Prijeđite na glavni sadržaj

Materijali na bazi silicija za fotoniku


The research include the production and the characterization of novel silicon based
materials for optoelectronics, namely silicon rich oxides (nitrides), silicon oxide /silicon rich oxide (nitride) multilayers, nanocrystalline silicon and europium doped silicon nanocrystalls
in silica layers. All of these new materials will be studied in combination with silica
microspheres. These thin films on silica microspheres will be investigated in order to
examine different non-linear properties under the high laser light intensity excitation
conditions. The Stimulated Raman Scattering and optical amplification being the most
promising for the construction of silicon-based laser will be searched on this silicon based
thin films deposited on silica microspheres. The project includes cooperation between the
IFN-CNR in Trento and the Ruđer Bošković Institute in Zagreb under the 150.000 euros
value research project.

Laboratorij za molekulsku fiziku i sinteze novih materijala

Ova stranica koristi kolačiće. Neki od tih kolačića nužni su za ispravno funkcioniranje stranice, dok se drugi koriste za praćenje korištenja stranice radi poboljšanja korisničkog iskustva. Za više informacija pogledajte naše uvjete korištenja.

Prilagodi postavke
  • Kolačići koji su nužni za ispravno funkcioniranje stranice. Moguće ih je onemogućiti u postavkama preglednika.