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Thrid DPP III Minisymposium / Graz 10 February 2017



10:00–10:30 Welcome and coffee at Petersgasse 12, Seminar room ground floor

10:30-10:50 Karl Gruber: Introduction & Overview on DPPIII

Morning session: Structure and dynamics of DPPIII

10:50-11:15 Linda Schauenburg: Presenting Sphingotec Therapeutics

11:15-11:40 Marko Poglitsch: Presenting Attoquant

11:40-12:05 Sanja Tomic: Understanding hDPP III mechanism – an aid in rationalization of the mutants (in)activity

12:05-13:00 Sandwich lunch and coffee (will be provided)

Afternoon session: What have we learned from the knock-out mouse?

13:00-13:30 Altijana Hromic: Biophysical and structural characterization of dipeptidyl peptidase III from Porphyromonas gingivalis

13:30-14:00 Shalinee Jha / Ulrike Taschler: Characterisation of DppIII-knock-out mice

14:00-15:00 Poster session & discussions (Eight posters will be on display in the lobby)

15:00-17:00 General discussion of structural issues and future research directions (project coordination, future collaborations, funding opportunities, etc.)

17:30 – 20:00 Dinner (“Zur Schmiedn”; for further information see


Zagreb (10)

Zrinka Karačić (PhD student) - poster

Sara Matic

Mihaela Matovina (PhD, Research Associate) - poster

Ivo Piantanida (PI)

Igor Sabljić (PhD student)

Branka Salopek Sondi (PI)

Sandra Sobocanec (PI) - poster

Iva Sucec

Sanja Tomić (PI)

Marko Tomin - poster

Graz (10)

Bernhard Berg

Rolf Breinbauer (PI)

Karl Gruber (PI)

Altijana Hromic (PhD student)

Shalinee Jha (PhD student) - poster

Christian Lembacher-Fadum - poster

Peter Macheroux (PI)

Tea Pavkov-Keller (PhD, senior research scientist)

Ulrike Taschler (PhD, senior research scientist)

Robert Zimmermann (PI)

Berlin (2)

Sphingotec Therapeutics GmbH

Dr. Linda Schauenburg

Lucas Kelm (PhD student) - poster

Vienna (2)


Dr. Marko Poglitsch

Oliver Domenig (PhD student) - poster

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