Active projects
Horizon 2020 project: "EUROfusion"
Full title: "Implementation of activities described in the Roadmap to Fusion during Horizon 2020 through a Joint programme of the members of the EUROfusion consortium"
Euratom Grant Agreement No. 633053
Horizon Europe project: "RIANA (Research Infrastructure Access in Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)"
Horizon Europe Research and Innovation programme Grant Agreement No. 101130652
CERIC-ERIC project: "Triple I (200kV Ion Implanter Instrumentation)"
CERIC-ERIC project for Resarch Infrastructure Development
HRZZ project: "Sequential molecular and elemental imaging using MeV SIMS and other IBA techniques"
CERIC-ERIC project: "EXIT ( Beamline for External Ion microbeam Techniques)"
CERIC-ERIC project for Resarch Infrastructure Development
Horizon Europe project: "EURO-LABS (EUROpean Laboratories for Accelerator Based Science)"
Horizon Europe Research and Innovation programme Grant Agreement No. 101057511
Horizon Europe project: "ReMade@ARI (REcyclable MAterials DEvelopment at Analytical Research Infrastructures)"
Horizon Europe HORIZON-INFRA-2021-SERV-01 Grant Agreement No. 101058414, UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Grant No. 10039728 & Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) Contract No. 22.00187
Horizon 2020 project: "AIDAInnova (Advancement and Innovation for Detectors at Accelerators)"
Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme Grant Agreement No. 101004761
IAEA project: "3He induced nuclear reactions for characterization of materials of importance for Fusion Technology"
IAEA CRP: "F11023 - Development and Application of Ion Beam Techniques for Materials Irradiation and Characterization relevant to Fusion Technology"
IAEA project: "Sub-cellular imaging and irradiation using accelerator-based techniques"
Bilateral project: "Identification, stability and ageing phenomena of colorants used in modern inks in archive documents, prints, caricatures and other written heritage objects"
Croatian-Austrian bilateral project
IAEA project: "Access to Ion Beam Techniques of the RBI Accelerator Facility"
IAEA CRP: "G42008 - Facilitating Experiments with Ion Beam Accelerators"