Marija Parać
Ruđer Bošković Institute
Bijenička 54
HR-10000 Zagreb
2019-2021 : master's degree in Microbial Biotechnology in Agriculture / Faculty of Agriculture, Zagreb
2015-2021 : bachelor's degree in Applied Ecology in Agriculture / University of Zadar
Featured Publications
Parać, M., Cuculić, V., Cukrov, N., Geček, S., Lovrić, M., & Cukrov, N. (2022). Microplastic Distribution through the Salinity Gradient in a Stratified Estuary. Water, 14(20), 3255.
Puljko, A., Babić, I., Rozman, S. D., Barišić, I., Jelić, M., Maravić, A., Parać, M., Petrić, I., & Udiković-Kolić, N. (2023). Treated municipal wastewater as a source of high-risk and emerging multidrug-resistant clones of E. coli and other Enterobacterales producing extended-spectrum β-lactamases. Environmental Research, 117792.