Mehanizmi nastajanja kalcijevih fosfata na anorganskim nanomaterijalima. Biomimetski put priprave multifunkcionalnih nanokompozita za regeneraciju čvrstih tkiva (CaPBiomimNanocomp)
Cilj projekta je sustavno istražiti međudjelovanja kalcijevih fosfata i dvije vrste nanomaterijala (NM):
a) TiO2 NM različitih morfologija (nanočestice, nanocjevčice, nanožice, nanopločice),
b) srebrnih nanočestica različite površinske modifikacije (poli(vinilpirolidon), PVP, citrat, cit, natrij bis(2-ethil-heksil) sulfosukcinat, AOT)
kako bi se utvrdio odnos između površinskih svojstava NM (površinske modifikacije, morfologije, gustoće površinskog naboja, kristalne strukture) i svojstava nastalih CaP u uvjetima bliskim fiziološkim. Također će se istražiti i utjecaj biološki aktivnih molekula, albumina i hitosana, na nastajanje CaP/NM kompozita.
The lipid-peroxidation inhibition governed by interactions between nanocarried flavonoids and model lipid membranes
We expect to find out how the biocompatible mesoporous NPs made of silica, magnetite and/or goethite loaded with flavonoids affect the organization and fluidity of the model membranes and whether the flavonoids embedded in NPs themselves permeate through and alter the membrane structure protecting their structure under oxidative stress conditions. Within this study we hope to gain more complete understanding of the mechanism of flavonoid action at the molecular level.
European and Latin American Technology based Business Network - Europa Aid Project
ELAN Network je prostor za suradnju, generiranje i razvoj poslovnih prilika temeljenih na tehnologiji između Europe i Latinske Amerike. Projekt povezuje ključne europske i latinskoameričke istraživačke i inovacijske organizacije koje promoviraju ekonomski rast temeljen na tehnologij.
Nanostructured carriers for controlled release of flavonoids as a potential therapeutics for treatment of Alzheimers' disease
The project is the unique opportunity for young researchers in both teams to exchange knowledge, skills and for their further improvement. For researchers with more experience, this will be opportunity to find more efficient approaches for Alzheimer’s disease treatment.
Protective mechanisms and effects of nano-delivered flavonoids in model cell membranes and neurons (NanoFlavNeuroProtect)
NanoFlavoNeuroProtect will pave the way towards development of inovative and improved therapies for oxidative stress-associated neurological disorders. In addition, the knowledge obtained within NanoFlavNeuroProtect could be extended to designing effective delivery systems for the incorporation, protection and release of other unstable bioactive molecules with an aim to improve human health or to increase the shelf life of pharmaceutical or food products.
Biocompatible nanoparticles with enhanced therapeutic efficacy of flavonoids in food
The goal of this project is preparation of a functional prototype of biodegradable nanoparticles (NP) having built-in flavonoids as an original solution up to date not present on the market.