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Peric, I., Merunka, D., Bales, B.L. and Perić, M. Hydrodynamic and Nonhydrodynamic Contributions to the Bimolecular Collision Rates of Solute Molecules in Supercooled Bulk Water. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2014. 118 7128.

Merunka, D., M. Peric, and M. Peric, Study of Nanostructural Organization of Ionic Liquids by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2015. 119 3185.

Kveder, M., Rakvin, B., Jokić, M. and Reijrese, E. A comparative study of electron spin decoherence at X- and W-band frequencies as a function of local disorder. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2015. 414 27.

Jurić, M., Pajić, D., Žilić, D., Rakvin, B., Molčanov, K. and Popović, J. Magnetic order in a novel 3D oxalate-based coordination polymer {[Cu(bpy)3][Mn2(C2O4)3]∙H2O}n. Dalton Transactions, 2015. 44 20626.

Herak, M., Žilić, D., Matković Čalogović, D. and Bergner., H. Torque magnetometry study of magnetically ordered state and spin reorientation in the quasi-one-dimensional S=1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet CuSb2O6. Physical Review B, 2015. 91 174436.

Carić, D., Rakvin, B., Kveder, M., Junker, K., Walde, P. and Reijerse, E. A multifrequency EPR study of poly(PADPA) synthesized with Trametes versicolor laccase from the aniline dimer p-aminodiphenylamine (PADPA) in the presence of anionic vesicles. Current Applied Physics, 2015. 15 1516.

Jurić, M., Molčanov, K., Žilić, D. and Kojić-Prodić, B. From mononuclear to linear one-dimensional coordination species of cooper(II)-chloranilate: design and characterization. RSC. Adv, 2016. 6 62785.

Janoševic Ležaić, A., Luginbühl, S., Bajuk-Bogdanović, D., Pašti, I., Kissner, R., Rakvin, B., Walde, P. and Ćirić-Marjanović, G. Insight into the template effect of vesicles on the laccase-catalyzed oligomerization of N-phenyl-1,4-phenylenediamine from Raman spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry measurements. Sci. Rep. 6, 30724; 2016. 

Molčanov, K., Stilinović, V., Šantić, A., Maltar-Strmečki, N., Pajić, D. and Kojić-Prodić, B. Fine tuning of π-Stack Separation Distances of Semiquinone Radicals Affects Their Magnetic and Electric Properties. Crystal Growth & Design;  2016. 16 4777.

Vrdoljak, V., Pavlovic, G., Maltar-Strmecki, N. and Cindric, M. Copper(II) hydrazone complexes with different nuclearities and geometries: synthetic methods and ligand substituent effects. New Journal of Chemistry; 2016. 40 9263.

Stolar, T., Batzdorf, L., Lukin, S., Žilić, D., Motillo, C., Friščić, T., Emmerling, F., Halasz, I. and Užarević, K. In Situ Monitoring of the Mechanosynthesis of the Archetypal Metal–Organic Framework HKUST-1: Effect of Liquid Additives on the Milling Reactivity. Inorganic Chemistry; 2017. 56 6599

Žilić, D., Molčanov, K., Jurić, M., Habjanič, J., Rakvin, B., Krupskaya, Y., Kataev, V., Wurmehl, S. and Büchner, B. 3D oxalate-based coordination polymers: Relationship between structure, magnetism and color, studied by high-field ESR spectroscopy. Polyhedron; 2017. 126 120

Merunka, D. and Peric M. Continuous Diffusion Model for Concentration Dependence of Nitroxide EPR Parameters in Normal and Supercooled Water. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B; 2017. 121  5259

Andros Dubraja, L.; Molcanov, K.; Zilic, D.; Kojic-Prodic, B. and Wenger, E. Multifunctionality and size of the chloranilate ligand define the topology of transition metal coordination polymers. New Journal of Chemistry; 2017 41 6785.

Ivanoska-Dacikj, A., Bogoeva-Gaceva, G., Valić, S., Wießner, S. and Heinriche G. Benefits of hybrid nano-filler networking between organically modified montmorillonite and carbon nanotubes in natural rubber: Experiments and theoretical interpretations. Applied Clay Science 2017 136 192.

Petković Didović, M., Klepac, D.,  Meera, A.P.,  Thomas, S. and Valić, S.  Presence of vacuoles in natural rubber–Cloisite 15A nanocomposite, Journal of Applied Polymer. Science, 2017 133 44776.

Jurec, J., Rakvin, B., Jokić, M. and Kveder M. Electron spin decoherence as a measure of nuclear spin bath frustration. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 2017 471 435.

Tireli, M., Maračić, S., Lukin, S., Juribašić Kulcsar, M., Žilić, D., Cetina, M., Halasz, I., Raić-Malčić, S. and Užarević, K. Solvent-free copper-catalyzed click chemistry for the synthesis of N-heterocyclic hybrids based on quinoline and 1,2,3-triazole. Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2017 13 2352.

Ivanoska-Dacikj, A.; Bogoeva-Gaceva, G.; Valić, S.; Wießner, S. and Heinrich, G.: Benefits of hybrid nano-filler networking between organically modified Montmorillonite and carbon nanotubes in natural rubber: Experiments and theoretical interpretations // Applied clay science, 136 (2017), 192-198.

Androš Dubraja, L.,  Jurić, M., Popović, J., Pajić, D., Krupskaya, Y., Kataev, V., Bűchner, B. and  Žilić, D., Magneto-structural correlations in oxalate-bridged Sr(II)Cr(III) coordination polymers: structure, magnetization, X-band, and high-field ESR studies. Dalton Transactions, 2018. 47 3992.

Rakvin, B., Carić, D. and Kveder, M.: Enhanced accuracy of the microwave field strength measurement in a CW-EPR by pulsed modulation technique. J. Magn. Reason. 2018. 287 123

Sudjelovanje na kongresima:

Pucić, I., Marušić, K., Knežević, Ž. and Maltar Strmečki, N.: ELECTRON SPIN RESONANCE AND THERMOLUMINESCENCE FOR ASSESSMENT OF COLOR  CHANGES IN IRRADIATED NACRES // 13th Tihany Symposium on Radiation  Chemsitry, Porgram and Abstracts / Wojnarowits, Laszlo ; Takcs,  Erszebet (ur.).Budapest, Hungary : 13th Tihany Symposium on Radiation Chemsitry,  2015. P64-P64 (poster).

Molčanov, K., Stilinović, V., Maltar-Strmečki, N., Šantić, A., Kojić-Prodić, B., Androš Dubraja, L. and Pajić,  D.: Design and fine-tuning of magnetic properties in organic salts of  semiquinone radical // Acta Crystallographica, Section A / Ban, Nenad  ; Luić, Marija (ur.). Zagreb : European Crystallographic Association, 2015. s136-s136  (predavanje).

Kveder, M.: Application of ESR spectroscopy in probing of vibrational states of disordered materials, Training School on Raman Spectroscopy/COST Action MP1302 Nanospectroscopy, 23-25.9.2015., Zagreb, Hrvatska (predavanje)

Maltar-Strmečki, N.: ESR spectroscopy technique, measurements, signal processing and interpretations, Training School on Raman Spectroscopy/COST Action MP1302 Nanospectroscopy, 23-25.9.2015, Zagreb, Hrvatska (Demonstracija)

Molčanov, K., Stilinović, V., Maltar-Strmečki, N., Šantić, A., Kojić-Prodić, B., Pajić, D., Jelsch, C. and  Wenger, E.: Fine-tuning of magnetic properties in semiconductive organic salts of  semiquinone radical // 13th YoungChem Book of Abstracts / Brzozka,  Zbigniew (ur.). Varšava : Warsaw University of Technology, 2015. 64-64 (predavanje).

Maltar-Strmečki, N. and Rakvin, B.: Dynamic properties of stable radicals in gamma irradiated L- and  D-alanine:A pulse EPR study // Conference Book, The 49th Annual  International Meeting of the ESR Spectroscopy Group of the Royal  Society of Chemistry, Essex, 03-07.04.2016. Essex : Royal Society of Chemistry, 2016. p30 (poster).

D. Merunka and M. Perić,: EPR study of diffusion of nitroxide radicals in normal and supercooled water// DSL2016 Abstract/ DSL CONFERENCE (ur.) Split, Hrvatska: DSL CONFERENCE, 2016. 126-126 (poster).

Valić, S.: Deuterium NMR – a powerful tool in studying molecular order, Math/Chem/Comp 2016, 28th MC2 Conference, Inter University Centre  Dubrovnik (IUC)20 – 25 June 2016 (predavanje).

Valić, S.: Preparation and Dynamic Properties of an Anisotropic Natural  Rubber Film, USA Rubber Industry Forum 2016, 18-22 July 2016,  Pittsburgh, SAD (predavanje).

Valić, S.: Effect of Rubber Homogeneityon Molecular Dynamics, USA Rubber  Industry Forum 2016, 18-22 July 2016, Pittsburgh, SAD (predavanje).

Maltar-Strmečki, N.,  Rakvin, B. and , Steinhoff, H.J.: W-band EPR study of stable radicals in gamma irradiated L- and  D-alanine // Xth EFEPR Conference, Torino, 04-08.09.2016. P60 (poster) 

Merunka, D. and Perić, M.: Influence of alkyl chain length on the diffusion of a nitroxide radical in imidazolium-based ionic liquids // Book of Abstracts Posters / Vilfan, Mojca (edt.). Ljubljana: European Physical Society, Jožef Stefan Institute, 2017. 12-12 (poster)

Merunka, D. and Perić, M.: Diffusion of nitroxide radical in imidazolium-based ionic liquids with different alkyl chain lengths // Book of Abstracts and Programme / Juribašić Kulcsár, Marina ; Halasz, Ivan (edt.). Zagreb: Institut Ruđer Bošković, 2017. str. 89-89 (poster)

Maltar-Strmečki, N. and Štajner, L.: Dynamics of Copper(II) Compelxis with Chiral Amino Acids Studied by EPR // Solid-State Science & Research, Zagreb, 28.-30. June 2017. P75 (poster)

Vojinić Kortmiš. M and Maltar-Strmečki, N.: EPR study on soda-lime glass as radiation- sensitive material for retrospective dosimetry// Solid-State Science & Research, Zagreb, 28.-30. June 2017. P98 (poster).

Žilić, D.; Užarević, K.; Friščić, T.; Dragović, J.; Pajić, D.; Krupskaya, Y. and Kataev, V,: Magnetic properties of monometallic and biometallic MOF-74 compounds studied by high-field ESR spectroskopy // Solid-State Science & Research, Zagreb, 28.-30. June 2017. (predavanje)

Jurec, J.; Rakvin, B.; Jokić, M. and Ilakovac-Kveder, M.:  Electron spin decoherence as a measure of nuclear spin bath  frustration // Solid-State Science & Research, Zagreb, 28-30 June 2017.  P72(poster)

Muratović, S.; Žilić, D.; Goriya, Y. and Johnson, M.T.: New iron complex studied by ESR spectroscopy // Solid-State Science & Research 2017, Zagreb, 28-30.06.2017. Zagreb : Ruđer Bošković Institute, 2017. P112 (poster)

Jurec, J., Rakvin, B., Jokić, M., and Kveder, M.: Probing the differences for TEMPO incorporated in glassy & crystalline ethanol using constant time CPMG experiment // C-MAC Euroschool in Material Science 2017.: Physical properties I- electrons, phonons and interactions in complex systems. Split, Hrvatska, 2017. (poster)

Dragičević, M.; Antonić Jelić, T.; Klepac, D. and Valić, S.: Zeolite X as a potential filler for elastomers // Book of Abstracts, 4th European Conference on Smart Inorganic Polymers / Zagreb: Institut "Ruđer Bošković", 2018. str. 44-44 (poster)

Maltar-Strmečki, N. and Štajner, L.: EPR Study of Copper(II) Complexes with Chiral Amino Acids // 4th  International Scientific Meeting of COST Action CM1306 “Understanding  Movement and Mechanism in Molecular Machines” Zagreb, 2018. 81-81 (poster)

Grego, T. and Maltar-Strmečki, N.: Role of EPR spectroscopy in synthesis and sterilization of dental bone graft materials // The Joint International Symposiumon EPR  dosimetry and dating (EPR) and the International Conference on Biological Dosimetry (BioDose), 11 – 15 June 2018. 144-144 (poster)

Vojnić Kortmiš, M. and Maltar-Strmečki, N.: Reconstruction of low dose electron spin resonance (ESR) response in soda-lime glasses // Abstracts, The Joint International Symposium on EPR dosimetry and dating (EPR) and the International Conference on Biological Dosimetry (BioDose), 11 – 15 June 2018. 113-113 (poster)

Jurec, J., Rakvin, B, Jokić, M. and Kveder, M.: Probing the differences for TEMPO incorporated in glassy and crystalline ethanol using constant time CPMG experiment // 2. simpozij doktorskih studenata PMF-a, Zagreb, Hrvatska, 2018. (poster)

Žilić, D., Maity, D., Centina, M., Molčanov, K., Džolić, Z. and Herak, M.: Magneto-Structural Study of Dihalo-Bridged Copper Dimers: Intra- and interdimer interactions as Revealed by Single-Crystal ESR Spectroscopy // 2018 Joint meeting of DPG and EPS Condensed Matter Divisons, Berlin, Germany, 11.-16.3.2018. (predavanje)

Žilić, D., Muratović, S., Karadeniz, B., Užarević, K., Krupskaya, Y. and Kataev, V.: Magneto-Structural Correlations in Ni(II)-MOF-74 and Intermediate Compounds Studied by HF-ESR Spectroscopy // ECMolS 2018 -2nd European Conference on Molecular Spintronics. Peniscola, Spain. 21.-24.10.2018. (poster)

HrZZ project DESiRe (2014-2018): Low-temperature molecular dynamics of systems exhibiting lattice disorder probed by ESR

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