HRZZ: Interactions in the Coccolithophore Phycosphere and Implications for Ocean Carbon Cycling (Cocco-Channel)
Project code: IP-2024-05-3942
HRZZ: The ocean of the future: Will changed phytoplankton composition positively impact the biological carbon pump? (FUTURE OCEAN)
Project code: IP-2024-05-8589
Diurnal dynamics on the sea-atmosphere interface (INSIST)
DAAD project
HRZZ: From algal cell surface properties to stress markers for aquatic ecosystems
The objective is to relate algal cell response (in terms of surface properties and physiological behaviour) to main abiotic environmental stressors (temperature and salinity) in order to better understand viability and adaptation strategies of algal populations in aquatic systems
HRZZ: Biochemical REsponses of oligotrophic Adriatic surface ecosystems to atmospheric Deposition Inputs (BiREADI)
Koristeći multidisciplinarni, cjeloviti pristup, BiREADI ima za cilj ispitati utjecaje atmosferskog taloženja (AT) na složene biokemijske odgovore oligotrofnih vodenih sustava; primarno fitoplanktonskih zajednica te, posljedično, i na kemijske promjene u površinskim slojevima, uključujući mikrosloj na granici faza zrak-voda.
Algal cell biophysical properties as markers for environmental stress in aquatic systems
Major challenges face the aquatic systems due to different human activities, which may cause substantial damage to the economy of the region (fisheries, tourism). Our common regional challenge is focused on analyzing pressure in aquatic environment and requires transnational action as recognized in EU Biodiversity Strategy 2020.
HRZZ: Phytoplankton life strategies in the northern Adriatic
HRZZ: New methodological approach in biogeochemical studies of trace metal speciation in coastal aquatic ecosystems