
doiwww.mdpi.comwww.mdpi.comdoi.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Ferger, Matthias ; Roger, Chantal ; Köster, Eva ; Rauch, Florian ; Lorenzen, Sabine ; Krummenacher, Ivo ; Friedrich, Alexandra ; Košćak, Marta ; Nestić, Davor ; Braunschweig, Holger et al. | Electron-Rich EDOT Linkers in Tetracationic bis-Triarylborane Chromophores: Influence on Water Stability, Biomacromolecule Sensing, and Photoinduced Cytotoxicity // Chemistry : a European journal, 28 (2022), 48; e202201130, 14. doi: 10.1002/chem.202201130
doichemistry-europe.onlinelibrary.wiley.comdoi.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Kole, Goutam Kumar ; Košćak, Marta ; Amar, Anissa ; Majhen, Dragomira ; Božinović, Ksenija ; Brkljača, Zlatko ; Ferger, Matthias ; Michail, Evripidis ; Lorenzen, Sabine ; Friedrich, Alexandra et al. | Methyl Viologens of Bis-(4'-pyridylethynyl)arenes - Structures, Photophysical and Electrochemical Studies, and their Potential Application in Biology // Chemistry : a European journal, 28 (2022), 40; e202200753, 22. doi: 10.1002/chem.202200753
doichemistry-europe.onlinelibrary.wiley.comdoi.orgfulir.irb.hr -
Krošl, Ivona, Otković, Ena ; Nikšić-Franjić, Ivana, Colasson, Benoit ; Reinaud, Olivia ; Višnjevac, Aleksandar ; Piantanida, Ivo | Impact of positive charge and ring-size on the interactions of calixarenes with DNA, RNA and nucleotides // New journal of chemistry, 46 (2022), 15; 6860-6869. doi: 10.1039/D2NJ00061J
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Košćak, Marta ; Krošl, Ivona ; Žinić, Biserka ; Piantanida, Ivo | Fluorescent Analogues of FRH Peptide: Cu(II) Binding and Interactions with ds-DNA/RNA // Chemosensors, 10 (2022), 1; 34, 17. doi: 10.3390/chemosensors10010034
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Ban, Željka ; Karačić, Zrinka ; Tomić, Sanja ; Amini, Hashem ; Marder, Todd B. ; Piantanida, Ivo | Triarylborane Dyes as a Novel Non‐Covalent and Non‐Inhibitive Fluorimetric Markers for DPP III Enzyme // Molecules, 26 (2021), 4816, 20. doi: 10.3390/molecules26164816
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Berger, Sarina M. ; Rühe, Jessica ; Schwarzmann, Johannes ; Phillipps, Alexandra ; Richard, Ann-Katrin ; Ferger, Matthias ; Krummenacher, Ivo ; Tumir, Lidija-Marija ; Ban, Željka ; Crnolatac, Ivo et al. | Bithiophene-Cored, mono-, bis-, and tris-(Trimethylammonium)- Substituted, bis-Triarylborane Chromophores: Effect of the Number and Position of Charges on Cell Imaging and DNA/RNA Sensing // Chemistry : a European journal, 27 (2021), 14057-14072. doi: 10.1002/chem.202102308
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Mikulin, Ivana ; Ljubić, Ivana ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Vasilev, Aleksey ; Mondeshki, Mihail ; Kandinska, Meglena ; Uzelac, Lidija ; Martin-Kleiner, Irena ; Kralj, Marijeta ; Tumir, Lidija-Marija ; | Polycationic Monomeric and Homodimeric Asymmetric Monomethine Cyanine Dyes with Hydroxypropyl Functionality—Strong Affinity Nucleic Acids Binders // Biomolecules, 11 (2021), 8; 1075, 21. doi: 10.3390/biom11081075
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Erben, Antonija ; Sviben, Igor ; Mihaljević, Branka ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Basarić, Nikola | Non-Covalent Binding of Tripeptides-Containing Tryptophan to Polynucleotides and Photochemical Deamination of Modified Tyrosine to Quinone Methide Leading to Covalent Attachment // Molecules, 26 (2021), 14; 4315, 18. doi: 10.3390/molecules26144315
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Sambol, Matija ; Benčić, Patricia ; Erben, Antonija ; Matković, Marija ; Mihaljević, Branka ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Kralj, Marijeta ; Basarić, Nikola | Photochemical Reactivity of Naphthol-Naphthalimide Conjugates and Their Biological Activity // Molecules, 26 (2021), 11; 3355, 26. doi: 10.3390/molecules26113355
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Orehovec, Iva ; Matković, Marija ; Pehar, Isabela ; Majhen, Dragomira ; Piantanida, Ivo | Bis-Pyrene Photo-Switch Open- and Closed-Form Differently Bind to ds-DNA, ds-RNA and Serum Albumin and Reveal Light-Induced Bioactivity // International journal of molecular sciences, 22 (2021), 4916, 22. doi: 10.3390/ ijms22094916
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Ferger, Matthias ; Ban, Željka ; Krošl, Ivona ; Tomić, Sanja ; Dietrich, Lena ; Lorenzen, Sabine ; Rauch, Florian ; Sieh, Daniel ; Friedrich, Alexandra ; Griesbeck, Stefaine et al. | Bis(phenylethynyl)arene Linkers in Tetracationic Bis-triarylborane Chromophores Control Fluorimetric and Raman Sensing of Various DNAs and RNAs // Chemistry : a European journal, 27 (2021), 16; 5142-5159. doi: 10.1002/chem.202005141
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Crnolatac, Ivo ; Giestas, Letícia ; Horvat, Gordan ; Parola, A. Jorge ; Piantanida, Ivo | Flavylium dye as pH tunable fluorescent and CD probe for double-stranded DNA and RNA // Chemosensors, 8 (2020), 4; 129, 10. doi: 10.3390/chemosensors8040129
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Kumar Kole, Goutam ; Merz, Julia ; Amar, Anissa ; Fontaine, Bruno ; Boucekkine, Abdou ; Nitsch, Jörn ; Lorenzen, Sabine ; Friedrich, Alexandra ; Krummenacher, Ivo ; Košćak, Marta et al. | 2- and 2,7-Substituted para-N-Methylpyridinium Pyrenes: Syntheses, Molecular and Electronic Structures, Photophysical, Electrochemical, and Spectroelectrochemical Properties and Binding to Double Stranded (ds)-DNA // Chemistry : a European journal, 27 (2021), 2837-2853. doi: doi.org/10.1002/chem.202004748
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Šmidlehner, Tamara ; Košćak, Marta ; Božinović, Ksenija ; Majhen, Dragomira ; Schmuck, Carsten ; Piantanida, Ivo | Fluorimetric and CD Recognition Between Various ds-DNA/RNA Depends on a Cyanine Connectivity in Cyanine-guanidiniocarbonyl-pyrrole Conjugate // Molecules, 25 (2020), 4470, 14. doi: 10.3390/molecules25194470
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Palm, Barbara Susanne ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Žinić, Mladen ; Schneider, Hans-Jörg | The Interaction of New 4.9-Diazapyrenium Compounds with Double Stranded Nucleic Acids // Journal of the Chemical Society. Perkin Transactions 2 (2001), 2 (2000), 385-392. doi: 10.1039/A905307G
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Jana, Poulami ; Šupljika, Filip ; Schmuck, Carsten ; Piantanida, Ivo | Naphthalene diimide bis-guanidinio-carbonyl-pyrrole as a pH-switchable threading DNA intercalator // Beilstein journal of organic chemistry, 16 (2020), 2201-2211. doi: 10.3762/bjoc.16.185
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Weißenstein, Annike ; Vysotsky, Myroslav O. ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Würthner, Frank | Naphthalene diimide–amino acid conjugates as novel fluorimetric and CD probes for differentiation between ds-DNA and ds-RNA // Beilstein journal of organic chemistry, 16 (2020), 2032-2045. doi: 10.3762/bjoc.16.170
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Đud, Mateja ; Glasovac, Zoran ; Margetić, Davor ; Piantanida, Ivo | Guanidino-aryl derivatives: protonation and structure tuning for spectrophotometric recognition of ds-DNA and ds-RNA // New journal of chemistry, 44 (2020), 11537-11545. doi: 10.1039/D0NJ01879A
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Ban, Željka ; Matić, Josipa ; Žinić, Biserka ; Foller Füchtbauer, Anders ; Wilhelmsson, L. Marcus ; Piantanida, Ivo | Flexibility and Preorganization of Fluorescent Nucleobase-Pyrene Conjugates Control DNA and RNA Recognition // Molecules, 25 (2020), 9; 2188, 19. doi: 10.3390/molecules25092188
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Amini, Hashem ; Ban, Željka ; Ferger, Matthias ; Lorenzen, Sabine ; Rauch, Florian ; Friedrich, Alexandra ; Crnolatac, Ivo ; Kenđel, Adriana ; Miljanić, Snežana ; Piantanida, Ivo et al. | Tetracationic bis-triarylborane 1, 3-butadiyne as a combined fluorimetric and Raman probe for simultaneous and selective sensing of various DNA, RNA and proteins // Chemistry : a European journal, 26 (2020), 6017-6028. doi: 10.1002/chem.201905328
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Saftić, Dijana ; Studzińska, Mirosława ; Paradowska, Edyta ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Baranović, Goran ; Białek-Pietras, Magdalena ; Leśnikowski, Zbigniew J. | Comparative study of the effects of ortho-, meta- and para-carboranes (C2B10H12) on the physicochemical properties, cytotoxicity and antiviral activity of uridine and 2’-deoxyuridine boron cluster conjugates // Bioorganic chemistry, 94 (2020), 103466, 11. doi: 10.1016/j.bioorg.2019.103466
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Ban, Željka ; Griesbeck, Stefanie ; Tomić, Sanja ; Nitsch, Jörn ; Marder, Todd ; Piantanida, Ivo | A quadrupolar bis‐triarylborane chromophore as a fluorimetric and chirooptic probe for simultaneous and selective sensing of DNA, RNA and proteins // Chemistry : a European journal, 26 (2020), 2195-2203. doi: 10.1002/chem.201903936
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Jakšić, Daniela ; Šegvić Klarić, Maja ; Crnolatac, Ivo ; Šijaković Vujičić, Nataša ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Górecki, Marcin ; Pescitelli, Gennaro ; Piantanida, Ivo | Unique Aggregation of Sterigmatocystin in Water Yields Strong and Specific Circular Dichroism Response Allowing Highly Sensitive and Selective Monitoring of Bio-Relevant Interactions // Marine drugs, 17 (2019), 11; 629, 17. doi: 10.3390/md17110629
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Ćehić, Mirsada ; Suć Sajko, Josipa ; Karačić, Zrinka ; Piotrowski, Patryciusz ; Šmidlehner, Tamara ; Jerić, Ivanka ; Schmuck, Carsten ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Tomić, Sanja | The guanidiniocarbonylpyrrole - fluorophore conjugates as theragnostic tools for DPP III monitoring and inhibition // Journal of biomolecular structure & dynamics, 38 (2020), 13; 3790-3800. doi: 10.1080/07391102.2019.1664936
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Erben, Antonija ; Matić, Josipa ; Basarić, Nikola ; Piantanida, Ivo | The phenanthridine - modified tyrosine dipeptide: synthesis and non-covalent binding to DNA and RNA // Croatica chemica acta, 92 (2019), 2; 249-258. doi: 10.5562/cca3542
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Botti, Valentina ; Cesaretti, Alessio ; Ban, Željka ; Crnolatac, Ivo ; Consiglio, Giuseppe ; Elisei, Fausto ; Piantanida, Ivo | Fine structural tuning of styryl-based dyes for fluorescence and CD-based sensing of various ds-DNA/RNA sequences // Organic & biomolecular chemistry, 17 (2019), 35; 8243-8258. doi: 10.1039/C9OB01186B
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Papi, Francesco ; Kenđel, Adriana ; Ratkaj, Marina ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Gratteri, Paola ; Bazzicalupi, Carla ; Miljanić, Snežana | Effect of structure levels on surface-enhanced Raman scattering of human telomeric G-quadruplexes in diluted and crowded media // Analytical & bioanalytical chemistry, 411 (2019), 5197-5207. doi: 10.1007/s00216-019-01894-z
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Matić, Josipa ; Šupljika, Filip ; Tandarić, Tana ; Dukši, Marko ; Piotrowski, Patryciusz ; Vianello, Robert ; Brozović, Anamaria ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Schmuck, Carsten ; Radić Stojković, Marijana | DNA/RNA recognition controlled by the glycine linker and the guanidine moiety of phenanthridine peptides // International journal of biological macromolecules, 134 (2019), 422-434. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2019.05.063
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Šmidlehner, Tamara ; Rožman, Andrea ; Piantanida, Ivo | Advances in cyanine - Amino acid conjugates and peptides for sensing of DNA, RNA and protein structures // Current protein & peptide science, 20 (2019), 11; 1040-1045. doi: 10.2174/1389203720666190513084102
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Ban, Željka ; Žinić, Biserka ; Matković, Marija ; Tomašić Paić, Ana ; Crnolatac, Ivo ; Piantanida, Ivo | Pyrrolocytosine-pyrene conjugates as fluorescent and CD probes for a fine sensing of ds- polynucleotide secondary structure and specific recognition of poly G // New journal of chemistry, 43 (2019), 8204-8214. doi: 10.1039/C8NJ05286G
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Pernar, Margareta ; Kokan, Zoran ; Kralj, Juran ; Glasovac, Zoran ; Tumir, Lidija-Marija ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Eljuga, Domagoj ; Turel, Iztok ; Brozovic, Anamaria ; Kirin, Srećko I. | Organometallic ruthenium(II)-arene complexes with triphenylphosphine amino acid bioconjugates: Synthesis, characterization and biological properties // Bioorganic chemistry, 87 (2019), 432-446. doi: 10.1016/j.bioorg.2019.03.048
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Sambol, Matija ; Ester, Katja ; Husak, Antonija ; Škalamera, Đani ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Kralj, Marijeta ; Basarić, Nikola | Bifunctional Phenol Quinone Methide Precursors: Synthesis and Biological Activity // Croatica chemica acta, 92 (2019), 1; 29-41. doi: 10.5562/cca3455
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Rožman, Andrea ; Crnolatac, Ivo ; Deligeorgiev, Todor ; Piantanida, Ivo | Strong impact of chloro substituent on TOTO and YOYO ds-DNA/RNA sensing // Journal of luminescence, 205 (2019), 87-96. doi: 10.1016/j.jlumin.2018.08.074
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Kurutos, Atanas ; Orehovec, Iva ; Saftić, Dijana ; Horvat, Lucija ; Crnolatac, Ivo ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Deligeorgiev, Todor | Cell penetrating, mitochondria targeting multiply charged DABCO-cyanine dyes // Dyes and pigments, 158 (2018), 517-525. doi: 10.1016/j.dyepig.2018.05.035
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Merkaš, Sonja ; Bouatra, Souhaila ; Rein, Régis ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Žinić, Mladen ; Solladié, Nathalie | Great Efficiency of Nucleosides as Organizing Tools // Croatica chemica acta, 90 (2017), 4; 595-602. doi: 10.5562/cca3247
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Saftić, Dijana ; Ban, Željka ; Matić, Josipa ; Tumir, Lidija-Marija ; Piantanida, Ivo | Conjugates of classical DNA/RNA binder with nucleobase: chemical, biochemical and biomedical applications // Current medicinal chemistry, 26 (2019), 30; 5609-5624. doi: 10.2174/0929867325666180508090640
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Orehovec, Iva ; Glavač, Danijel ; Dokli, Irena ; Gredičak, Matija ; Piantanida, Ivo | Impact of the Supramolecular Organisation of Pyrene – Quinoline Conjugates on their Interaction with ds – DNA // Croatica chemica acta, 90 (2017), 4; 603-611. doi: 10.5562/cca3269
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Šmidlehner, Tamara ; Karačić, Zrinka ; Tomić, Sanja ; Schmuck, Carsten ; Piantanida, Ivo | Fluorescent cyanine-guanidiniocarbonyl-pyrrole conjugate with pH-dependent DNA/RNA recognition and DPP III fluorescent labelling and inhibition properties // Monatshefte für Chemie, 149 (2018), 7; 1307-1313. doi: 10.1007/s00706-018-2192-0
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Šmidlehner, Tamara ; Badovinac, Marko ; Piantanida, Ivo | Pyrene – cyanine conjugates as multipurpose fluorescent probes for non-covalent recognition of ds-DNA, RNA and proteins. // New journal of chemistry, 42 (2018), 9; 6655-6663. doi: 10.1039/c8nj00055g
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Šmidlehner, Tamara ; Kurutos, Atanas ; Slade, Jakov ; Belužić, Robert ; Ang, Dale L. ; Rodger, Alison ; Piantanida, Ivo | Versatile cyanine-click-amino acid conjugates showing one-atom- influenced recognition of DNA/RNA secondary structure and mitochondrial localization in living cells // European journal of organic chemistry, 14 (2018), 1682-1692. doi: 10.1002/ejoc.201701765
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Ban, Željka ; Žinić, Biserka ; Vianello, Robert ; Schmuck, Carsten ; Piantanida, Ivo | Nucleobase–Guanidiniocarbonyl-Pyrrole Conjugates as Novel Fluorimetric Sensors for Single Stranded RNA // Molecules, 22 (2017), 12; 2213, 22. doi: 10.3390/molecules22122213
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Yalçin, Ergin ; Matković, Marija ; Jukić, Marijana ; Glavaš-Obrovac, Ljubica ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Seferoğlu, Zeynel | Novel fluorene/fluorenone DNA and RNA binders as efficient non-toxic ds-RNA selective fluorescent probes // Tetrahedron, 74 (2018), 535-543. doi: 10.1016/j.tet.2017.12.008
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Šmidlehner, Tamara ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Pescitelli, Gennaro | Polarized spectroscopy methods in the determination of interactions of small molecules with nucleic acids - tutorial // Beilstein journal of organic chemistry, 14 (2018), 84-105. doi: 10.3762/bjoc.14.5
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Radić Stojković, Marijana ; Gonzalez-Garcia, Jorge ; Šupljika, Filip ; Galiana-Rosello, Cristina ; Guijarro, Lluis ; Gazze, Salvatore A. ; Francis, Lewis W. ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Garcia- Espana, Enrique | Specific and highly efficient condensation of GC and IC DNA by polyaza pyridinophane derivatives // International journal of biological macromolecules, 109 (2018), 143-151. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2017.11.156
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Maity, Debabrata ; Matković, Marija ; Li, Shang ; Ehlers, Martin ; Wu, Junchen ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Schmuck, Carsten | Peptide-Based Probes with an Artificial Anion Binding Motif for Direct Fluorescence 'Switch-On' Detection of Nucleic Acid in Cells // Chemistry : a European journal, 23 (2017), 68; 17356-17362. doi: 10.1002/chem.201703813
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Kurutos, Atanas ; Orehovec, Iva ; Tomašić Paić, Ana ; Crnolatac, Ivo ; Horvat, Lucija ; Gadjev, Nikolai ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Deligeorgiev, Todor | New series of non-toxic DNA intercalators, mitochondria targeting fluorescent dyes // Dyes and pigments, 148 (2018), 452-459. doi: 10.1016/j.dyepig.2017.09.049
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Saftić, Dijana ; Radić Stojković, Marijana ; Žinić, Biserka ; Glavaš-Obrovac, Ljubica ; Jukić, Marijana ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Tumir, Lidija-Marija | Impact of linker between triazolyl-uracil and phenanthridine on recognition of DNA and RNA. Recognition of uracil – containing RNA. // New journal of chemistry, 41 (2017), 22; 13240-13252. doi: 10.1039/C7NJ02699D
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Merkaš, Sonja ; Bouatra, Souhaila ; Rein, Régis ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Žinić, Mladen ; Solladié, Nathalie | Efficiency of Dinucleosides as the Backbone to Pre-Organize Multi-Porphyrins and Enhance Their Stability as Sandwich Type Complexes with DABCO // Molecules, 22 (2017), 7; 1112, 14. doi: 10.3390/molecules22071112
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Šmidlehner, Tamara ; Piantanida, Ivo | Novel DNA/RNA-targeting amino acid beacon for the versatile incorporation at any position within the peptide backbone // Amino acids (Wien), 49 (2017), 8; 1381-1388. doi: 10.1007/s00726-017-2438-x
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Knežević Teofilović, Natalija ; Bihi, Majjoub ; Radić Stojković, Marijana ; Tumir, Lidija ; Ester, Katja ; Kralj, Marijeta ; Majhen, Dragomira ; Oršolić, Nada ; Lepur, Adriana ; Vrbanec, Damir et al. | 1-ethyl-3-(6-methylphenanthridine-8-il) urea modulates TLR3/9 activation and induces selective pro-inflammatory cytokine expression in vitro // Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters, 27 (2017), 7; 1530-1537. doi: 10.1016/j.bmcl.2017.02.048
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Šarić, Ana ; Crnolatac, Ivo ; Bouillaud, Frédéric ; Sobocanec, Sandra ; Mikecin, Ana- Matea ; Mačak Šafranko, Željka ; Deligeorgiev, Todor ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Balog, Tihomir ; Petit, Patrice | Non-toxic fluorescent phosphonium probes to detect mitochondrial potential // Methods and applications in fluorescence, 5 (2017), 1; 015007, 13. doi: 10.1088/2050-6120/aa5e64
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Mao, Li ; Matković, Marija ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Schmuck, Carsten | Incorporation of arginine mimetic residue into peptides for recognition of double stranded nucleic acid structure: binding and aggregation studies // Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry, 25 (2017), 6; 1875-1880. doi: 10.1016/j.bmc.2017.02.006
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Miljanić, Snežana ; Ratkaj, Marina ; Matković, Marija ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Gratteri, Paola ; Bazzicalupi, Carla | Assessment of human telomeric G-quadruplex structures using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy // Analytical & bioanalytical chemistry, 409 (2017), 9; 2285-2295. doi: 10.1007/s00216-016-0172-y
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Li, Mao ; Radić Stojković, Marijana ; Ehlers, Martin ; Zellermann, Elio ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Schmuck, Carsten | Use of an Octapeptide-Guanidiniocarbonylpyrrole Conjugate for the Formation of a Supramolecular beta-Helix that Self-Assembles into pH-Responsive Fibers // Angewandte Chemie. International edition, 55 (2016), 42; 13015-13018. doi: 10.1002/anie.201605522
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Matić, Josipa ; Šupljika, Filip ; Tir, Nora ; Piotrowski, Patryciusz ; Schmuck, Carsten ; Abramić, Marija ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Tomić, Sanja | Guanidiniocarbonyl-pyrrole -aryl conjugates as inhibitors of human dipeptidyl peptidase III: combined experimental and computational study // RSC Advances, 6 (2016), 83044-83052. doi: 10.1039/c6ra16966j
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Crnolatac, Ivo ; Rogan, Iva ; Majić, Boris ; Tomić, Sanja ; Deligeorgiev, Todor ; Horvat, Gordan ; Makuc, Damjan ; Plavec, Janez ; Pescitelli, Gennaro ; Piantanida, Ivo | Small molecule probes finely differentiate between various ds- and ss-DNA and RNA by fluorescence, CD and NMR response // Analytica chimica acta, 940 (2016), 128-135. doi: 10.1016/j.aca.2016.08.021
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Steiner, Ivana ; Stojanović, Nikolina ; Bolje, Aljoša ; Brozović, Anamaria ; Polančec, Denis ; Ambriović-Ristov, Andreja ; Radić Stojković, Marijana ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Eljuga, Domagoj ; Košmrlj, Janez et al. | Discovery of ‘click’ 1, 2, 3-triazolium salts as potential anticancer drugs // Radiology and oncology, 50 (2016), 3; 280-288. doi: 10.1515/raon-2016-0027
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Suć, Josipa ; Tumir, Lidija-Marija ; Glavaš-Obrovac, Ljubica ; Jukić, Marijana ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Jerić, Ivanka | The impact of alpha-hydrazino acids embedded in short fluorescent peptides on peptide interactions with DNA and RNA // Organic & biomolecular chemistry, 14 (2016), 21; 4865-4874. doi: 10.1039/c6ob00425c
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Miljanić, Snežana ; Kenđel, Adriana ; Novak, Morana ; Deliqeorqiev, Todor G. ; Crnolatac, Ivo ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Chiş, Vasile | Distinguishing binding modes of a new phosphonium dye with DNA by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy // RSC Advances, 6 (2016), 41927-41936. doi: 10.1039/C6RA03586H
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Smolko, Ana ; Šupljika, Filip ; Martinčić, Jelena ; Jajčanin-Jozić, Nina ; Grabar- Branilović, Marina ; Tomić, Sanja ; Ludwig- Müller, Jutta ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Salopek- Sondi, Branka | The role of conserved Cys residues in Brassica rapa auxin amidohydrolase: the Cys139 is crucial for the enzyme activity and the Cys320 regulates enzyme stability // PCCP. Physical chemistry chemical physics, 18 (2016), 13; 8890-8900. doi: 10.1039/c5cp06301a
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Bončina, Matjaž ; Podlipnik, Črtomir ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Eilmes, Julita ; Teulade-Fichou, Marie-Paule ; Vesnaver, Gorazd ; Lah, Jurij | Thermodynamic fingerprints of ligand binding to human telomeric G-quadruplexes // Nucleic acids research, 43 (2015), 21; 10376-10386. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkv1167
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Tumir, Lidija-Marija ; Šupljika, Filip ; Piantanida, Ivo | Bisphenanthridinium – adenine conjugates as fluorescent and CD reporters for fine structural differences in ds-DNA/RNA and ss-RNA structures // Supramolecular chemistry, 28 (2016), 3-4; 267-274. doi: 10.1080/10610278.2015.1099655
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Vajs, Jure ; Steiner, Ivana ; Brozović, Anamaria ; Pevec, Andrej ; Ambriović-Ristov, Andreja ; Matković, Marija ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Urankar, Damijana ; Osmak, Maja ; Janez Košmrlj | The 1, 3-diaryltriazenido(p-cymene)ruthenium(II) complexes with a high in vitro anticancer activity // Journal of inorganic biochemistry, 153 (2015), 42-48. doi: 10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2015.09.005
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Berger, Michael L. ; Maciejewska, Dorota ; Vanden Eynde, Jean Jacques ; Mottamal, Madhusoodanan ; Żabiński, Jerzy ; Kaźmierczaki, Paweł ; Rezler, Mateusz ; Jarak, Ivana ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Karminski-Zamola, Grace et al. | Pentamidine analogs as inhibitors of [3H]MK-801 and [3H]ifenprodil binding to rat brain NMDA receptors // Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry, 23 (2015), 15; 4489-4500. doi: 10.1016/j.bmc.2015.06.012
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Kaźmierska, Alicja ; Gryl, Marlena ; Stadnicka, Katarzyna ; Sieroń, Lesław ; Eilmes, Andrzej ; Matković, Marija ; Radić-Stojković, Marijana ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Eilmes, Julita | Dicationic derivatives of dinaphtotetraaza[14]annulene: Synthesis, crystal structures and the preliminary evaluation of their DNA binding properties // Tetrahedron, 71 (2015), 24; 4163-4173. doi: 10.1016/j.tet.2015.04.098
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Matić, Josipa ; Tumir, Lidija-Marija ; Radić Stojković, Marijana ; Piantanida, Ivo | Advances in peptide-based DNA/RNA-intercalators // Current protein & peptide science, 17 (2016), 2; 127-134. doi: 10.2174/138920371702160209124439
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Kralj, Marijeta ; Uzelac, Lidija ; Wang, Yu-Hsuan ; Wan, Peter ; Tireli, Martina ; Mlinarić-Majerski, Kata ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Basarić, Nikola | Enhancement of antiproliferative activity by phototautomerization of anthrylphenols // Photochemical & photobiological sciences, 14 (2015), 6; 1082-1092. doi: 10.1039/c5pp00099h
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Gershberg, Jana ; Radić Stojković, Marijana ; Škugor, Marko ; Tomić, Sanja ; Rehm, Thomas H. ; Rehm, Stephanie ; Saha-Möller, Chantu R. ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Würthner, Frank | Sensing of Double-Stranded DNA/RNA Secondary Structures by Water Soluble Homochiral Perylene Bisimide Dyes // Chemistry : a European journal, 21 (2015), 21; 7886-7895. doi: 10.1002/chem.201500184
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Merkaš, Sonja ; Bouatra, Souhaila ; Rein, Régis ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Žinić, Mladen ; Solladié, Nathalie | Pre-Organized Dinucleosides with Pendant Porphyrins for the Formation of Sandwich Type Complexes with DABCO with High Association Constants // Journal of porphyrins and phthalocyanines, 19 (2015), 1/3; 535-546. doi: 10.1142/S1088424615500431
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Šola, Ivana ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Crnolatac, Ivo ; Rusak, Gordana | Europium improves the transport of quercetin through Arabidopsis thaliana // Biologia plantarum, 59 (2015), 3; 554-559. doi: 10.1007/s10535-015-0508-z
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Radić Stojković, Marijana ; Piotrowski, Patryciusz ; Schmuck, Carsten ; Piantanida, Ivo | A Short, rigid linker between pyrene and guanidiniocarbonyl-pyrrole induced new set of spectroscopic responses to ds-DNA secondary structure // Organic & biomolecular chemistry, 13 (2015), 1629-1633. doi: 10.1039/c4ob02169j
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Tumir, Lidija-Marija ; Radić Stojković, Marijana ; Piantanida, Ivo | Come-back of phenanthridine and phenanthridinium derivatives in 21st century // Beilstein journal of organic chemistry, 10 (2014), 2930-2954. doi: 10.3762/bjoc.10.312
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González-García, Jorge ; Tomić, Sanja ; Lopera, Alberto ; Guijarro, Lluís ; Piantanida, Ivo ; García-España, Enrique | Aryl-bis-(scorpiand)-aza receptors differentiate between nucleotide monophosphates by combination of aromatic, hydrogen bond and electrostatic interactions // Organic & biomolecular chemistry, 13 (2015), 1732-1740. doi: 10.1039/c4ob02084g
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Radić Stojković, Marijana ; Škugor, Marko ; Dudek, Łukasz ; Grolik, Jarosław ; Eilmes, Julita ; Piantanida, Ivo | Molecular recognition of AT-DNA sequences by the induced CD pattern of dibenzotetraaza[14]annulene (DBTAA) - adenine derivatives // Beilstein journal of organic chemistry, 10 (2014), 2175-2185. doi: 10.3762/bjoc.10.225
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Dijanošić, Adriana ; Miljanić, Snežana ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Gonzales-Garcia, Jorge ; Garcia-Espana, Enrique | Revealing interactions between polyaza pyridinophane compounds and DNA/RNA polynucleotides by SERS spectroscopy // Journal of Raman spectroscopy, 45 (2014), 10; 863-872. doi: 10.1002/jrs.4564
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Grabar Branilović, Marina ; Tomić, Sanja ; Tumir, Lidija-Marija ; Piantanida, Ivo | The bis-phenanthridinium system flexibility and position of covalently bound uracil finely tunes the interaction with polynucleotides // Molecular biosystems, 9 (2013), 8; 2051-2062. doi: 10.1039/C3MB25578F
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Radić Stojković, Marijana ; Škugor, Marko ; Tomić, Sanja ; Grabar, Marina ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Dudek, Łukasz ; Grolik, Jarosław ; Eilmes, Julita ; Piantanida, Ivo | Dibenzotetraaza[14]annulene – adenine conjugate recognizes complementary poly dT among ss-DNA / ss-RNA sequences // Organic & biomolecular chemistry, 11 (2013), 24; 4077-4085. doi: 10.1039/c3ob40519b
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González-García, Jorge ; Uzelac, Lidija ; Kralj, Marijeta ; Llinares, José M. ; García-España, Enrique ; Piantanida, Ivo | The size of aryl linker between two polyaza-cyclophane moieties controls the binding selectivity to ds-RNA vs ds-DNA // Organic & biomolecular chemistry, (2013), 11; 2154-2161. doi: 10.1039/c3ob00032j
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Miljanić, Snežana ; Dijanošić, Adriana ; Kalac, Matea ; Radić Stojković, Marijana ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Pawlica, Dariusz ; Eilmes, Julita | Surface-enhanced Raman scattering study of the binding modes of a dibenzotetraaza[14]annulene derivative with DNA/RNA polynucleotides // Croatica chemica acta, 85 (2012), 4; 577-584. doi: 10.5562/cca2106
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Stolić, Ivana ; Avdičević, Monika ; Bregović, Nikola ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Glavaš-Obrovac, Ljubica ; Bajić, Miroslav | Synthesis, DNA Interactions and Anticancer Evaluation of Novel Diamidine Derivatives of 3, 4-Ethylenedioxythiophene // Croatica chemica acta, 85 (2012), 4; 457-467. doi: 10.5562/cca2141
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Rehm, Thomas H. ; Radić Stojković, Marijana ; Rehm, Stefanie ; Škugor, Marko ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Würthner, Frank | Interaction of Spermine-Alanine Functionalized Perylene Bisimide Dye Aggregates with ds-DNA/RNA Secondary Structure // Chemical science, 3 (2012), 12; 3393-3397. doi: 10.1039/c2sc20825c
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Dukši, Marko ; Baretić, Domagoj ; Piantanida, Ivo | Synthesis of the peptide-based phenanthridine- nucleobase conjugates and study of their interactions with ds-DNA // Acta chimica slovenica, 59 (2012), 3; 464-472
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Tumir, Lidija-Marija ; Crnolatac, Ivo ; Deligeorgiev, Todor ; Vasilev, Aleksey ; Kaloyanova, Stefka ; Grabar Branilović, Marina ; Tomić, Sanja ; Piantanida, Ivo | Kinetic differentiation between homo- and alternating AT-DNA by sterically restricted phosphonium dyes // Chemistry : a European journal, 18 (2012), 13; 3859-3864. doi: 10.1002/chem.201102968
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Wu, Junchen ; Zou, Ying ; Sicking, Wilhelm ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Yi, Tao ; Schmuck, Carsten | A Molecular Peptide Beacon for the Ratiometric Sensing of Nucleic Acids // Journal of the American Chemical Society, 134 (2012), 4; 1958-1961. doi: 10.1021/ja2103845
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Miljanić, Snežana ; Dijanošić, Adriana ; Landeka, Kristina ; Radić Stojković, Marijana ; Piantanida, Ivo | Binding of a phenanthridine-biguanide derivative with DNA/RNA polynucleotides studied by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) // Applied spectroscopy, 66 (2012), 1; 82-89. doi: 10.1366/11-06411
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Hu, Wenbin ; Blecking, Caroline ; Kralj, Marijeta ; Šuman, Lidija ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Schrader, Thomas | Dimeric Calixarenes : A New Family of Major Groove Binders // Chemistry : a European journal, 18 (2012), 12; 3589-3597. doi: 10.1002/chem .201100634
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Perin, Nataša ; Uzelac, Lidija ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Karminski-Zamola, Grace ; Kralj, Marijeta ; Hranjec, Marijana | Novel biologically active nitro and amino substituted benzimidazo[1,2-a]quinolines // Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry, 19 (2011), 21; 6329-6339. doi: 10.1016/j.bmc.2011.09.002
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Kaloyanova, Stefka ; Crnolatac, Ivo ; Lesev, Nedyalko ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Deligeorgiev, Todor | Synthesis and study of nucleic acids interactions of novel monomethine cyanine dyes // Dyes and pigments, 92 (2012), 3; 1184-1191. doi: 10.1016/j.dyepig.2011.08.019
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Klemm, Karsten ; Radić Stojković, Marijana ; Horvat, Gordan ; Tomišić, Vladislav ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Schmuck, Carsten | Interactions of multicationic bis-guanidiniocarbonyl pyrrole receptors with double stranded nucleic acids // Chemistry : a European journal, 18 (2012), 5; 1352-1363. doi: 10.1002/chem.201101544
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Čimbora-Zovko, Tamara ; Brozović, Anamaria ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Fritz, Gerhard ; Virag, Andrej ; Alič, Branko ; Majce, Vita ; Kočevar, Marjan ; Polanc, Slovenko ; Osmak, Maja | Synthesis and biological evaluation of 4-nitro-substituted 1, 3-diaryltriazenes as a novel class of potent antitumor agents // European journal of medicinal chemistry, 46 (2011), 7; 2971-2983. doi: 10.1016/j.ejmech.2011.04.024
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Hranjec, Marijana ; Lučić, Borka ; Ratkaj, Ivana ; Kraljević Pavelić, Sandra ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Pavelić, Krešimir ; Karminski-Zamola, Grace | Novel imidazo[4,5-b]pyridine and triaza-benzo[c]fluorene derivatives: Synthesis, antiproliferative activity and DNA binding studies // European journal of medicinal chemistry, 46 (2011), 7; 2748-2758. doi: 10.1016/j.ejmech.2011.03.062
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Miljanić, Snežana ; Dijanošić, Adriana ; Matošević, Igor ; Piantanida, Ivo | Intercalator-DNA interactions revealed by NIR surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy // Vibrational spectroscopy, 57 (2011), 1; 23-29. doi: 10.1016/j.vibspec.2011.04.005
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Radić Stojković, Marijana ; Miljanić, Snežana ; Mišković, Katarina ; Glavaš-Obrovac, Ljubica ; Piantanida, Ivo | The phenanthridine biguanides efficiently differentiate between dGdC, dAdT and rArU sequences by two independent, sensitive spectroscopic methods // Molecular biosystems, 7 (2011), 5; 1753-1765. doi: 10.1039/C1MB05030C
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Stolić, Ivana ; Mišković, Katarina ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Baus Lončar, Mirela ; Glavaš-Obrovac, Ljubica ; Bajić, Miroslav | Synthesis, DNA/RNA affinity and antitumour activity of new aromatic diamidines linked by 3, 4-ethylenedioxythiophene // European journal of medicinal chemistry, 46 (2011), 2; 743-755. doi: 10.1016/j.ejmech.2010.12.010
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Groger, Kathrin ; Baretić, Domagoj ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Marjanović, Marko ; Kralj, Marijeta ; Grabar, Marina ; Tomić, Sanja ; Schmuck, Carsten | Guanidiniocarbonyl-pyrrole-aryl conjugates as nucleic acid sensors: switch of binding mode and spectroscopic responses by introducing additional binding sites into the linker // Organic & biomolecular chemistry, 9 (2011), 1; 198-209. doi: 10.1039/C0OB00103A
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Rusak, Gordana ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Mašić, Lozika ; Kapuralin, Katarina ; Durgo, Ksenija ; Kopjar, Nevenka | Spectrophotometric analysis of flavonoid-DNA interactions and DNA damaging/protecting and cytotoxic potential of flavonoids in human peripheral blood lymphocytes // Chemico-biological interactions, 188 (2010), 1; 181-189. doi: 10.1016/j.cbi.2010.07.008
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Jarak, Ivana ; Marjanović, Marko ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Kralj, Marijeta ; Karminski-Zamola, Grace | Novel Pentamidine Derivatives: Synthesis, Antitumor Properties and Polynucleotide-binding Activities // European journal of medicinal chemistry, 46 (2011), 7; 2807-2815. doi: 10.1016/j.ejmech.2011.04.001
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Radić Stojković, Marijana ; Marczi, Saška ; Glavaš-Obrovac, Ljubica ; Piantanida, Ivo | Permanent positive charge strongly influences DNA/RNA binding and antiproliferative activity of urea-phenanthridinium conjugates // European journal of medicinal chemistry, 45 (2010), 8; 3281-3292. doi: 10.1016/j.ejmech.2010.04.006
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Miljanić, Snežana ; Dijanošić, Adriana ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Meić, Zlatko ; Albelda, M. Teresa ; Sornosa-Ten, Alejandra ; García-Espana, Enrique | Surface-Enhanced Raman Study of the Interactions between Tripodal Cationic Polyamines and Polynucleotides // Analyst, 136 (2011), 3185-3193. doi: 10.1039/C0AN01035A
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Sornosa-Ten, Alejandra ; Albelda, M. Teresa ; Frías, Juan C. ; García-España, Enrique ; Llinares, José M. ; Budimir, Ana ; Piantanida, Ivo | Acid-base properties of functionalised tripodal polyamines and their interaction with nucleotides and nucleic acids // Organic & biomolecular chemistry, 8 (2010), 11; 2567-2574. doi: 10.1039/c000124d
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Tumir, Lidija-Marija ; Piantanida, Ivo | Recognition of single stranded and double stranded DNA / RNA sequences in aqueous medium by small bis-aromatic derivatives // Mini-reviews in medicinal chemistry, 10 (2010), 4; 299-308. doi: 10.2174/138955710791330990
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Dukši, Marko ; Baretić, Domagoj ; Čaplar, Vesna ; Piantanida, Ivo | Novel bis-phenanthridine derivatives with easily tunable linkers, study of their interactions with DNA and screening of antiproliferative activity // European journal of medicinal chemistry, 45 (2010), 6; 2671-2676. doi: 10.1016/j.ejmech.2010.02.017
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Tumir, Lidija-Marija ; Grabar, Marina ; Tomić, Sanja ; Piantanida, Ivo | The interactions of bis-phenanthridinium – nucleobase conjugates with nucleotides: adenine conjugate recognizes UMP in aqueous medium // Tetrahedron, 66 (2010), 13; 2501-2513. doi: 10.1016/j.tet.2010.01.063
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Radić Stojković, Marijana ; Marjanović, Marko ; Pawlica, Dariusz ; Dudek, Lukasz ; Eilmes, Julita ; Kralj, Marijeta ; Piantanida, Ivo | Cationic side-chains control DNA/RNA binding properties and antiproliferative activity of dicationic dibenzotetraaza[14]annulene derivatives // New journal of chemistry, 34 (2010), 3; 500-507. doi: 10.1039/b9nj00490d
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Hernandez-Folgado, Laura ; Baretić, Domagoj ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Marjanović, Marko ; Kralj, Marijeta ; Rehm, Thomas ; Schmuck, Carsten | Guanidiniocarbonyl-pyrrole-aryl derivatives : structure tuning for spectrophotometric recognition of specific DNA and RNA sequences and antiproliferative activity // Chemistry : a European journal, 16 (2010), 10; 3036-3056. doi: 10.1002/chem.200901999
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Cmuk, Petra ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Mlakar, Marina | Iron(III)-complexes engaged in the biochemical processes in seawater. I. Voltammetry of Fe(III)-succinate complexes in model aqueous solution // Electroanalysis, 21 (2009), 23; 2527-2534. doi: 10.1002/elan.200900238
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Vrdoljak, Višnja ; Đilović, Ivica ; Rubčić, Mirta ; Kraljević Pavelić, Sandra ; Kralj, Marijeta ; Matković-Čalogović, Dubravka ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Novak, Predrag ; Rožman, Andrea ; Cindrić, Marina | Synthesis and characterization of thiosemicarbazonato molybdenum(VI) complexes and their in vitro antitumor activity // European journal of medicinal chemistry, 45 (2010), 1; 38-48. doi: 10.1016/j.ejmech.2009.09.021
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Rusak, Gordana ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Bretschneider, Sabine, Ludwig-Müller, Jutta | Complex formation of quercetin with lanthanum enhances binding to plant viral satellite double stranded RNA // Journal of inorganic biochemistry, 103 (2009), 12; 1597-1601. doi: 10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2009.08.008
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Bilokapić, Silvija ; Ivić, Nives ; Godinić-Mikulčić, Vlatka ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Ban, Nenad ; Weygand-Đurašević, Ivana | Idiosyncratic Helix-Turn-Helix Motif in Methanosarcina barkeri Seryl-tRNA Synthetase Has a Critical Architectural Role // The Journal of biological chemistry, 284 (2009), 16; 10706-10713. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M808501200
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Glavaš-Obrovac, Ljubica ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Marczi, Saška ; Mašić, Lozika ; Timcheva, Iliana I. ; Deligeorgiev, Todor G. | Minor structural differences of monomethine cyanine derivatives yield strong variation in their interactions with DNA, RNA as well as on their in vitro antiproliferative activity // Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry, 17 (2009), 13; 4747-4755. doi: 10.1016/j.bmc.2009.04.070
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Pawlica, Dariusz ; Radić Stojković, Marijana ; Dudek, Łukasz ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Sieroń, Lesław ; Eilmes, Julita | New dicationic derivatives of dibenzotetraaza[14]annulene: tuning of the DNA/RNA binding properties // Tetrahedron, 65 (2009), 20; 3980-3989. doi: 10.1016/j.tet.2009.03.030
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Ester, Katja ; Hranjec, Marijana ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Ćaleta, Irena ; Ivana, Jarak ; Pavelić, Krešimir ; Kralj, Marijeta ; Karminski-Zamola, Grace | Novel derivatives of pyridylbenzo[b]thiophene-2-carboxamides and benzo[b]thieno[2,3-c]naphthyridin-2-ones: minor structural variations provoke major differences of antitumor action mechanisms // Journal of medicinal chemistry, 52 (2009), 8; 2482-2492. doi: 10.1021/jm801573v
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Jones, Michael ; Mercer, Amy E. ; Stocks, Paul A. ; La Pensée, Louise J. I. ; Cosstick, Rick ; Park, B. Kevin ; Kennedy, Miriam E. ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Ward, Stephen A. ; Davies, Jill et al. | Antitumour and Antimalarial Activity of Artemisinin-Acridine Hybrids // Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters, 19 (2009), 7; 2033-2037. doi: 10.1016/j.bmcl.2009.02.028
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Stolić, Ivana ; Mišković, Katarina ; Magdaleno, Anahi ; Silber, Ariel Mariano ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Bajić, Miroslav ; Glavaš-Obrovac, Ljubica | Effect of 3, 4-Ethylenedioxy- Extension of Thiophene Core on the DNA/RNA Binding Properties and Biological Activity of Bis-Benzimidazole Amidines // Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters, 17 (2009), 6; 2544-2554. doi: 10.1016/j.bmc.2009.01.071
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Piantanida, Ivo ; Mašić, Lozika ; Rusak, Gordana | Structure-spectrophotometric selectivity relationship in interactions of quercetin related flavonoids with double stranded and single stranded RNA // Journal of molecular structure, 924–926 (2009), 138-143. doi: 10.1016/j.molstruc.2008.10.032
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Noll, Steffi ; Kralj, Marijeta ; Šuman, Lidija ; Stephan, Holger ; Piantanida, Ivo | Synthesis of modified pyrimidine bases and positive impact of chemically reactive substituents on their in vitro antiproliferative activity // European journal of medicinal chemistry, 44 (2009), 3; 1172-1179. doi: 10.1016/j.ejmech.2008.06.002
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Radić Stojković, Marijana ; Piantanida, Ivo | Tuning urea-phenanthridinium conjugates for DNA/RNA and basepair recognition // Tetrahedron, 64 (2008), 33; 7807-7814. doi: 10.1016/j.tet.2008.05.142
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Hranjec, Marijana ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Kralj, Marijeta ; Šuman, Lidija ; Pavelić, Krešimir ; Karminski-Zamola, Grace | Novel amidino-substituted thienyl- and furylvinylbenzimidazole derivatives and their photochemical conversion into corresponding diazacyclopenta[c]fluorenes. Synthesis, interactions with DNA and RNA and antitumor evaluation. Part 4 // Journal of medicinal chemistry, 51 (2008), 16; 4899-4910. doi: 10.1021/jm8000423
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Hernandez-Folgado, Laura ; Schmuck, Carsten ; Tomić, Sanja ; Piantanida, Ivo | A novel pyrene-guanidiniocarbonyl-pyrrole cation efficiently differentiates between ds-DNA and ds-RNA by two independent, sensitive spectroscopic methods // Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters, 18 (2008), 2977-2981. doi: 10.1016/j.bmcl.2008.03.060
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Đilović, Ivica ; Rubčić, Mirta ; Vrdoljak, Višnja ; Kraljević Pavelić, Sandra ; Kralj, Marijeta ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Cindrić, Marina | Novel thiosemicarbazone derivatives as potential antitumor agents: synthesis, physico-chemical and structural properties, DNA interactions and antiproliferative activity // Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters, 16 (2008), 9; 5189-5198. doi: 10.1016/j.bmc.2008.03.006
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Hranjec, Marijana ; Starčević, Kristina ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Kralj, Marijeta ; Marjanović, Marko ; Hasani, Merima ; Westman, Gunnar ; Karminski-Zamola, Grace | Synthesis, antitumor evaluation and DNA binding studies of novel amidino-benzimidazolyl substituted derivatives of furyl-phenyl- and thienyl-phenyl-acrylates, naphthofurans and naphthothiophenes // European journal of medicinal chemistry, 43 (2008), 12; 2877-2890. doi: 10.1016/j.ejmech.2008.02.010
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Hranjec, Marijana ; Kralj, Marijeta ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Sedić, Mirela ; Šuman, Lidija ; Pavelić, Krešimir ; Karminski-Zamola, Grace | Novel cyano- and amidino-substituted derivatives of styryl-2-benzimidazoles and benzimidazo[1,2-a]quinolines. Synthesis, photochemical synthesis, DNA binding, and antitumor evaluation, part 3 // Journal of medicinal chemistry, 50 (2007), 23; 5696-5711. doi: 10.1021/jm070876h
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Cametti, Massimo ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Žinić, Mladen ; Dalla Cort, Antonella ; Mandolini, Luigi ; Marjanović, Marko ; Kralj, Marijeta | Specific sensing of poly G by the aluminum– salophen complex // Journal of inorganic biochemistry, 101 (2007), 8; 1129-1132-x
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Piantanida, Ivo ; Žinić, Mladen ; Marczi, Saška ; Glavaš-Obrovac, Ljubica | Bis-4, 9-diazapyrenium dications: synthesis of the methylenedibenzyl- analogue, interactions with nucleotides, DNA, RNA. The antitumor activity of all till now prepared analogues. // Journal of physical organic chemistry, 20 (2007), 4; 285-295-x
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Marjanović, Marko ; Kralj, Marijeta ; Supek, Fran ; Frkanec, Leo ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Šmuc, Tomislav ; Tušek-Božić, Ljerka | Antitumor potential of crown ethers: structure activity relationships, cell cycle disturbances and cell death studies of a series of ionophores // Journal of medicinal chemistry, 50 (2007), 5; 1007-1018. doi: 10.1021/jm061162u
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Radić Stojković, Marijana ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Kralj, Marijeta ; Marjanović, Marko ; Žinić, Mladen ; Pawlica, Dariusz ; Eilmes, Julita | The dicationic derivatives of DBTAA. Interactions with DNA/RNA and antiproliferative effects on human cell lines // Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry, 15 (2007), 4; 1795-1801. doi: 10.1016/j.bmc.2006.11.034
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Pawlica, Dariusz ; Radić Stojković, Marijana ; Sieron, Les1aw ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Eilmes, Julita | Synthesis, crystal structures and the preliminary evaluation of the new dibenzotetraaza[14]annulene-based DNA/RNA binding agents // Tetrahedron, 62 (2006), 39; 9156-9165. doi: 10.1016/j.tet.2006.07.045
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Molčanov, Krešimir ; Radić Stojković, Marijana ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Žinić, Mladen | Conformational axial chirality of phenyl N-[2-(acetylamido)biphenyl-4-yl]carbamate // Acta crystallographica. Section E, Structure reports online, 62 (2006), 7; o2666-o2668. doi: 10.1107/S1600536806020125
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Tumir, Lidija Marija ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Žinić, Mladen ; Juranović Cindrić, Iva ; Meić, Zlatko ; Kralj, Marijeta ; Tomić, Sanja | Synthesis of phenanthridinium bis-nucleobase conjugates, interactions with poly U, nucleotides and in vitro antitumor activity of mono- and bis-nucleobase conjugates // European journal of medicinal chemistry, 41 (2006), 10; 1153-1166-x
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Jarak, Ivana ; Kralj, Marijeta ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Šuman, Lidija ; Žinić, Mladen ; Pavelić, Krešimir ; Karminski-Zamola, Grace | Novel Cyano- and Amidino-Substituted Derivatives of Thieno[2, 3-b]- and Thieno[3, 2-b]thiophene-2-carboxanilides and Thieno[3’ , 2’ : 4, 5]thieno- and Thieno[2’ , 3’ : 4, 5]thieno [2, 3-c]quinolones: Synthesis, Photochemical Synth // Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry, 14 (2006), 8; 2859-2868
Marinić, Mirna ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Rusak, Gordana ; Žinić, Mladen | Interactions of quercetin and its lanthane complex with double stranded DNA / RNA and single stranded RNA. Spectrophotometric sensing of poly G. // Journal of inorganic biochemistry, 100 (2006), 2; 288-298-x
Malojčić, Goran ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Marinić, Mirna ; Žinić, Mladen ; Marjanović, Marko ; Kralj, Marijeta ; Pavelić, Krešimir ; Schneider, Hans-Jörg | A novel bis-phenanthridine triamine with pH controlled binding to nucleotides and nucleic acids // Organic & biomolecular chemistry, 3 (2005), 4373 - 4382-x
Kriško, Anita ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Kveder, Marina ; Pifat, Greta ; Lee, Anthony ; Greilberger, Joachim ; Kipmen-Korgun, Dijle ; Jürgens, Günther | The effect of heparin on structural and functional properties of low density lipoproteins // Biophysical chemistry, 119 (2006), 234-239. doi: 10.1016/j.bpc.2005.09.011
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Jarak, Ivana ; Kralj, Marijeta ; Šuman, Lidija ; Pavlović, Gordana ; Dogan, Jasna ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Žinić, Mladen ; Pavelić, Krešimir ; Karminski-Zamola, Grace | Novel Cyano- and N-isopropylamidino-Substituted Derivatives of Benzo[b]thiophene- 2-carboxanilides and Benzo[b]thieno[2, 3-c]quinolones: Synthesis, Photochemical Synthesis, Crystal Structure Determination and Antitumor Evaluation. Part 2. // Journal of medicinal chemistry, 48 (2005), 2346-2360
Starčević, Kristina ; Karminski-Zamola, Grace ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Žinić, Mladen ; Šuman, Lidija ; Kralj, Marijeta | Photoinduced Switch of a DNA/RNA Inactive Molecule into a Classical Intercalator // Journal of the American Chemical Society, 127 (2005), 1074-1075-x
Kriško, Anita ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Kveder, Marina ; Pifat, Greta | The analysis of beta-carotene absorbance for studying structural properties of human plasma low density lipoproteins // Analytical biochemistry, 331 (2004), 1; 177-182. doi: 10.1016/j.ab.2004.03.048
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Čaplar, Vesna ; Raza, Zlata ; Roje, Marin ; Tomišić, Vladislav ; Horvat, Gordan ; Požar, Josip ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Žinić, Mladen | Copper(I) and Silver(I) Complexes of 1, 5- Methylene- and Diethylmethylene-bridged Bis(oxazoline) Ligands. In situ Cu(II)- catalyzed Oxidation of Methylene Bridge // Tetrahedron, 60 (2004), 37; 8079-8087. doi: 10.1016/j.tet.2004.06.117
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Tumir, Lidija-Marija ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Juranović Cindrić, Iva ; Hrenar, Tomica ; Meić, Zlatko ; Žinić, Mladen | New Permanently Charged Phenantridinium-Nucleobase Conjugates. Interactions with Nucleotides and Polynucleotides and Recognition of ds-PolyAH, J. // Journal of physical organic chemistry, 16 (2003), 12; 891-899-x
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Hollosi, Miklos ; Majer, Zuzsa ; Vass, Elemér ; Raza, Zlata ; Tomišić, Vladislav ; Portada, Tomislav ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Žinić, Mladen ; Šunjić, Vitomir | Structural and chirooptical properties of acyclic and macrocyclic 1, 4-bisoxazoline ligands and their copper (I) and silver (I) complexes // European journal of inorganic chemistry, _ (2002), 7; 1738-1748
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Kiralj, Rudolf ; Kojić-Prodić, Biserka ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Žinić, Mladen | Crystal and molecular structures of diazapyrenes and a study of pi center dot center dot center dot pi interactions // Acta crystallographica. Section B, Structural science, 55 (1999), 1; 55-69. doi: 10.1107/S0108768198006557
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Šindler-Kulyk, Marija ; Kragol, Goran ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Tomšić, Slavica ; Vujković-Cvijin, Irena ; Marinić, Željko ; Metelko, Biserka | Photochemistry of β-(5-substituted-2-furyl)-o-divinylbenzenes: substituent effects on the reaction course // Croatica chemica acta, 69 (1996), 4; 1593-1602
Prethodno priopćenje
Juranović, Iva ; Meić, Zlatko ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Tumir, Lidija-Marija ; Žinić, Mladen | Interactions of phenanthridinium-nucleobase conjugates with polynucleotides in aqueous media. Recognition of poly U // Chemical communications, 13 (2002), 1432-1433
Pregledni rad (stručni)
Tumir, Lidija-Marija ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Žinić, Mladen | Recognition of nucleotides and polynucleotides by phenanthridinium and diazapyrenium derivatives in aqueous media // Kemija u industriji : časopis kemičara i tehnologa Hrvatske, 54 (2005), 2; 43-55-x
Piantanida, Ivo | Metode ispitivanja nekovalentnih interakcija malih organskih molekula s DNA i RNA. Detaljniji osvrt na ispitivanje interkalativnog načina vezanja. // Kemija u industriji : časopis kemičara i tehnologa Hrvatske, 52 (2003), 11; 545-552-x
Kratko priopćenje
Šmidlehner, Tamara ; Bonnet, Hugues ; Chierici, Sabine ; Piantanida, Ivo | Fluorescently-labelled amyloid paired helical filaments (PHF) in monitoring its fibrillation kinetics // Bioorganic chemistry, 104 (2020), 104196, 5. doi: 10.1016/j.bioorg.2020.104196
doiwww.sciencedirect.comdoi.org -
Kurutos, Atanas ; Gadjev, Nikolai ; Šmidlehner, Tamara ; Minkovska, Stela ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Deligeorgiev, Todor | 2,3-Dimethylbenzoxazolium Methosulfate // Molbank, 2016 (2016), 1; M889, 3. doi: 10.3390/M889
Pregledni rad (znanstveni)
Solladié, Nathalie ; Rein, Régis ; Bouatra, Souhaila ; Merkaš, Sonja ; Sooambar, Chloé ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Žinić, Mladen | Nucleosides as Organizing Agents // Journal of porphyrins and phthalocyanines, 24 (2020), 05n07; 636-645. doi: 10.1142/S1088424620300013
Publikacije - prilozi sa skupa (u zborniku)
Sažetak izlaganja sa skupa
Kuridža, Bojan; Jurković, Marta; Benicke Rojas, Maria-Victoria; Majhen, Dragomira; Marder, Todd B.; Piantanida, Ivo | Bis-triarylborane chromophores: new candidates for sensing proteins, DNA, and RNA // 8th Mini Symposium of Section of Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry: Book of Abstracts / Bartolić, Marija; Tandarić, Tana; Gabelica Marković, Vesna (ur.). | Zagreb: Zagreb: HKD - Sekcija za medicinsku i farmaceutsku kemiju, 2024. str. 8-8
Belovari, Mateja; Majhen, Dragomira; C. Hayes, Sophia; Piantanida, Ivo | Cyanine-Styryl Conjugates: A Novel Approach to DNA/RNA Recognition // 8th Mini Symposium of Section of Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry: Book of Abstracts / Bartolić, Marija; Tandarić, Tana; Gabelica Marković, Vesna (ur.). | Zagreb: Zagreb: HKD - Sekcija za medicinsku i farmaceutsku kemiju, 2024. str. 13-13
Penava, Ana; Marinović, Marina; Pavlović Saftić, Dijana; Piantanida, Ivo; Rajić, Zrinka; Perković, Ivana | Chloroquine/β-carboline hybrids as fluorescence probes for DNA/RNA and proteins // 11th EFMC Young Medicinal Chemists' Symposium Book of Abstracts / / (ur.). | Rim: European Federation for Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology, 2024, P139, 249
Čipor, Ivona; Piantanida, Ivo; Frkanec, Leo | Supramolecular Hydrogels Based on Amino Acids Derivatives for Biomedical Applications // VI. simpozij supramolekulske kemije : knjiga sažetaka / VI. simpozij supramolekulske kemije : knjiga sažetaka = Supramolecular Chemistry 2023 : Book of abstracts / Frkanec, Leo; Namjesnik, Danijel; Tomišić, Vladislav (ur.). | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2023. str. 13-13
(Hrvatsko-francuska kolaboracija) Nikšić-Franjić, Ivana; Višnjevac, Aleksandar; Piantanida, Ivo; Colasson, Benoit; Reinaud, Olivia | TMPA capped calixarene as mononucleotide binding agent // The European Powder Diffraction Conference EPDIC 17: Book of Abstracts / Popović, Jasminka; Štefanić, Zoran (ur.). | Zagreb: Croatian Association of Crystallographers, 2022. str. 163-163. doi: 10.1107/S2053273322093706
doic2a968a4-a6dc-4933-9608-c05c78dee463.filesusr.comhukcac.wixsite.com -
(Hrvatsko-francuska kolaboracija) Nikšic-Franjić, Ivana; Višnjevac, Aleksandar; Colasson, Benoit; Piantanida, Ivo | Impact of positive charge and ring-size on interactions of calixarenes with DNA, RNA and nucleotides // 8th EuChemS Chemistry Congress - Book of Abstracts. | Lisbon: Sociedade Portuguesa de Química, 2022. str. 98-98. doi: 10.1039/D2NJ00061J
doi Pavlović Saftić, Dijana; Nikšić-Franjić, Ivana; Collason, Benoit; Reinaud, Olivia; Višnjevac, Aleksandar; Piantanida, Ivo | PYRENE-ARMED CALIX[4]ARENE DERIVATIVES AS HIGHLY SENSITIVE FLUORESCENT REPORTERS // IX EFMC International Symposium on Advances in Synthetic and Medicinal Chemistry: Book of Abstracts / Gademann, Karl; Hartung, Ingo (ur.). | European Federation for Medicinal chemistry and Chemical biology (EFMC), 2023. str. 277-277
Radman, Katarina ; Leščić Ašler, Ivana ; Jelić Matošević, Zoe ; Crnolatac, Ivo ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Bertoša, Branimir | Influence of Mn2+ ion binding on structural changes in metalloregulatory proteins SloR (S. mutans) and ScaR (S. gordonii) // 28th Croatian Meeting of Chemists and Chemical Engineers (28HSKIKI): Book of Abstracts / Rogošić, Marko (ur.). | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI), 2023. str. 119-119
www.hdki.hr -
Jednačak, Tomislav ; Mikulandra, Ivana ; Smokrović, Kristina ; Kapustić, Monika ; Delaš, Kristina ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Jurković, Marta ; Zangger, Klaus ; Novak, Predrag | NMR and fluorometric studies of bioactive macrozone interactions with their biological targets // Adriatic NMR 2023 - Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko kemijsko društvo, 2023. str. 50-50
adriatic-nmr-conference.hkd.hr Opačak, Saša ; Pernar Kovač, Margareta ; Brozović, Anamaria ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Kirin, Srećko I. | Trifenilfosfinski kompleksi rutenija kao fluorescentni senzori albumina i njihovo antitumorsko djelovanje // Simpozij o katalizi u farmaceutskoj industriji: završna konferencija CAT PHARMA projekta : knjiga sažetaka. | Zagreb, 2023. str. 3-3
Jakšić, Daniela ; Šegvić Klarić, Maja ; Kerep, Robert ; Piantanida, Ivo | Application of sugammadex as first aid upon acute intoxication with sterigmatocystin: a proof of concept // Balkan Fungus 2022 : Abstract book. | 2022. str. 25-25
Krošl, Ivona ; Žinić, Biserka ; Piantanida, Ivo | Karakterizacija novosintetiziranih derivata 7- hidroksikumarina // 5. Simpozij studenata doktorskih studija PMF-a : knjiga sažetaka = 5th PhD Student Symposium 2021 : book of abstracts. | Zagreb: Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2021. str. 346-346
www.pmf.unizg.hrurn.nsk.hr Krošl, Ivona ; Ban, Željka ; Griesbeck, Stefanie ; Marder, Todd B. ; Piantanida, Ivo | Novel Anthracene Analog of Triarylborane Fluorophore with DNA, RNA and Protein Interactions // Book of abstracts of 4th Mini Symposium for Young Scientists of the Section of Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. | Zagreb, 2020. str. 8-8
Krošl, Ivona ; Ban, Željka ; Griesbeck, Stefanie ; Marder, Todd B. ; Piantanida, Ivo | Novi antracenski analog triarilboran fluorofora u interakcijama s DNA, RNA i proteinima // Knjiga sažetaka XIII. susret mladih kemijskih inženjera. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI), 2020. str. 167-167
www.hdki.hr -
Gazdek Serdar, Nika ; Zonjić, Iva ; Nikšić-Franjić, Ivana ; Frkanec, Leo ; Piantanida, Ivo | A model for acute poisoning detoxification – binding of aristolochic acid with various cyclodextrins // 28HSKIKI : 28th Croatian Meeting of Chemists and Chemical Engineers and 6th Symposium Vladimir Prelog : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI), 2023. str. 73-73
www.hdki.hr -
Krošl Knežević, Ivona ; Jurković, Marta ; Ribičić, Karla ; Žinić, Biserka ; Majhen, Dragomira ; Božinović, Ksenija ; Piantanida, Ivo | Impact of the Histidine-Triazole and Tryptophan- Pyrene Exchange in the WHW Peptide: Cu(II) Binding, DNA/RNA Interactions and Bioactivity // 28HSKIKI : 28th Croatian Meeting of Chemists and Chemical Engineers and 6th Symposium Vladimir Prelog : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI), 2023. str. 45-45
28hskiki.orgwww.hdki.hr -
Opačak Saša ; Pernar Kovač, Margareta ; Brozović, Anamaria ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Kirin, Srećko I. | Ruthenium pyrene complexes: synthesis, characterization and interaction with bovine serum albumin // PBSi 2023 : International Conference On Phosphorus, Boron and Silicon : Book of Abstracts. | PremC, 2023. str. 29-29
premc.org -
Jurković, Marta ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Piantanida, Ivo | High selectivity of fluorescent (triazole)coumarin peptides to metal cations – fluorimetric and NMR approach // 28HSKIKI : 28th Croatian Meeting of Chemists and Chemical Engineers and 6th Symposium Vladimir Prelog : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI), 2023. str. 82-82
28hskiki.orgwww.hdki.hr -
Leščić Ašler, Ivana ; Jelić Matošević, Zoe ; Radman, Katarina ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Crnolatac, Ivo ; Bertoša, Branimir | Influence of engineered disulfide bridge on properties of metal sensing transcription factor MntR from Bacillus subtilis // HDBMB22 From Science to Knowledge : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo za biokemiju i molekularnu biologiju (HDBMB), 2022. str. 100-100
congress2022.hdbmb.hr Čipor, Ivona ; Kurutos, Atanas ; Dobrikov, Georgi M. ; Kamounah, Fadhil S. ; Majhen, Dragomira ; Nestić, Davor ; Piantanida, Ivo | Stokes shifted styryl Dyes – interactions with DNA/RNA, cytotoxicity and application as fluorescent probes // 6th Mini Symposium of Section of Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry: Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb, 2022. str. 13-13
Jednačak, Tomislav ; Mikulandra, Ivana ; Kapustić, Monika ; Kušec, Iva ; Smokrović, Kristina ; Hošnjak, Ema ; Sanemit, Saranyarat ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Košćak, Marta ; Bertoša, Branimir et al. | Interaction studies of new bioactive macrolide derivatives with bacterial ribosome // Book of abstracts. | Bari, 2022. str. 127-127
www.nmmc2022.com -
Jednačak, Tomislav ; Mikulandra, Ivana ; Kapustić, Monika ; Kušec, Iva ; Smokrović, Kristina ; Hošnjak, Ema ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Košćak, Marta ; Zangger, Klaus ; Novak, Predrag | Interactions of macrozones with their biological receptors // Magnetic Moments in Central Europe 2022, Joint meeting, Adriatic NMR Conference : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko kemijsko društvo, 2022. str. 78-78
mmce2022.hkd.hr -
Košćak, Marta ; Ban, Željka ; Pintanida, Ivo | Fluorimetric Recognition between DNA and BSA Depends on Triarylborone Catione Connectivity to Fluorescent Supstituent or Peptide Sequence / Fluorimetrijsko prepoznavanje DNA i BSA ovisi o povezanosti konjugata triarilboranskog kationa s fluorescentnim supstituentom ili sekvencom peptida // Simpozij studenata doktorskih studija PMF-a : knjiga sažetaka = PhD student symposium 2021 : book of abstracts. | Zagreb: Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2021. str. 344-345
www.pmf.unizg.hr Košćak, Marta ; Šmidlehner, Tamara ; Božinović, Ksenija ; Majhen, Dragomira ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Schmuck, Carsten | Fluorimetric and CD Recognition between Various ds-DNA/RNA Depends on a Cyanine Connectivity in Cyanine-guanidiniocarbonyl-pyrrole Conjugate // Book of Abstract of 4th Mini Symposium for Young Scientists of the Section of Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. | 2020. str. 7-7
Košćak, Marta ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Kumar Kole, Goutam ; Marder, Todd B. | Interactions of methyl viologens of bis-(4'- ethynylpyridyl)arenes with DNA/RNA and their biological activity // 27th Croatian Meeting of Chemists and Chemical Engineers and 5th Symposium Vladimir Prelog : Book of Abstracts. | Veli Lošinj: Hrvatsko kemijsko društvo, 2021. str. 240-240
27hskiki.hkd.hr -
Košćak, Marta ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Božinović, Ksenija ; Majhen, Dragomira ; Kumar Kole ; Goutam ; Marder, Todd B. | 2- and 2,7-substituted pyridine pyrenes derivatives and their DNA/RNA interactions // 2- and 2, 7-substituted pyridine pyrenes derivatives and their DNA/RNA interactions. | Veli Lošinj: Hrvatsko kemijsko društvo, 2021. str. 85-85
27hskiki.hkd.hr -
Kenđel, Adriana ; Hudika, Petra ; Miljanić, Snežana ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Garcia-Espana, Enrique | Surface-enhanced Raman study of the interactions between pyrene derivative of polyamine and double- stranded polynucleotides // 27th Croatian Meeting of Chemists and Chemical Engineers and 5th Symposium Vladimir Prelog : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko kemijsko društvo, 2021. str. 163-163
27hskiki.hkd.hr Orehovec, Iva ; Kurutos, Atanas ; Crnolatac, Ivo ; Gadjev, Nikolai ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Deligeorgiev, Todor | Trimethine cyanine dyes – DNA / RNA interactions // XI. Susret mladih kemijskih inženjera : knjiga sažetaka = XI Meeting of Young Chemical Engineers : book of abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI), 2016. str. 10-10
Orehovec, Iva ; Kurutos, Atanas ; Saftić, Dijana ; Crnolatac, Ivo ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Deligeorgiev, Todor | Spectroscopic studies of mitochondria targeting multiply charged DABCO-cyanine dyes // 5th EFMC Young Medicinal Chemists' Symposium : Book of abstracts. | 2018. str. 15-15
www.efmc-ymcs.org Orehovec, Iva ; Glavač, Danijel ; Dokli, Irena ; Gredičak, Matija ; Piantanida, Ivo | Impact of the supramolecular organisation of pyrene – quinoline conjugates on their interaction with ds – DNA // Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI), 2019. str. 11-11
Piantanida, Ivo | Small molecule markers for DNA, RNA and proteins: balance between selectivity and multitarget applicability // Proceedings Book IC3EM2020. | Lisabon: Proteomass Scientific Society, 2020. str. 20-20
www.ic3em2020.com -
Ćehić, Mirsada ; Suć, Josipa ; Jerić, Ivanka ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Tomić, Sanja ; Schmuck, Carsten | Experimental study of new guanidiniocarbonyl-pyrrole-aryl conjugates as potential inhibitors of human dipeptidyl peptidase III // 4th Young Medicinal Chemist Symposium (EFMC-YMCS 2017) : Book of Abstracts. | Beč: EFMC-YMCS, 2017. str. 141-141
www.ldorganisation.com -
Filić, Želimira ; Paradžik, Tina ; Crnolatac, Ivo ; Bielen, Ana ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Herron, Paul ; Vujaklija, Dušica | Single-stranded DNA binding protein has a key role in chromosome segregation during morphological differentiation of Streptomyces coelicolor // Book of Abstracts of the FEBS3+ Meeting “Molecules of Life” / Kos, Janko; Poklar Ulrih, Nataša (ur.). | Ljubljana: Slovenian Biochemical Society, 2015. str. 56-56
www.febs3.sbd.si Vlahoviček-Kahlina, Kristina ; Kavčić, Luka ; Matković, Marija ; Plavec, Janez ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Jerić, Ivanka | Hydrazino peptidomimetic as modulators of protein-protein interaction // Book of Abstracts of the 10th Joint Meeting on Medicinal Chemistry. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko kemijsko društvo, 2017. str. 234-234
Kenđel, Adriana ; Papi, Francesco ; Ratkaj, Marina ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Miljanić, Snežana | Study of hybrid G-quadruplex structures by surface-enhanced Raman scattering spectroscopy // 26. hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, 4. simpozij Vladimir Prelog 9.–12. travnja 2019. : knjiga sažetaka. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI), 2019. str. 56-56
www.hdki.hr Piantanida, Ivo | Ligands simultaneously targeting various DNA, RNA or proteins: advantages of non-selective affinity combined with selective response // 9th Central European Conference "Chemistry towards Biology”: Book of Abstracts:. | Budimpešta, 2018. str. 18-18
Mišković, Katarina ; Belovari, Tatjana ; Rajc, Jasmina ; Šerić, Vatroslav ; Stojković, Ranko ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Baus Lončar, Mirela ; Glavaš-Obrovac, Ljubica | Toxicology and antitumor evaluation of two novel monomethine cyanine derivatives in vivo // 10th ISABS Conference on Forensic and Anthropologic Genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Individualized Medicine : Program and abstracts. | Zagreb: International Society for Applied Biological Sciences (ISABS), 2017. str. 255-255
www.isabs.hr Šmidlehner, Tamara ; Badovinac, Marko ; Piantanida, Ivo | Pyrene-cyanine dipeptides: one molecule - dual fluorescence response // EFMC International Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry : Book of Abstracts. | 2018. str. 257-257
Glavač, Danijel ; Orehovec, Iva ; Dokli, Irena ; Huc, Ivan ; Gredičak, Matija ; Piantanida, Ivo | Novel polycyclic heteroaromatic - quinoline hybrids for the interaction with the DNA // 27th European Colloquium on Heterocyclic Chemistry : Book of Abstracts. | Amsterdam: LDO Conferences, 2016. str. 137-137
Orehovec, Iva ; Crnolatac, Ivo ; Tomašić Paić, Ana ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Kurutos, Atanas ; Gadjev, Nikolai ; Deligeorgiev, Todor | Spectroscopy of novel dicationic cyanine dyes as potential markers for mitochondrial DNA // 25. Hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem ; 3. simpozij Vladimir Prelog : knjiga sažetaka = 25th Croatian Meeting of Chemist and Chemical Engineers with international participation. 3rd symposium “Vladimir Prelog” : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI) ; Hrvatsko kemijsko drustvo, 2017. str. 88-88
www.hdki.hr Piantanida, Ivo | Design of Small Molecular Probes for Proteins and DNA / RNA // Book of Abstracts of the 10th Joint Meeting on Medicinal Chemistry. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko kemijsko društvo, 2017. str. 41-41
Ban, Željka ; Žinić, Biserka ; Piantanida, Ivo | Pyrrolocytosine-pyrene hybrids as new chemical receptors for the molecular recognition of nucleic acids // EFMC International Symposium on Advances in Synthetic and Medicinal Chemistry : Book of abstracts. | 2017. str. 118-118
www.ldorganisation.com Šmidlehner, Tamara ; Kurutos, Atanas ; Ang, Dale ; Piantanida, Ivo | Fluorophore one-atom-controlled recognition of DNA/RNA secondary structures // EFMC International Symposium on Advances in Synthetic and Medicinal Chemistry : abstracts. | 2017
Jakšić Despot, Daniela ; Šegvić Klarić, Maja ; Piantanida, Ivo | Circular dichroism spectroscopy reveals new possibilities in determination of sterigmatocystin in aqueous solutions // FEMS 2017, 7th Congress of European microbiologist : abstract book. | 2017, FEMS7-1059, 1
fems-microbiology.org -
Jakšić Despot, Daniela ; Šegvić Klarić, Maja ; Piantanida, Ivo | CD spectroscopy distinguishes structurally related mycotoxins // 25. Hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem ; 3. simpozij Vladimir Prelog : knjiga sažetaka = 25th Croatian Meeting of Chemist and Chemical Engineers with international participation. 3rd symposium “Vladimir Prelog” : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI) ; Hrvatsko kemijsko drustvo, 2017. str. 232-232
drive.google.comwww.hdki.hr Husak, Antonija ; Matić, Josipa ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Basarić, Nikola | Synthesis of dipeptides containing photochemically reactive modifiyed tyrosine and evaluation of their dna binding // 10th Joint Meeting on Medical Chemistry : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko kemijsko društvo, 2017. str. 121-121
Matić, Josipa ; Tumir, Lidija-Marija ; Radić Stojković, Marijana ; Šupljika, Filip ; Piantanida, Ivo | Phenanthridine-pyrene conjugates as fluorescent probes with peculiar kinetic behaviour // 25. Hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem ; 3. simpozij Vladimir Prelog : knjiga sažetaka = 25th Croatian Meeting of Chemist and Chemical Engineers with international participation. 3rd symposium “Vladimir Prelog” : Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI) ; Hrvatsko kemijsko drustvo, 2017. str. 198-198
drive.google.comwww.hdki.hr -
Piantanida, Ivo | Exploiting dye monomer-dimer equilibrium for sensing of various ds-DNA/RNA secondary structures // Proceedings Book of IC3EM2016, 2nd Internacional Caparica Conference on Chromogenic and Emissive Materials. | Lisabon: Proteomass Scientific Society, 2016. str. 116-116
www.ic3em2016.com Ban, Željka; Žinić, Biserka; Matković, Marija; Schmuck, Carsten; Piantanida, Ivo | Synthesis of pyrrolocytosine-guanidiniocarbonyl pyrrole cations as a new type of molecular probes // Book of abstracts ; P510. | 2016. str. 328.-328
Saftić, Dijana ; Žinić, Biserka ; Schmuck, Carsten ; Piantanida, Ivo | Fluorophore-5-(1, 2, 3-Triazol-4-yl)uracil Peptides as Selective Fluorescent Sensors for Various DNA/RNA Targets // XXII. International Roundtable On Nucleosides, Nucleotides And Nucleic Acids, Abstract Book. | Pariz, 2016. str. 523-524
Vlahoviček-Kahlina, Kristina ; Jerić, Ivanka ; Piantanida, Ivo | Hydrazino peptidomimetics as modulators of protein-protein interactions. | 2016
www.tetrahedron-symposium.elsevier.com Kokan, Zoran ; Brozovic, Anamaria ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Turel, Iztok ; Kirin, Srećko I. | Organometallic ruthenium complexes with triphenylphosphane amino acid bioconjugates: Catalytic and biological properties // Book of Abstracts. | 2016. str. 84-84
Tomašić Paić, Ana ; Crnolatac, Ivo ; Orehovec, Iva ; Kurutos, Atanas ; Piantanida, Ivo | Substanična lokalizacija fluorescentnih cijaninskih boja u živim stanicama // XI. Susret mladih kemijskih inženjera : knjiga sažetaka = XI Meeting of Young Chemical Engineers : book of abstracts. | Zagreb: Srećko Tomas, 2016. str. 117-117
Maraković, Nikola ; Radić Stojković, Marijana ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Kaloyanova, Stefka ; Šinko, Goran | Compounds with phenanthridine moiety as potential modulators of butyrylcholinesterase activity // Molecules of Life - FEBS3+ Meeting. | Ljubljana: Slovenian Biochemical Society, 2015. str. 147-147
www.febs3.sbd.si Suć, Josipa ; Jerić, Ivanka ; Tumir, Lidija-Marija ; Piantanida, Ivo | HYDRAZINO PEPTIDOMIMETICS FOR NUCLEIC ACIDS BINDING // Book of Abstracts. | -, 2015. str. P49-P49
Ban, Željka ; Žinić, Biserka ; Piantanida, Ivo | Synthesis of 9-deazaguanine triazole derivatives as multipurpose probes // 24. hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera: knjiga sažetaka / Ukić, Šime; Bolanča, Tomislav (ur.). | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa, 2015. str. 149-149
www.hdki.hr -
Matić, Josipa ; Šmidlehner, Tamara ; Šupljika, Filip ; Radić Stojković, Marijana ; Piantanida, Ivo | Synthetic strategies for the preparation of peptide based intercalators // 24. hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera: knjiga sažetaka / Ukić, Šime; Bolanča, Tomislav (ur.). | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa, 2015. str. 137-137
www.hdki.hr -
Saftić, Dijana ; Žinić, Biserka ; Radić Stojković, Marijana ; Tumir, Lidija-Marija ; Piantanida, Ivo | Fluorophore-tagged Nucleobase Derivatives // 24. hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera: knjiga sažetaka / Ukić, Šime; Bolanča, Tomislav (ur.). | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa, 2015. str. 148-148
www.hdki.hr Šola, Ivana ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Crnolatac, Ivo ; Rusak, Gordana | The transport ability of protective biomolecule quercetin through Arabidopsis thaliana is improved by the rare-earth element europium // The Interplay of Biomolecules HDBMB2014. | Hrvatsko društvo za biokemiju i molekularnu biologiju (HDBMB), 2014. str. 131-131
Piantanida, Ivo | Sensing the shape of the ds-DNA/RNA structures by non-covalent interactions // Book of Abstracts: 7th Central European Conference "Chemistry towards Biology”. | Katovice: -, 2014. str. 5-5
Mišković, Katarina; Belovari, Tatjana; Rajc, Jasmina; Šerić, Vatroslav; Stojković, Ranko; Piantanida, Ivo; Baus Lončar, Mirela; Glavaš-Obrovac, Ljubica | In vitro and In vivo activity of three novel monomethine cyanine derivatives - MCDs // Knjiga sažetaka Kongresa Hrvatskog društva za biokemiju i molekularnu biologiju, "Međuigra biomolekula", HDBMB 2014 / Katalinić, Maja ; Kovarik, Zrinka (ur.). | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo za biokemiju i molekularnu biologiju (HDBMB), 2014. str. 1-1
Smolko, Ana ; Šupljika, Filip ; Martinčić, Jelena ; Jajčanin-Jozić, Nina ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Salopek-Sondi, Branka | Possible roles of cysteine residues (Cys139 and Cys320) in the activity of auxin-amidohydrolase BrILL2 from B. rapa // Chemistry towards Biology 7th Central European Conference - Book of Abstracts. | Katovice, 2014. str. P17-P17
Dijanošić, Adriana ; Miljanić, Snežana ; Novak, Morana ; Lesev, Nedyalko ; Vasilev, Aleksey ; Deligeorgiev, Todor ; Crnolatac, Ivo ; Piantanida, Ivo | Binding of a new phosphonium dye with AT polynucleotide studied by SERS // XXIV. International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy. | Jena: Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology, 2014. str. 176-176
Piantanida, Ivo | Spectrometric sensing of the ds-DNA/RNA structures by small molecule reporters // From Molecules to Nano- and Biomaterials. | Krakov: Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 2013. str. 23-23
Piantanida, Ivo | Sensing the Shape of the ds-DNA/RNA Structures by Non-Covalent Interactions // 23. hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera : knjiga sažetaka = 23. Croatian meeting of chemists and chemical engineers : book of abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI), 2013. str. 5-5
www.hdki.hr Gershberg, Jana ; Radić Stojković, Marijana ; Rehm, Thomas ; Rehm, Stefanie ; Škugor, Marko ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Würthner, Frank | Molecular Recognition of ds-DNA/RNA Secondary Structure by Self-Assembled Enantiomeric Perylene Bisimide Chromophores // Supramolecular chemistry : Bressanone, January 27-February 1, 2013 / E-WISPOC 2013, European winter school on physical organic chemistry. | Padova: Cooperativa Libraria Editrice Università di Padova (CLEUP), 2013. str. 576-576
Tomić, Sanja ; Grabar, Marina ; Piantanida, Ivo | Guanidiniocarbonyl-pyrrole-aryl conjugates as nucleic acid sensors: switch of binding mode and spectroscopic response's // Book of Abstracts Regional Biophysical Conference 2012. | Beograd: Društvo biofizičara Srbije, 2012. str. 13-13
Miljanić, Snežana ; Dijanošić, Adriana ; Kalac, Matea ; Radić Stojković, Marijana ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Pawlica, Dariusz ; Eilmes, Julita | Binding modes of a DBTAA derivative with DNA/RNA polynucleotides revealed by SERS // EUCMOS 2012 Book of Abstracts. | Cluj-Napoca: Napoca Star, 2012. str. 210-210
Dijanošić, Adriana ; Miljanić, Snežana ; Gonzales Garcia, Jorge ; Garcia-Espana Enrique ; Piantanida, Ivo | Study of interactions between DNA/RNA nucleotides and PHENPOD by surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy // EUCMOS 2012 Book of Abstracts. | Cluj-Napoca: Napoca Star, 2012. str. 176-176
Stolić, Ivana ; Avdičević, Monika ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Glavaš-Obrovac, Ljubica ; Bajić, Miroslav | Synthesis, interaction with DNA and RNA and antitumor activity of diamidine derivatives of 3, 4-ethylenedioxythiophene-2, 5-dicarboxanilide // Abstract CD: 13th Tetrahedron Symposium: Challenges in Bioorganic & Organic Medicinal Chemistry. | Amsterdam, 2012. str. P253-53
Piantanida, Ivo ; Radić Stojković, Marijana | The phenanthridine biguanides efficiently differentiate between dGdC, dAdT and rArU sequences by two independent, sensitive spectroscopic methods. | 2011
Grabar, Marina ; Tomić, Sanja ; Tumir Marija, Lidija ; Piantanida, Ivo | Molecular modeling of new permanently charged phenanthridinium-nucleobase conjugates in complexes with double stranded polynucleotides // Ninth Triennial Congress of the World Association ot Theoretical and Computational Chemists - Book of Abstracts. | Santiago de Compostela, 2011. str. PII 017-x
Dijanošić, Adriana ; Miljanić, Snežana ; Piantanida, Ivo | Binding of cationic polyamines with double-stranded polynucleotides studied by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy // IX International Congress of Young Chemists "YoungChem 2011", Book of Abstracts. | 2011. str. 119-119
Karminski-Zamola, Grace ; Aleksić, Maja ; Perin, Nataša ; Hranjec, Marijana ; Uzelac, Lidija ; Kralj, Marijeta ; Piantanida, Ivo | Novel amino substituted derivatives of benzimidazo[1, 2-a]quinolines and benzo[b]thieno[2, 3-c]quinolones // International Symposium on Advances in Synthetic and Medicinal Chemistry : Abstracts. | Sankt Peterburg, 2011. str. 184-184
Osmak, Maja ; Čimbora-Zovko, Tamara ; Brozović, Anamaria ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Fritz, Gerhard ; Virag, Andrej ; Alič, Branko ; Majce, Vita ; Kočevar, Marjan ; Polanc, Slovenko | Synthesis and biological evaluation of 4-nitro-substituted 1, 3-diaryltriazenes as a novel class of potent antitumor agents // Abstract of the 36th FEBS Congress "Biochemistry for Tommorrow's Medicine" ; u: The FEBS Journal 278 (2011) (S1). | Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011. str. 333-333
Dijanošić, Adriana ; Miljanić, Snežana ; Piantanida, Ivo | Istraživanje interakcija između PYPOD i polinukleotida primjenom površinski pojačanog Ramanovog raspršenja // Knjiga sažetaka XXII Hrvatskog skupa kemičara i kemijskih inženjera. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI), 2011. str. 127-127
Mišković, Katarina ; Tumir, Lidija ; Crnolatac, Ivo ; Deligeorgiev, Todor ; Vasilev, Alexey ; Kaloyanova, Stefka ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Glavaš-Obrovac, Ljubica | Biological properties of cyanine dyes equipped with bulky phosphonium substituents // Abstracts of the 10th Congress of the Croatian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology with international participation. | 2010. str. 1-1
Dijanošić, Adriana ; Miljanić, Snežana ; Piantanida, Ivo | Surface-enhanced Raman study of the intaractions between the intercalator ADAP and DNA // 10th International Symposium and summer School on Bioanalysis - Book of Abstract. | Zagreb, 2010. str. 82-82
Dijanošić, Adriana ; Miljanić, Snežana ; Meić, Zlatko ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Albelda Teresa M. ; Sornosa-Ten Alejandra ; Garcia-Espana Enrique | Surface-enhanced Raman study of the interactions between cationic polyamines and polynucleotides // EUCMOS 2010 Book of Abstract. | Firenza : München, 2010. str. 136-136
Grabar, Marina ; Tomić, Sanja ; Tumir, Lidija-Marija ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Crnolatac, Ivo ; Deligeorgiev, Todor ; Vasilev, Alexey ; Kaloyanova, Stefka | Interaction of phosphonium cyanine dyes with DNA // Abstracts of the Fourth Humboldt Conference on Computational Chemistry. | Sofija, 2010. str. 62-x
Hranjec, Marijana ; Lučić, Borka ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Ratkaj, Ivana ; Kraljević Pavelić, Sandra ; Karminski-Zamola, Grace | Synthesis, antitumor evaluation in vitro and interaction with ct-DNA of novel imidazo[4, 5- b]pyridine derivatives // IUPAC ICOS-18, The 18th International Conference on Organic Synthesis, 01-06. August, 2010, Bergen, Norveška. | 2010. str. 058-442-058-442
Radić Stojković, Marijana ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Kralj, Marijeta ; Marjanović, Marko ; Pawlica, Dariusz ; Eilmes, Julita | Interaction of DBTAA derivatives with DNA / RNA and antiproliferative effects on human cell lines // XXI. Hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera – Knjiga sažetaka. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI), 2009. str. 99-99
Radić Stojković, Marijana ; Klemm, Karsten ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Schmuck, Carsten | Interactions of novel guanidiniocarbonyl-pyrroles with DNA/RNA polynucleotides // Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry. | Münster: German Chemical Society, 2010. str. 98-98
Dijanošić, Adriana ; Miljanić, Snežana ; Meić, Zlatko ; Piantanida, Ivo | Istraživanje interakcija između poliamina IM i polinukleotida primjenom površinski pojačanog Ramanovog raspršenja // Knjiga sažetaka VIII. Susreta mladih kemijskih inženjera. | Zagreb, 2010. str. 155-155
Grabar, Marina ; Tumir, Lidija-Marija ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Tomić, Sanja | Computational approach to specificity of intercalators toward nucleotides // Book of Abstracts of the Tenth international summer school on biophysics - supramolecular structure and function. | Rovinj, 2009. str. 105-x
Ester, Katja ; Hranjec, Marijana ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Karminski-Zamola, Grace ; Kralj, Marijeta | Različiti mehanizmi protutumorskog djelovanja novosintetiziranih derivata benzotiofena // Zbornik sažetaka 10. Hrvatskog biološkog kongresa. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko biološko društvo, 2009. str. 88-89
Grabar, Marina ; Tumir, Lidija-Marija ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Tomić, Sanja | Computational and spectroscopic studies of intercalators and their interaction with nucleotides // Book of Abstracts of The third Adriatic Meeting on computational Solutions in the Life Sciences. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2009. str. 56-x
Grabar, Marina ; Tumir, Lidija-Marija ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Tomić, Sanja | Bisphenanthridinium-nucleobase conjugates – molecular modelling and spectroscopic approach // Book of Abstracts of the EMBO Young Scientists Forum. | Zagreb, 2009
Grabar, Marina ; Tumir, Lidija-Marija ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Tomić, Sanja | Molecular modelling of bisphenanthridinium- nucleobase conjugates // Book of Abstracts of the MATH/CHEM/COMP - The Dubrovnik International Course on the Interfaces among Mathematics, Chemistry and Computer Sciences. | Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2008. str. 20-x
Grabar, Marina ; Tumir, Lidija-Marija ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Tomić, Sanja | Molecular modelling of bisphenanthridinium- nucleobase conjugates // Book of Abstracts of the International Conference and Biophysics Summmer School From Solid State to Biophysics IV. | École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), 2008
Juranović Cindrić, Iva ; Meić, Zlatko ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Tumir Lidija-Marija ; Žinić Mladen | Interactions of phenanthridinium-nucleobase conjugates with complementary and non complementary polynucleotides in aqueous media // Book of Abstracts. | 2002. str. B-80-B-80
Mišković, Katarina ; Stolić, Ivana ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Baus Lončar, Mirela ; Bajić, Miroslav ; Glavaš-Obrovac, Ljubica | Mechanism of action of three novel dicationic bis(phenylamidine) derivatives // The FEBS Journal. | 2009. str. 328-328
Stolić, Ivana ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Bajić, Miroslav | Priprava i evaluacija bisamidinofenilnih derivata 3, 4-etilendioksitiofena // XXI. Hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera - knjiga sažetaka. | Trogir: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI), 2009. str. 110-110
Juranović Cindrić, Iva ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Matoničkin Martina ; Rusak, Gordana | Lanthanum - luteolin and lanthanum - fisetin complexes in interaction with nucleic acids // XXI Sastanak hrvatskih kemičara i kemijskih inženjera : Knjiga sažetaka / Novak, Predrag (ur.). | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa, 2009. str. 201-201
Piantanida, Ivo ; Radić Stojković, Marijana | Interactions of bis-urea bridged bis-phenanthridines with DNA and RNA // XIth European Symposium on Organic Reactivity (ESOR XI). | 2007
Hranjec, Marijana ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Karminski-Zamola, Grace | Interaction of novel benzimidazole derivatives with double stranded DNA/RNA in aqueous media // ESOC 15 Abstracts. | Dublin, 2007. str. 205-205-x
Hranjec, Marijana ; Kralj, Marijeta ; Šuman, Lidija ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Karminski-Zamola, Grace | Sinteza i antitumorska aktivnost novih 2-tienil supstituiranih derivata benzimidazola // XX. jubilarni hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera : Knjiga sažetaka = Book of abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI), 2007. str. 94-94-x
Marczi, Saška ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Stojković, Ranko ; Ivanković, Siniša ; Belovari, Tatjana ; Šerić, Vatroslav ; Glavaš-Obrovac, Ljubica | Effects of 4, 9-diazapyrenium derivatives on mouse tumor cells in vitro and in vivo // Kongres hrvatskog društva za biokemiju i molekularnu biologiju prigodom 30. obljetnice osnutka uz međunarodno sudjelovanje, Knjiga sažetaka / Kovarik, Zrinka (ur.). | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo za biokemiju i molekularnu biologiju (HDBMB), 2006. str. 1-1
Marjanović, Marko ; Kralj, Marijeta ; Radić Stojković, Marijana ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Pawlica, Dariusz ; Eilmes, Julita | Antitumor effect of novel small molecules targeting AT-rich DNA regions // FEBS speciall meeting Cellular Signalning, 2006. | Zagreb, 2006. str. 251-252-x
Kriško, Anita ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Kveder, Marina ; Pifat, Greta ; Lee, Anthony ; Greilberger, Joachim ; Kipmen-Korgun, Dijle ; Jürgens, Guenther | The Effect of Heparin on Structural and Functional Properties of Low Density Lipoproteins // Abstracts of the 4th COST D22 Workshop "Lipid-Protein Interactions". | 2005
Jarak, Ivana ; Kralj, Marijeta ; Marjanović, Marko ; Pavelić, Krešimir ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Žinić, Mladen ; Karminski-Zamola, Grace | Synthesis and Antiproliferative Activity of new Amidino-substituted Furanocarboxyanilides // XIX. hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera : Knjiga sažetaka = Book of abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI) ; Hrvatsko kemijsko drustvo, 2005. str. 141-141
Starčević, Kristina ; Hranjec, Marijana ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Kralj, Marijeta ; Žinić, Mladen ; Pavelić, Krešimir ; Karminski-Zamola, Grace | New Naphthofurans Derivatives : Biological Evaluations and Interactions with ct-DNA // XIX. hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera : knjiga sažetaka = Book of Abstracts. | Zagreb, 2005. str. 140-140
Piantanida, Ivo ; Žinić, Mladen | Recognition of Different Singlestranded and Doublestranded DNA / RNA Sequences by Diazapyrenium and Bis-phenantridinium derivatives in Aqueous Media // Chemické listy S, ICSS&T 2004 CONGRES, Supramolecules, ABSTRACT BOOK. | Prag, 2004. str. 13-14-x
Starčević, Kristina ; Piantanida, Ivo, ; Žinić, Mladen ; Karminski-Zamola, Grace | Photoinduced Switch of DNA/RNA Inactive Substance into Classical Intercalator // 13th European Symposium on Organic Chemistry : Programe & Abstracts. | Zagreb, 2003. str. 376-376
Starčević, Kristina ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Žinić, Mladen ; Karminski-Zamola, Grace | Photo induced switch of DNA/RNA inactive substance into classical intercalator // 13th European symposium on organic chemistry-programs and abstracts. | Zagreb, 2003. str. 376-x
Juranović Cindrić, I. ; Meić, Z. ; Piantanida, I. ; Tumir, L.-M. ; Žinić, M. | INTERACTIONS OF PHENANTHRIDINIUM-NUCLEOBASE CONJUGATES WITH COMPLEMENTARY AND NON COMPLEMENTARY POLYNUCLEOTIDES IN AQUEOUS MEDIA // 4th Mediterranean Basin Conference on Analytical Chemistry : Book of Abstracts. | Ljubljana: Veber, M, 2002. str. 80-80-x
Piantanida, Ivo ; Tumir, L.-M. ; Žinić, Mladen ; Juranović Cindrić, Iva ; Meić, Zlatko | Influence of phenanthridinium-nucleobase conjugates protonation / methylation on their interactions with polynucleotides // XVIII. Hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI) ; Hrvatsko kemijsko društvo, 2003. str. 18-18-x
Juranović Cindrić, Iva ; Meić, Zlatko ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Tumir, L.-M. ; Žinić, Mladen | Interactions of phenanthridinium-nucleobase conjugates with complementary and non-complementary nucleotides in aqueous media // XVIII. hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera : sažeci = abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI) ; Hrvatsko kemijsko drustvo ; Hinus, 2003. str. 9-9
Kriško, Anita ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Kveder, Marina ; Pifat, Greta | A novel spectrophotometric approach for monitoring structural rearangements of human plasma LDL and HDL. | 2003
Kriško, Anita ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Kveder, Marina ; Lee, Anthony ; Pifat, Greta | The interaction of human plasma low density lipoproteins with high molecular weight heparin. | 2003
Kriško, Anita ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Kveder, Marina ; Pifat, Greta | Interaction of caffeine with human plasma low density lipoproteins // Lipids and biomembranes: new technologies. | 2002
Piantanida, Ivo ; Tumir, Lidija-Marija ; Žinić, Mladen ; Juranović, Iva ; Meić, Zlatko | Interaktionen von Phenantridinium-Nucleobasen Konjugaten mit komplementären und nicht- komplementären Polynukleotiden im Wasser // Symposium "Molekulare Erkennung", Book of Abstracts. | Essen, 2002. str. 34-34
Piantanida, Ivo ; Žinić, Mladen | Interactions of bis-heteroaromatic derivatives with doublestranded DNA and RNA derivatives in aqeous media. Possibilities of combinatorial aproach. // Book of Abstracts. Workshop on Combinatorial and Supramolecular Chemistry. | Saarbrücken: -, 2000. str. 16-x
Piantanida, Ivo ; Žinić, Mladen | Interactions of Novel 4,9- Diazapyrenium Cations with DNA and Nucleotides in Aqueous Media, // Xth Conference on Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of Young Scientists. | Liblice: -, 1999. str. 120-x
Piantanida, Ivo ; Žinić, Mladen | The Interaction of Novel 4, 9- Diazapyrenium Cations with DNA and Nucleotides in Aqueous Media // Abstracts of Winter International School on Organic Reactivity (WISOR VIII). | Brixen: -, 1999
Piantanida, Ivo ; Žinić, Mladen | The Interaction of Novel 4.9-Diazapyrenium Cations with Double Stranded Nucleic Acids // 11th ESOC, Book of Abstracts 23.-28. 7. 1999.,, SE, (sažetak, nerazvrstan rad).. | Gothenburg: -, 1999. str. P 139-x
Piantanida, Ivo ; Žinić, Mladen | Priprava novih 4,9-diazapirenijevih kationa. Vezanje nukleotida u vodenom mediju // XV Skup hrvatskih kemičara, Opatija, 23.-26. 3. 1997.. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI), 1997. str. 86-86-x
Bašic, Ivan ; Planinić, Pavica ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Brničević, Nevenka | Polimeric hexanuclear halogenide complexes [(M6Cl8)Cl4L2] (M = Mo, W; L = 4,4'-bipyridine, 1,5-naphthyridine, 4,9-diazapyrene) // Sažeci / Abstracts; XVI. Hrvatski skup kemičara i kemijskih inženjera. | Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI) ; Hrvatsko kemijsko društvo, 1999. str. 41-41-x
Kiralj, Rudolf ; Kojić-Prodić, Biserka ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Žinić, Mladen | Izučavanje pi...pi interakcija u supstituiranim diazapirenima // Sažeci/Abstracts. | Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI), 1999. str. 125-x
Roknić, Saška ; Steiner-Biočić, Ivka ; Glavaš-Obrovac, Ljubica ; Karner, Ivan ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Žinić, Mladen ; Pavelić, Krešimir | In vitro cytotoxicity of three 4, 9-diazapyrenium hydrogensulphate derivatives on different human tumor cell lines // Godišnji sastanak hrvatskih biokemičara. | Osijek: Hrvatsko biokemijsko društvo, 1998. str. 81-x
Kiralj, Rudolf ; Kojić-Prodić, Biserka ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Žinić, Mladen | Study of pi-pi interactions in pyrenes and diazapyrenes as DNA intercalators // Book of Abstracts. | Lisabon: European Union of Crystallography, 1997. str. 31-31-x
Kratko priopćenje
Čipor, Ivona; Jakopec, Silvio; Gourdon, Lisa; Meščić Macan, Andrijana; Perić, Berislav; Piantanida, Ivo; Cariou, Kevin; Gasser, Gilles; Kirin, Srećko; Raić-Malić, Silvana | Fluorescent Re(I) Complexes - Interactions with Biomolecules and Biological Evaluation // 10th EFMC Young Medicinal Chemists' Symposium - Book of Abstracts / Beus, Maja; Alker, David; Eshak, Floriane et al. (ur.). | Louvain-la-Neuve, Wallonia, Belgium: European Federation for Medicinal chemistry and Chemical biology (EFMC), 2023. str. 56-56
Publikacije - prilozi sa skupa (u časopisu)
Sažetak izlaganja sa skupa
Marinović, Marina; Pavić, Kristina; Krošl Knežević, Ivona; Piantanida, Ivo; Rajić, Zrinka | Spectrophotometric characterisation of harmiprims, harmine-primaquine hybrids and their interaction with nucleic acids // Pharmacy education, 24, 7, 2024. str. 329-330
Poje, Goran; Pavić, Kristina; Piantanida, Ivo; Rajić, Zrinka | Insight into the potential mechanism of antiproliferative activity of harmiprims, harmine-primaquine hybrids: Cell localisation and cell cycle analysis // Pharmacy education, 24, 7, 2024. str. 328-329
Višnjevac, Aleksandar; Nyssen, Nicolas; Nikšić-Franjić, Ivana; Piantanida, Ivo; Colasson, Benoit; Reinaud, Olivia | TREN and TMPA capped calix[6]arene metal complexes as ds-DNA/RNA binders // Acta crystallographica. Section A, Foundations and advances, A78, 1, 2022, e364, 1
Jakšić, Daniela, Šegvić Klarić, Maja ; Šijaković Vujičić, Nataša ; Smrečki, Vilko ; Pescitelli, Gennaro ; Piantanida, Ivo | Sterigmatocystin – an extraordinary mycotoxin // Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju, 2022. str. A25-A25
hrcak.srce.hr -
Jurković, Marta ; Božinović, Ksenija ; Nestić, Davor ; Michail, Evipidis ; Ferger, Matthias ; Lambert, Christoph ; Majhen, Dragomira ; Marder, Todd B. ; Piantanida, Ivo | Theranostic agents for tumor cell and virus-targeted photodynamic therapy // Journal of photochemistry and photobiology. B, Biology, 2022. str. 1011-1344. doi: 10.1016/j.jphotobiol.2022.112523
doiwww.sciencedirect.com -
Mašić, Lozika ; Kapuralin, Katarina ; Kopjar, Nevenka ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Rusak, Gordana | Spectrophotometric analysis of flavonoid-DNA interactions and the assessment of their toxicity profiles, cyto-and genoprotective effects in human peripheral blood lymphocytes // European journal of cell biology, 2008
www.sciencedirect.com Pernar, Margareta ; Kokan, Zoran ; Matković, Marija ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Polančec, Denis ; Turel, Iztok ; Kirin, Srećko I. ; Brozović, Anamaria | Organometallic ruthenium complexes with triphenylphosphane amino acid bioconjugates as possible anticancer compounds // Libri oncologici : Croatian journal of oncology, 44, 2016. str. 47-47
Grabar Branilović, Marina ; Smolko, Ana ; Šupljika, Filip ; Salopek-Sondi, Branka ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Tomić, Sanja | The active site structure of manganese-containing Brassica rapa auxin-amidohydrolase BrILL2 // Acta crystallographica. Section A, Foundations and advances, 2015. str. 210-210. doi: 10.1107/S2053273315096849
doi Grabar Branilović, Marina ; Smolko, Ana ; Šupljika, Filip ; Salopek-Sondi, Branka ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Tomić, Sanja | Brassica rapa auxin-amidohydrolase: the Mn2+ binding affinities and the active site structure // European biophysics journal, 2015. str. 166-166
Steiner, Ivana; Stojanović, Nikolina; Bolje, Aljoša; Ambriović-Ristov, Andreja; Brozovic, Anamaria; Radić Stojković, Marijana; Piantanida, Ivo; Eljuga, Domagoj; Košmrlj, Janez; Osmak, Maja | ‘Click’ derived 1, 2, 3-triazolium salts as potential anticancer drugs // Periodicum biologorum. Supplement, 116, S1, 2014. str. 59-59
Mišković, Katarina ; Baus Lončar, Mirela ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Glavaš-Obrovac, LJubica | Novel monomethine derivatives as detection tools // Biopolymers and cell, 2012. str. 102-102
www.biopolymers.org.ua Jakas, Andreja ; Bjeliš, Nina ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Kralj, Marijeta | Synthesis and Biological Activity of Quercetin Derivatives of Endogenous Opioid Peptides Leu- and Met-enkephalin // Journal of peptide science, 2010. str. 123-123
Tumir, Lidija-Marija ; Juranović Cindrić, Iva ; Piantanida, Ivo ; Žinić, Mladen ; Meić, Zlatko | Novel Phenantridinium-Nucleobase Conjugates and their Interactions with Polinucleotides // Chemicke listy, 2004. str. 38-38
Publikacije - prilozi sa skupa (neobjavljeni)
Neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa
Kuridža, Bojan; Jurković, Marta; Benicke Rojas, Maria-Victoria; Majhen, Dragomira; Marder, Todd B.; Piantanida, Ivo | New bis-triarylborane chromophores as potential probes for DNA, RNA, and proteins // European Winter School on Physical Organic Chemistry 2025 | Bressanone, Italija, 02.02.2025-07.02.2025
Piantanida Ivo | Photo-switchable fluorescent probes for the reversible non-covalent sensing of DNA, RNA or proteins // 6th International Caparica Conference on Chromogenic and Emissive Materials 2024 | Lisabon, Portugal, 07.07.2024-11.07.2024
Nikšić-Franjić, Ivana; Colasson, Benoit; Reinaud, Olivia; Višnjevac, Aleksandar; Piantanida, Ivo | Crystallization screening of the non-covalent DNA/calix[6]arene complex // Hot Topics in Contemporary Crystallography 5 - HTCC5 | Dubrovnik, Hrvatska, 16.04.2023-21.04.2023
Krošl Knežević, Ivona; Otković, Ena; Nikšić-Franjić, Ivana; Colasson, Benoit; Reinaud, Olivia; Višnjevac, Aleksandar; Piantanida, Ivo | Impact of Positive Charge and Ring-Size on Interactions of Calixarenes with DNA, RNA and Nucleotides // Computational Chemistry Day 2022 | Zagreb, Hrvatska, 24.09.2022-24.09.2022. doi: 10.1039/D2NJ00061J
doi Nikšić-Franjić, Ivana; Višnjevac, Aleksandar; Piantanida, Ivo; Colasson, Benoit; Reinaud, Olivia | TMPA capped calixarene as mononucleotide binding agent // 17th European powder diffraction conference (EPDiC17) | Šibenik, Hrvatska, 31.05.2022-03.06.2022
Miljanić, Snežana; Kenđel, Adriana; Piantanida, Ivo | Encapsulation of vecuronium bromide by sugammadex studied by SERS // XXI EuroAnalysis | Ženeva, Švicarska, 26.08.2023-31.08.2023
Radman, Katarina; Leščić Ašler, Ivana; Bregović, Nikola; Crnolatac, Ivo; Piantanida, Ivo; Ilakovac Kveder, Marina; Žilić, Dijana; Bertoša, Branimir | Structural Changes in the Metalloregulatory Protein ScaR (Streptococcus gordonii) Influenced by Mn 2+ Ion Binding // EMBO workshop: ImmunoBiophysics #2 - From fundamental physics to understanding the immune response | Les Houches, Francuska, 09.04.2023-14.04.2023
Košćak, Marta ; Krošl, Ivona ; Žinić, Biserka ; Piantanida, Ivo | Fluorescent analogues of FRH peptide: Cu(II) binding and interactions with ds-DNA/RNA // XLVI "A. Corbella" International Summer School on Organic Synthesis - ISOS 2022 | Gargnano, Italija, 12.06.2022-16.06.2022
Orehovec, Iva; Kurutos, Atanas; Crnolatac, Ivo; Tomašić Paić, Ana; Piantanida, Ivo; Gadjev, Nikolai; Deligeorgiev, Todor | Study of nucleic acids interactions of novel asymmetric dicationic monomethine cyanine dyes as potential markers for mitochondrial DNA // 52. International Conference on Medicinal Chemistry | Caen, Francuska, 06.07.2016-08.07.2016
Šmidlehner, Tamara; Kurutos, Atanas; Slade, Jakov; Piantanida, Ivo | Copper-catalyzed azidealkyne cycloaddition in attaching cyanine dyes to amino acid's side chain // Challenges in Catalysis for Pharmaceuticals and Fine Chemicals V | London, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo, 02.11.2016-02.11.2016
Šmidlehner, Tamara; Piantanida, Ivo | One-pot synthesis of cyanine-amino acids conjugates and their interactions with DNA/RNA // 36th edition of the European School of Medicinal Chemistry (ESMEC) | Urbino, Italija, 26.06.2016-01.07.2016
Tomašić Paić, Ana; Orehovec, Iva; Kurutos, Atanas; Deligeorgiev, Todor; Piantanida, Ivo; Crnolatac, Ivo | Characterization of novel monomethine cyanine dyes as intercalating agents and fluorescent probes // XXIV EFMC International Symposium on Medicinal Chemstry (EFMC-ISMC) | Manchester, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo, 28.08.2016-01.09.2016
Piantanida, Ivo ; García-España, E. ; Sornosa-Ten, A. ; Albelda, M.T. ; Frías, J.C ; Llinares, J.M. ; Budimir, Ana ; González Garcia, J. | Interactions of acyclic and cyclic polyamines with DNA and RNA // 3rd EuChemS Chemistry Congress | Nürnberg, Njemačka, 29.08.2010-02.09.2010
Piantanida, Ivo | Recognition of various DNA / RNA sequences by 4, 9-diazapyrenium and bis-phenanthridinium derivatives in aqueous media // The 2nd International Workshop-Cum-Training Course on Molecular Medicine and Drug Research | Karachi, Pakistan, 12.01.2009-15.01.2009
Publikacije - ocjenski radovi
Magistarski rad (znanstveni)
Piantanida, Ivo | Sinteza 4.9-diazapirenijevih kationa i studij njihovih interakcija s nukleotidima / Žinić, Mladen (mentor). | Zagreb, Institut Ruđer Bošković, 1997
Doktorski rad
Krošl, Ivona | Fluorescentni molekularni senzori temeljeni na peptidu WHW, triarilboranima i kaliksarenima / Piantanida, Ivo; Gazivoda Kraljević, Tatjana (mentor). | Zagreb, Fakultet kemijskog inženjerstva i tehnologije, 2024
Erben, Antonija | Sinteza i fotokemija oligopeptida i njihova potencijalna primjena u dijagnostici i terapiji / Basarić, Nikola ; Piantanida, Ivo (mentor). | Rijeka, Sveučilište u Rijeci, Fakultet biotehnologije i razvoja lijekova, 2024
fulir.irb.hr -
Orehovec, Iva | Nove spektroskopski i fotokemijski aktivne male molekule koje ciljaju DNA i RNA / Piantanida, Ivo (mentor); Matković, Marija (neposredni voditelj) . | Rijeka, Sveučilište u Rijeci, Fakultet biotehnologije i razvoja lijekova, 2021
dabar.srce.hr -
Ćehić, Mirsada | Eksperimentalno i računalno istraživanje novih konjugata gvanidina s različitim fluoroforima kao liganada humane dipeptidil-peptidaze III / Tomić, Sanja ; Piantanida, Ivo (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2019
dr.nsk.hr -
Rožman, Andrea | Istraživanje interakcija cijaninskih boja s polinukleotidima spektroskopskim i termoanalitičkim metodama / Piantanida, Ivo (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2018
urn.nsk.hr Šmidlehner, Tamara | Multifunctional molecular recognition of DNA/RNA secondary structure by molecular senzors / Piantanida, Ivo (mentor). | Rijeka, Sveučilište u Rijeci, Fakultet biotehnologije i razvoja lijekova, 2018
Radić Stojković, Marijana | Sinteza urea-fenantridinskih derivata te ispitivanje interakcija s nukleinskim kiselinama u vodenom mediju / Piantanida, Ivo (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2009
Tumir, Lidija-Marija | Sinteza nukleotid selektivnih bisinterkaland receptora i njihove interakcije s nukleotidima i nukleinskim kiselinama / Žinić, Mladen (mentor); Piantanida, Ivo (neposredni voditelj) . | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2006
Piantanida, Ivo | Sinteza novih 4,9-diazapirenijevih i fenantridinijevih derivata te ispitivanje njihovih interakcija s nukleotidima i DNA / Žinić, Mladen (mentor); Žinić, Mladen (neposredni voditelj) . | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2001
Diplomski rad (sveučilišni)
Pečurlić, Ivona | Fino strukturno ugađanje heterocikličkih boja na bazi stirila za spektrofotometrijsko prepoznavanje različitih ds-DNA/RNA slijedova / Škorić, Irena ; Piantanida, Ivo (mentor); Čipor, Ivona (neposredni voditelj) . | Zagreb, Fakultet kemijskog inženjerstva i tehnologije, 2022
urn.nsk.hr -
Badovinac, Marko | Spektroskopska karakterizacija dipeptida pirena i cijanina i njihove interakcije s dvolančanim polinukleotidima / Piantanida, Ivo (mentor); Šmidlehner, Tamara (neposredni voditelj) . | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2019
repozitorij.pmf.unizg.hr -
Košćak, Marta | Konjugati cijaninske boje i gvanidinijkarbonil - pirola kao nove fluorescentne i CD probe za razlikovanje različitih sekundarnih struktura dvolančane DNA ili dvolančane RNA / Piantanida, Ivo ; Juranović Cindrić, Iva (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2019
urn.nsk.hr -
Otković, Ena | Studij interakcija kationskih kaliksarena s nukleotidima, DNA i RNA / Piantanida, Ivo (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2021
repozitorij.pmf.unizg.hr Šćur, Lucija | Ispitivanje interakcija mikotoksina sterigmatocistina sa ciklodekstrinima i humanim serumskim albuminom spektrofotometrijskim metodama / Jakšić, Daniela ; Piantanida, Ivo (mentor). | Zagreb, Farmaceutsko-biokemijski fakultet, 2021
Slade, Jakov | Sinteza konjugata cijaninskih boja i aminokiselina i istraživanje njihovih interakcija s DNA i RNA / Piantanida, Ivo (mentor); Šmidlehner, Tamara (neposredni voditelj) . | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2018
urn.nsk.hr Rožman, Andrea | Interakcije dioksobis(2, 4-pentadionato)molibdena(vi) i derivata salicilaldehid-3-tiosemikarbazona u vodenom mediju / Cindrić, Marina ; Piantanida, Ivo (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2007
Baretić, Domagoj | Peptidni konjugati fenantridin-nukleobaza u interakciji s nukleinskim kiselinama / Piantanida, Ivo ; Rusak, Gordana (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2010
Kodžoman, Ana | Kompleksi lantana s nekim strukturno srodnim flavonoidima u interakciji s nukleinskim kiselinama / Piantanida, Ivo ; Rusak, Gordana (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2009
zir.nsk.hr Damjanović, Vladimir | Sinteza i svojstva ionskih kompleksnih spojeva vanadija(v) sa salicilaldehid 4- feniltiosemikarbazonom / Cindrić, Marina ; Piantanida, Ivo (mentor); Rubčić, Mirta ; Radić– Stojković, Marijana (neposredni voditelj) . | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2009
Zbačnik, Marija | Interactios of Molybdenum(VI) Complexes with Schiff Base Derivates and DNA / Cindrić, Marina ; Piantanida, Ivo (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2008
Mašić, Lozika | Flavonoidi strukturno srodni kvercetinu u interakciji s DNA i RNA / Piantanida, Ivo ; Rusak, Gordana (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2007
Matoničkin, Martina | Kompleksi lantan-luteolin i lantan-fisetin u interakciji s nukleinskim kiselinama / Piantanida, Ivo ; Rusak, Gordana (mentor). | Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, 2008
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Hrvatsko kemijsko društvo