Pozvano predavanje u organizaciji IRB (CIR), Znanstvenog centra izvrsnosti za znanost o podatcima i TTP2018 projektnih inicijativa
Prvo pozvano predavanje Znanstvenog centra izvrsnosti za znanost o podatcima i TTP2018 projektnih inicijativa
18. lipnja 2018. u 11 sati
Institut Ruđer Bošković, Centar za informatiku i računarstvo, Plava predavaona
Dr. sc. Goran Lovrić
Centre d’Imagerie BioMédicale, EPFL,
Lausanne 1015, Switzerland
Ultra-brza rengenska računalna tomografija i njena primjena u proučavanju biologije i raznovrsnih materijala na razini micrometara
Visualizing fast micrometer-scale dynamics in 3D is a key challenge for studies in functional biology, materials science, soft-condensed matter physics and many others. In the recent past synchrotron-based X-ray microtomography has proved as a valuable technique, providing high sensitivity to soft tissue by highly coherent X-rays combined with sufficient flux. As a result, we are now able to acquire full 4D tomographic datasets at 20 Hz and at spatial resolutions in the micrometer range coupled with continuous data streams of up to 8 GB/s, but the task still remains challenging as it requires the smooth interoperability of various aspects. In the present work we summarize out latest developments at the in the field of synchrotron-based X-ray imaging and give an overview on the imaging capabilities, methods and techniques in view of instrumentation, image acquisition and post-processing. As a prime example, we describe the world-wide first realization of in vivo lung tomography with pixel sizes down to about one micrometer for the study of microscopic lung physiology at the alveolar scale, by which we prove for the first time a microscopic heterogeneous distension pattern in lungs. Finally, we outline the current limitations and future strategies of the methodology in view of novel applications to related scientific fields.