Karakterizacija radiofotoluminiscentnih dozimetara u poljima teških nabijenih čestica - RPLforHCP
Projekt se bavi istraživanjima odziva i dozimetrijskih svojstava radiofotoluminiscentnih (RPL) dozimetara u poljima teških nabijenih čestica (HCP).
Towards Safe, Optimized and persoNalized radiOlogy and RAdiotherapy procedures for pregnant patients, SONORA
The project research focuses on improving the accuracy of fetal doses estimation in diagnostic and interventional radiology (DIR) and radiotherapy (RT) to optimize process and improve benefit/risk communication with the patient
Collaborative Research Agreement between Chiyoda Technol Corporation and Ruđer Bošković Institute
Promote fundamental and application research on radiophotoluminescence (RPL). Scientific collaboration in the field of radiation application and radiation protection for the purpose of contributing to and further developing this academic field.
EURAMED rocc-n-roll
EURopeAn MEDical application and Radiation prOteCtion Concept: strategic research agenda aNd ROadmap interLinking to heaLth and digitisation aspects
IAEA RER2018025/RER1021: „To contribute to improving human health, keeping a cleaner environment, and developing advanced materials through the extended and qualified use of radiation technologies“
Objective of the project is contributing to improving human health, keeper a cleaner environment, and developing advanced materials through the extended and qualified use of radiation technologies.
EURAMET project: Metrology for mobile detection of ionising radiation following a nuclear or radiological incident (Short Name: Preparedness, Project Number: 16ENV04 )
New radioactivity measurements will support fast, effective protection of the environment following nuclear events